• Customizer

    Noone has reported any bugs yet, so I figured I can tell everyone here about it!

    TripleA 1.6 Unstable has been released, download it here,


    (You can install more than 1 version of TripleA at a time, and run them all at the same time.)

    The Developers for TripleA 1.6: Veqryn

    Major Bug fixes since

    • Fixed the problems with Edit Mode, by fixing a previous refactoring that switched two variables up. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with battles showing who won twice in the history panel. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug preventing Moore AI from placing Transport type sea units whenever it did not buy non-transport sea units. (veqryn)
    • Fixed Economy panel so that it would change when you click back through history. (tao nie)
    • Fixed Null pointer errors in Turn Summary Poster, and also fixed up Politics to display better in the turn summary with indents. Also stopped the poster from showing certain things like: game loaded, recording battle statistics, and giving bonus movement. (veqryn)
    • Fixing comparison method in weak ai. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with “Scramble To Any Amphibious Assault” not working at all. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with unloaded ground units not dying or being removed, even if their transports die from a scrambled air defense. (veqryn)
    • Semi-Fixed issue with not being able to retreat from a scrambled air defense. You can now retreat anywhere that does not have enemies. User should know where they came from and make legal move. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with maxScrambleCount not keeping track of scrambles for different sea zones by the same land territory. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with not being able to move through submarines during noncombat if they were on top of convoy zones. (veqryn)
    • Fixed error with Low Luck AA guns when the dice side is different than 6. Was trying to roll zero random dice. (veqryn)
    • Fixed error with “Should not be adding battle record for player …”, which was caused by creating a battle using edit mode for a player who’s turn has passed already. (veqryn)
    • Fixed blockade zones so that they never do more damage than the combined total of their neighboring territories, even if there are multiple sea zones blockading a single or set of territories. (veqryn)
    • Fixed error preventing AI Flat Income Bonus from happening unless the Percentage Bonus was also set. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with having multiple support attachment affecting the same group of units. The order of preference is now: highest bonus support first, then lowest number of supported types to highest number of types. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with loading transports in the same sea zone where a transport was previously unload in a previous phase. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with not being able to blitz through units owned by a power to which you were neutral with. (veqryn)
    • Fixed null pointer exception when not selecting the target for a bomber after an air battle is finished. (veqryn)
    • Fixed error from trying to undo a battle move created using another player’s units, using edit mode. (veqryn)
    • Fixed fatal error in HistoryLog, caused by clearing an array that potentially gets accessed later at a specific index number, from doing an edit during a movement phase then doing an undo later. (veqryn)
    • Fixed parsing error in player attachment options: placementLimit, movementLimit, attackingLimit. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug where dependents of an air transport were not dying when the air transport was hit by AA fire, in the case where the air transports could fly deep into enemy territory and flew over an AA gun. (veqryn)

    Major New Engine Features:

    • Clearing all cached data for AIs once a game has been left. (veqryn)
    • Disallowed any unloading of ground units to a friendly territory, during combat move, if we have scrambling or kamikazes turned on. (veqryn)
    • Allowed all defending or attacking units to die, when there are none left who are capable of throwing dice. (veqryn)
    • Allowed defenseless attackers to be able to retreat if they can, instead of being forced to die. (veqryn)
    • Allowed multiple airbases in a single territory to stack for their max scrambling number total. (veqryn)
    • Changed priority of AA casualty choosing system to: chooseAACasualties -> isRollAAIndividually -> isRandomAACasualties. This means that “choose aa” overrides all, while “roll aa individually” will only override “random aa”. (veqryn)
    • Disallowed Bombardment from any sea zone that had a kamikaze suicide attack. (veqryn)
    • Allowed createsResourcesList to have negative values as well as positive values. (veqryn)
    • Fixing error message for when a game xml is not correctly formed. Also preventing errors from being thrown until we check the version number. (veqryn)
    • Forcing all unit types to have attachments, or else an error will be thrown during parsing. Also forcing canals to be properly done in xml. (veqryn)
    • Allowed loading of transports in Sea Zones where all enemies just became hostile this turn due to politics. (veqryn)
    • Allowed interceptors and escorts to benefit from attackRolls and defenseRolls and their bonuses. (veqryn)
    • Added information on which units are doing the bomber to the question about what should each bomber bomb. (veqryn)
    • Allowed downloading of multiple maps/games in one go, by holding down CTRL while selecting maps in the “Download Games” dialog screen, and out of date maps will show up in bold, and maps up-to-date will show in italics. (ddurham)

    Major New Game XML Features:

    • Created new type of attachment, TechAbilityAttachment, which will control how all technologies work. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “movementBonus”, which controls the bonus to movement that is received from any technology. Also created default attachment for Long Range Air, which will now be set to give +2 movement to all air units, that are air units at the start of the game. (veqryn)
    • Stopped “Low Luck for Bombing and Territory Damage” from controlling “bombingMaxDieSides” and “bombingBonus”, and made it create a Low Luck situation on top of whatever dice sides and bonus the map uses. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option, “Use Bombing Max Dice Sides And Bonus”, which will control the unit attachment options: “bombingMaxDieSides” and “bombingBonus”. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option, “Convoy Blockades Roll Dice For Cost”, which will now allow dice to be thrown for all blockade damage. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “attackBonus”, which controls the attack bonus given by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “defenseBonus”, which controls the defense bonus given by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “radarBonus”, which controls the bonus to radar AA attack given by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airAttackBonus”, which controls the bonus given to escorts attack by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airDefenseBonus”, which controls the bonus given to interceptors defense by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “productionBonus”, which controls the bonus given to production by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “minimumTerritoryValueForProductionBonus”, which controls the minimum value of a territory that a factory units must be in to receive the production bonus. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “repairDiscount”, which controls the discount to repairing given by any technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “warBondDiceSides”, which controls how large the dice are which are rolled to determine the war bonds bonus. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “warBondDiceNumber”, which controls how many dice get rolled for war bonds. (veqryn)
    • Created new RelationshipTypeAttachment option, “rocketsCanFlyOver”, which allows rockets to fly over by default. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “rocketDiceNumber”, which controls the number of dice each rocket rolls. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “rocketDistance”, which controls the maximum distance rockets can travel. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “rocketNumberPerTerritory”, which controls the maximum number of dice to be rolled per territory. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “unitAbilitiesGained”, which allows units to gain abilities when technology is discovered. Allowed “unitAbilitiesGained” to give “canBlitz” and “canBombard”. (veqryn)
    • Created new PlayerAttachment option, “shareTechnology”, which will automatically give all technology to other players during tech activation phase. (veqryn)
    • Created new PlayerAttachment option, “helpPayTechCost”, which will allow other players to help pay the cost of technology. (veqryn)
    • Created new Unit Attachment option, “bombingTargets”, which allows the unit to only target specific other units for rockets and strategic bombing. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option, “Airborne Attacks Only In Existing Battles”, to help control different behavior for airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option, “Airborne Attacks Only In Enemy Territories”, to help control different behavior for airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneForces”, which turns on the new airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneCapacity”, which turns on the new airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneTypes”, which turns on the new airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneDistance”, which turns on the new airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneBases”, which turns on the new airborne tech. (veqryn)
    • Deleted “GivesPUsDelegate”. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment, “airborneTargettedByAA”, which is set by the attacker, controlling which airborne units are subject to AA gun fire and by what AA gun types. (veqryn)
    • Created new UnitAttachment option, “attackRolls”, which controls the number of attack rolls a unit has, so long as their attack is greater than zero. (veqryn)
    • Created new UnitAttachment option, “defenseRolls”, which controls the number of defense rolls a unit has, so long as their defense is greater than zero. (veqryn)
    • Created new UnitAttachment option, “chooseBestRoll”, which controls whether we select the best dice or use all the dice rolled, when there is more than one die rolled. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment option, “attackRollsBonus”, which adds additional attack rolls. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment option, “defenseRollsBonus”, which adds additional defense rolls. (veqryn)
    • Created new techAbilityAttachment option, “bombingBonus”, which will add additional damage after all dice are rolled, per unit. (veqryn)
    • Created new delegate, NoAirCheckPlaceDelegate, which does everything the normal “PlaceDelegate” does, but does not kill any aircraft at the end of the phase. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option, “Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies”, which allows submarines to end their noncombat movement in a sea zone containing any enemy units. (veqryn)
    • Created new rules attachment option, “switch”, which allows either “true” or “false”, thereby giving all conditions a memory function. (veqryn)

    Major Map/Game changes:

    • Fixing all Global 1940 Alpha bugs and problems. (veqryn)
    • Getting Global 1940 Alpha to use Technology completely. (veqryn)

    For a full changelog see here:

    Please report any bugs encountered here:


    If you find bugs, I really can’t do much about them unless you upload an autosave.  It will save me tons of time if you give me an autosave / or save game made sometime before the bug occured.  Also mention what map the bug occurred on, and copy and paste the error if there is one.

    Your save games are in a folder right next to where the maps are:

    (Windows XP)  C:\Documents and Settings\userName\triplea
    (Windows 7)  C:\Users\userName\triplea
    (Mac)  /home/user/documents/triplea/
    (Linux)  /home/user/triplea/

    [They are NOT in program files.  They are in a folder in your user account.]

    When you are making a post, click the “More Options” button.  From there click “Upload a file”.
    Simply upload the autosave, or other save, to your post.

    I really really appreciate savegames, it makes my life a lot easier.

    Please also describe what happened before the bug occurred, and copy and paste the full error message, and of course say what map and what version of TripleA you were using!


  • Customizer

    Global 1940 Alpha version 3.0 is out, with many fixes and able to use Technology


    1. Download TripleA 1.6, and install it or whatever.

    2. Download the map World War II Global version 3.0 specially made for TripleA 1.6
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/tripleamaps/files/maps/preview/World War II Global.zip
    Move the zip to your maps folder for TripleA.

    3. Run TripleA 1.6, and select “World War II Global 1940 Alpha 3 Future” (should be version 3.0 as of writing this), and PLAY IT!


    Global 1940 version 3.0 is made for TripleA 1.6, and it WILL cause a “message” to show up when you use TripleA

    Basically, this xml contains information that TripleA does not understand (like the technologies for global alpha), and consequently TripleA will complain that it doesn’t understand this xml.

    Nothing bad is happening.  TripleA is just telling you it can’t read the xml.  Just close the message box, and ignore it.  You can keep using TripleA for all your other games, including Global 1940 version 2.9!

    This is the message you will receive:

    Trying to play a map made for a newer version of TripleA. Map named 'World War II Global 1940 Alpha 3 Future' requires at least TripleA version 1.6
    Warning: validation was turned on but an org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler was not set, which is probably not what is desired.  Parser will use a default ErrorHandler to print the first 10 errors.  Please call the 'setErrorHandler' method to fix this.
    Error: URI=jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/TripleA/triplea_1_5_2_1/bin/triplea.jar!/games/strategy/engine/xml/ Line=5392: Attribute "type" with value "technology" must have a value from the list "unitType territory resource player relationship territoryEffect ".

    Again, just ignore it and close it.  I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about this message!

  • Customizer

    Changes for Global 1940 version 3.0

    • Added all technology to Global 1940.
    • Allowed paratroopers to be moved in a second combat movement phase.
    • Made bonus for Mech Infantry work correctly.
    • Made Rockets go 4 spaces and not fly over neutrals.
    • Allowed UK_Pacific to share the cost of researching technology.
    • Made British share all technology with UK_Pacific.
    • Allowed Convoy Blockades to roll dice (you can turn this off in game options).
    • Allowed Low Luck for Strategy Bombing and Rockets to be set again.
    • Stopped British air units from dying if UK_Pacific was building a factory under them.
    • Forced Tactical Bombers to only be able to target airfields and harbours.
    • Allowed Submarines to enter any sea zone during non-combat, but end movement if there is an enemy Destroyer present.

    (and a TON more fixes that were fixed in the TripleA engine [not the map files])

    Clarifications about TripleA 1.6 and TripleA, and using both at the same time:

    Can you play TripleA savegames on TripleA 1.6?
    Savegames are incompatible due to the new features i’ve added to 1.6
    Keep, and download 1.6, and you can run them both at the same time (use for your savegames, and 1.6 for your 1.6 savegames)
    The only time savegames are ever compatible, is if it is the 4th digit that is the only digit that changes.
    Example: to would be compatible
    while to 1.6 is not compatible

    Can someone with TripleA play against someone using TripleA 1.6?
    No, you must both be using the same version.  
    But don’t worry, you can have BOTH versions on your computer.  
    When you want to continue your ongoing game that you started with, then use
    When you want to start a new game with someone who also has 1.6, then use 1.6

    If I download Global version 3.0, will I not be able to continue or start games using TripleA
    Global version 3.0 contains both 3.0 and 2.9, that way you can use 3.0 with TripleA 1.6, and use 2.9 with TripleA
    The 2.9 version is named “World War II Global 1940 Alpha”
    The 3.0 version is named “World War II Global 1940 Alpha Future”
    You will see both of them in your list when you are using TripleA 1.6,
    And you will only see the 2.9 version in your list when you are using TripleA

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