• Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong would argue otherwise

    They were underequipped and undersupplied :-? Notice when I talk about economy I said numbers AND production. If the Chinese nationalists were better equipped, no doubt they would’ve bleed the Japanese (Zeros vs. nothing does not make for a very good arguement)

  • If you cannot create 85% of the war “business” (logistics) your stupid…regardless of your genereals (especially if they outnumber you by aircraft by about 8:1(conservative)

  • Like Janus has bin saying there are multiple factors contributing to the end of WW2. i sine what agree with Falk about the Anti Semitism and Racism. if that was not Present Russia would have fell like a Stack of Bricks, there man power would have bin jacked up. but if you look at it WW2 happend because the Third Reich set out on a Crusade to rid Europe of the Jews.

    as far as Strategic mistakes go…. Adolf spliiting up AGC during Barborossa. had he not done that Moscow would have fallen in weeks. and the Soviet state and Coms would collapse. If the Soviet Union fell the Allies would have no hope of Defeating the Third Reich unless they got lots and lots of Nukes.

  • I think splitting AGC was a major tactical mistake, but I think eventually the Third Reich would have fallen in the end anyway. The fall of Moscow probably would have slowed the Russian counterattack, but I doubt it would have completely destroyed Russian morale, especially when they had plans of giving up anyway…also, the more of Russia Germany conquered, the harder it was to supply their armies. Eventually, the Germans would have run out of supplies and the Russians would have been able to counter their offensive.

  • If moscow had fallen who care…just retreat Stalin and his Cronies into Sibirea…I hear they have nice Geo thermal pools there… if germany made it that far there pop. would probably not support the army throwing them into a tailspin… one way or another from 1939 on most economsts said they couldn’t have won with what they had despite there technology…

  • If you cannot create 85% of the war “business” (logistics) your stupid…regardless of your genereals (especially if they outnumber you by aircraft by about 8:1(conservative

    Yeah, the part that most people forget about. :) I agree, without logistics, it doesn’t matter how go of a general you are on the battlefield.

  • @TG:

    They were underequipped and undersupplied :-? Notice when I talk about economy I said numbers AND production. If the Chinese nationalists were better equipped, no doubt they would’ve bleed the Japanese (Zeros vs. nothing does not make for a very good arguement)

    I was talking about the Chinese Civil War after World War 2. Chiang Kai-Shek’s superior industry and numbers over the communists did not help him secure victory.

  • superior industry? I never got any indication of that.

  • @TG:

    superior industry? I never got any indication of that.

    Congquing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Mukden, Harbin, Shengyang, Nanking, Tsingtao, Peking etc. were all controlled by the Nationalists and had facotries. Mao’s forces were bottled up in the plains in northern China yet still won the war. In comparison, Chiang was much more powerful than Mao in terms of industrial resources.

  • Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics.

  • Congquing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Mukden, Harbin, Shengyang, Nanking, Tsingtao, Peking etc. were all controlled by the Nationalists and had facotries. Mao’s forces were bottled up in the plains in northern China yet still won the war. In comparison, Chiang was much more powerful than Mao in terms of industrial resources.

    Haven’t looked into it myself yet, but I’ll take your word on it.

  • Moderator

    (well my username and my first post…)
    Guerrilla activity might have defeated whatever during The Post-WW2-Chinese War…

  • shermans sucked

    Actually Shermans worked very well at what they were designed for, infantry support. With the machine guns and heavy load out of HE shells they could support infantry far better than their German counter-parts.

    When put up against jerry armor shermans didn’t fair too well. A side or rear shot was required for the heavier “cats”. Otherwise ya can sit and watch the 75mm shells bounce off the hull. The U.S. relied more on Tank Destroyers to dispatch enemy tanks.

  • The U.S. relied more on Tank Destroyers to dispatch enemy tanks.

    That and artillery or air power. It’s a sight to behold a King Tiger flipped upside down on its turrent from a flight of American bombers. :)

  • I think it was Tom Clancy who insisted Logistics win wars more than anything else. I gota agree with him, and Janus.

  • Exactly. Operation: Desert Shield, and the subsequent Operation: Desert Storm are prime examples. Compared to the logistics of getting that many personal, equipment, weapons, supplies, tanks, etc. to the Gulf, the tactics of the actual combat were minor. It took much more than the already in use military transports and cargo ships, it required the use of civilian vessels, and Jets borrowed from airliners. The result, the swift and stunning victory over Saddam’s army.

  • Moderator


    If you cannot create 85% of the war “business” (logistics) your stupid…regardless of your genereals (especially if they outnumber you by aircraft by about 8:1(conservative

    Yeah, the part that most people forget about. :) I agree, without logistics, it doesn’t matter how go of a general you are on the battlefield.

    I trying to make a bigger point… most people call you “less intelligent” if you have logistics over “crafted” weapons… I disagree and think that the germans were stupid in glitching it up in the beginning… the allies knew how to win a war…

  • I trying to make a bigger point… most people call you “less intelligent” if you have logistics over “crafted” weapons… I disagree and think that the germans were stupid in glitching it up in the beginning… the allies knew how to win a war…

    I dunno. The Germans had pretty good logistical support going into the war… in fact, much of German doctrine was concentrated over logistics versus superior numbers.

  • the axis knew how to win a war too. there were many problems plaguing the axis that prevented them from victory. not least of which, the size of the area they were fighting in (Europe, into Africa and Asia, on two fronts. ) when you have essentially two countries fighting in an area that big against enemies of that size and power (US, UK, Russia), the odds are not in your favor. combined with many other factors, thats what screwed hitler and decided WWII.

  • Yeah, fighting across a 3,000 mile front generally isn’t a good thing

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