Hello everyone, with the new year and a new support drive beginning, @mikawagunichi and I have decided to sweeten the pot a bit and generate some interest for our favorite league game variant. For any player who has never played PTV or whose most recent PTV league game was completed in 2023 or earlier, we will pay for a Gold badge for any player who completes 3 PTV League games this year. For players who pay for their own badge, we will still make an equivalent dollar amount donation to the forum. Limited to the first 5 sign ups, please DM if interested, thank you!
Alsch (Axis) vs Auswanderersland and JamesAleman (Allies) Alpha 2
BTW, we are not slackers, we have the move planned, but we have been discussing it back and forth with regards to our original intent of a bombing campaign. Thank you for your patience…I just hope you are not getting frustrated with our lack of insta post that you possess.
US Turn 7 IPC 86
Production: 3 Carrier, 2 fig, 1 Naval Base Save 3IPC
48 + 20 +15 +3 = 86Combat move:
To Man: 1 art, 3 bomb, 6 fig, 1 tac Korea; 10 bomb India1 art, 6 fig, 1 tac, 13 bomb
Rolls: 1@2, 3@6, 14@4; Total Hits: 111@2,: (4)3@6,: (5, 5, 1)14@4: (6, 5, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2, 4)1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3) -
sorry about my fail rolling for my fighters…/sigh
noncombat move:
To Korea: 13 bombers, 3 fighters Man; 4bombers wus, 3 bombers Aus
To Amur: 1 tnk Korea
To Z6: All US fleet Z33; 3 fig, 1 tac Man
(including Anzac plane on Carrier and British Tnk on transport)
To Smx: 3 mec PanamaPlacement:
To Z6: 3 Carriers
To Korea: Naval Base
To Wus: 2 fightersCollect:76 + 3 saved = 79
Fail Andy…You forgot to board the Anzac transport with the Car inf as discussed. But thank you for posting for me, I got the yard work done, car’s oil changed, driveway swept, car washed, and trash taken out.
To z33: inf-Car loaded on Anzac trn.
Updated turn number, and IPC’s for USA
China turn 7:
5 Infantry
Save 1
Tsi: inf
Kan: 4inf
Collection: 6 -
Uk turn 7:
London: 33
Save 11
20+3=23+10=33India: 6
1 arm=6Combat Moves:
To Irq: 2inf, tac-Cpr; 2 ftr-z76 vs inf
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (6, 3)2@3: (6, 2)1@4: (6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
To Npr: 2inf,3art,tac-Cpr; 3mech-Epr vs inf
Rolls: 2@1 6@2 1@3; Total Hits: 22@1: (4, 6)6@2: (5, 1, 5, 4, 4, 5)1@3: (2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
To Eth: inf-Iso uncontested
To z42: trn-63 loaded with inf,art-Nze
To Jav: inf,art-z42 vs inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (1, 6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3) -
Npr: Italy lost inf; UK no loss
Irq: Italy lost inf; UK lost inf
Jav: Japan lost inf; UK no lossNoncombat Moves:
To z71: bb,cv,2,ca,3dd,4trn -z76 loaded with french inf; 2inf,art-Iso
To Saf: 2inf,art-z71
To Cau: arm,8mech-Cpr; 2ftr,tac-Irq
To Kaz: mech-Epr
To Cpr: tac-Npr; ftr-Ind
To Epr: arm,3mech-Ind
To Wind: 3art-Ind
To z6: ca-z33
To Kor: arm-z6Placement:
Saf: 2art,inf
Cpr: 3art
Ind: armCollection:
London: 30 (20+10saved)
India: 7 -
Anzac turn 7:
Production: 17
15+2=17Combat Moves:
To Cel: 2inf-Car via trn-z33
To z20: dd-z33; ftr-z6 vs sub
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)1@3: (5)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (5) -
z20b: dd,ftr vs sub
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)1@3: (4)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (6) -
Wow, that was titanically important for the battle of z6. But odds favored us, whew
z20: Japan lost sub; Anzac no loss
Noncombat Moves:
To z6: dd,cv,trn-z33 loaded with USA inf; art-car; ftr-z20 lands on USA carrier to increase movement
To Kor: art-z6
To Wind: ftr-Ind
To Cpr: ftr-IndPlacement:
z62: dd,trnCollection: 20(18+2saved)
I would ask for a 3 hour window for Andy to double check my noncombat’s, but it’s up to you. I wanted to get this turn finished.
Sure, no problem with that.
I didn’t realize how much time had actually passed; I’ll go ahead with I/G, but if there’s some sort of non-com change afterwards, let me know. With the exception of a couple middle east moves, I don’t think there’s anything for you to do that would affect Italy’s moves.
I 7
50 IPCs
10 Inf (30)
3 Art (12)
1 DD (8)save 0
7 Inf, 2 Art, 1 Arm Syr to Irq
11 Inf, 5 Inf Trj to Irq
1 Mech, 2 Arm Egy to Irq1 Inf Sud to Eth
2 Fig, 1 Tac Egy to Eth -
And -
1 Inf Rho to Swf (mt) -
Sfw twol
Attack (1 Inf, 2 Fig, 1 Tac)
Rolls: 1@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (6)2@3: (5, 2)1@4: (3)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)Irq
Attack (18 Inf, 7 Art, 1 Mech, 3 Arm)
Rolls: 12@1 14@2 3@3; Total Hits: 1212@1: (2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 1)14@2: (1, 2, 1, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 3, 5)3@3: (5, 2, 1)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1) -
Irq twlo 1 Inf
Eth cwlo 1 InfNon-coms
2 Fig, 1 Tac Eth to Egy
5 Inf Egy to Trj
1 AA gun Trj to Irq
1 DD SZ 98 to SZ 72
1 SS SZ 98 to SZ 80
1 Arm Fea to Egy
1 Arm Con to Egy
1 Inf Con to Sud
1 SS SZ 70 to SZ 82
1 Fig Sita to Egy
1 BB, 2 CA to SZ 98 to SZ 99
5 TT SZ 99 - 97 - 99, take
8 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA gun Nita to Syr
1 SS SZ 87 to SZ 92Place
3 Inf Egy
1 DD SZ 95
7 Inf, 3 Art NitaCollect
31 + 17 NO = 48 IPCs