Study…Hitler, Reagan & Limbaugh a Conservative Match!!

  • "…and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:

    • Fear and aggression
    • Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
    • Uncertainty avoidance
    • Need for cognitive closure
    • Terror management"

    SOURCE :

    Sounds like liberals, moderates, socialists, and communists to me!!

    Of course, I’m a conservative, but I’m not a Republican(registered or otherwise.) My folks were both lifelong non-card-carrying Democrats who couldn’t explain their politics.

    Fear…I don’t fear a lot. My friends Winchester, Glock, Smith & Wesson taught me not to be afraid. No I don’t carry in a CC state. Surprise!!

    Intolerance of ambiguity…I don’t think so. After all I put up with(read ‘tolerate’) the UN and some guy who needs to clarify “what the definition of the word ‘is’ is.”

    Uncertainty avoidance…Uh, yeah!

    Need for cognitive closure…You’ve got to be kidding!! Interacting on this website?

    Terror management…Taliban… Al Qaida…who’s next? Maybe we could ask Mr. Arafat.

  • heh. Using the leader of the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” as an example of conservatives. I find it stupid and funny on a level rarely reached.

  • Pardon me?
    Did you miss your history classes, or was the time of 1920-1950 not yet a topic in those??

  • @F_alk:

    Pardon me?
    Did you miss your history classes, or was the time of 1920-1950 not yet a topic in those??

    that’s EUROPEAN history man! Why would Americans study EUROPEAN history?

  • True, public school… what are ya gonna do.

  • @cystic:

    Bahhhh that’s EUROPEAN history man! Why would Americans study EUROPEAN history?


    In another form: “English? Who needs that? I’m never going to England!”-Homer Simpson :P

  • Study Europe’s past to learn from their mistakes. :wink:

    The USAns learn from everyones’ past, being a ‘melting pot’, but we look to the future.

    European’s I know are too busy saying, “Look at us. We are an example for you to follow” on many topics.

    Can someone tell me which European countries, from Norway to Italy to Spain to Russia and in between, are still under the same form of government after more than eleven score years? _______ Great! Any additional countries within seven score years? ________ Wow!

    Oh, and let’s not bring up the Native American massacres. The nations and peoples of Europe have a much longer and bloodier history than the measily 511 years(25 score + years) of North America’s history.

  • “…While most people resist change, Glaser said, liberals appear to have a higher tolerance for change than conservatives do…”

    Holy cow, sweet mother of Moses, I can’t believe what “research” led you to that stunning conclusion… :roll:

    Berkeley students… what would you expect? :wink:

  • He pointed as an example to a 2001 trip to Italy, where President George W. Bush was asked to explain himself. The Republican president told assembled world leaders,
    “I know what I believe and I believe what I believe is right.”

    Sounds pretty logical to me.

  • notice his key word, “Believe”
    Tricky Bush. :wink:

  • LMAO !

  • um unless u mates do not Know but Hitler is not a conservative. i mean he may have alot that makes him see conservative but he is a Radical

  • Itsa stoopid college prof’s rantings, NFM!

    Just believe that college profs don’t exist and you’ll be okay.

    After all Freud a transvestite, Neitzsche was a hermaphrodite, and that perfeser is an idjit!

  • haha well what can i say El Jefe i am just a Natural AssHole ;)

    i like ranting on College Profs. Rants. some one has to put those Bastards in their Place!!!

  • Inferiority complex?

  • Said the guy who’s signature posts are in Latin! :wink:

  • Well, i could have guessed you would not have recognized “culture” :)

  • hardly culture, its a dead language. its just you showing off

  • hahahah i love it when people bash Falk

  • I know :wink:

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