Alsch (Axis) vs Auswanderersland and JamesAleman (Allies) Alpha 2

  • J1 attack, sounds pretty interesting.
    I’m curious how that’ll work out; I’ve never tried it myself.


    3 Inf, 1 Art Alx to Egy
    2 CA, 1 BB, 2 TT SZ 92 to SZ 98, take
    1 Inf, 1 Arm Alg;
    1 Inf, 1 Art Tun to Egy

    1 SS SZ 93 to SZ 91
    1 Fig, 1 Tac Sita to SZ 91

    1 Inf, 1 Art Ken to Tang (mt)

    1 Inf Sud to Con (mt)
    1 Inf Ken to Con

  • Con twol
    Tang twol

    SZ 91

    Attack (1 SS, 1 Fig, 1 Tac)
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 31@2: (1)1@3: (1)1@4: (4)

    Defense (1 DD)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)


    Attack (5 Inf, 2 Art, 1 Arm, 2 CA, 1 BB)
    DiceRolls: 3@1 4@2 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 43@1: (4, 3, 3)4@2: (3, 6, 2, 2)3@3: (6, 3, 2)1@4: (6)

    Defense (1 Inf)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)

  • Egy twol
    SZ 91 cwol


    1 Mech, 1 Arm Alx to Sud
    1 Fig, 1 Tac SZ 91 to Gib
    1 TT SZ 92 take 2 Inf Mor to Gib
    1 Inf, 1 AA gun Nita to Sfr
    2 Inf Bul to Rom
    1 Mech, 1 Arm Nita to Hun
    1 Arm Sfr to Yugo
    2 Art Sfr to Nita
    1 DD SZ 93 to SZ 92


    3 Inf Sfr
    1 TT SZ 95
    2 Inf, 1 Mech Nita


    22 + 15 NO + 1 leftover = 38 IPCs

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 02hI.AAM

  • Again I don’t think France can affect Germany so I’ll just proceed.


    51 IPCs

    1 SS (6)
    1 Fig (10)
    9 Inf (27)
    2 Art (8)

    save 0

  • No combat


    1 SS SZ 110 to SZ 109
    1 SS SZ 112 to SZ 109
    18 Inf, 5 Art, 3 Arm, 1 AA gun Ger to Pol
    4 Inf, 2 Art Nor to Fin
    7 Inf, 2 Art Wgr to Ger
    2 Arm Wgr to Pol
    1 Fig Alx to Sita
    1 Fig, 1 Tac SZ 112 to Wgr


    1 SS SZ 112
    1 Fig Wgr
    8 Inf, 2 Art Ger
    1 Inf Wgr


    41 + 10 NO = 51 IPCs

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 03aG.AAM

  • @Alsch91:

    I think you placed an extra Inf in Npr; there should only be one there. � I think deleting one of them makes everything add up, but feel free to check me.

    Good catch, you are right on.  Only one troop went to Npr.

  • @Alsch91:

    Again I don’t think France can affect Germany so I’ll just proceed.

    Agreed, France will have no impact to Germany, but I didn’t want to assume you were ok with me proceeding out of order based on what I thought you would do with your Italian troops in Africa.

  • Of course.  No problem.

  • Face to face game: after action report.

    We agreed to meet again and finish this game. However, based on my experience, the allies (me) have this won.
    Turn 6: Production(I kept notes of Allies builds and collection, axis from memory)
    -Germany-57?,  USSR-31, Japan-23, USA-84, UK-47, India- 33, Anzac-26, Italy-20, France-0

    We completed 6 game turns, Russia is pushing back Germany [IPCs=57] (Germany went USSR first), Japan is contained (collecting 23 IPCs -Japan,Korea,Manchuria, Iwo,Oki, Russia up to Yak, Formosa). USA is in Gib, UK is in Spain, and Egy; India is in Greece and Turkey, China is stacked in Jehol, USA has built twice in the Pacific, 3 turns in the Atlantic with one turn (5) placing 2 subs, cv out of the west coast and 4trn,dd,4inf,art-East coast. India has been building mech and arm since turn 2…cause I used just my starting pieces to help China and the rest has gone first towards Africa then Turkey.

    He basically went Eastern Pacific turn 1 with Japan and I still tried our strat we are using this game but changed in on turn 2, because China held Yunnan (by luck) turn 1. Then he took Australia on turn 4. but failed to hold it.

    Japan’s fleet is unscathed, except they added 3 cvs, and one BB is still damaged from seizing Australia on turn 4(built a dd to prevent 4 bombardments and I order the DD to ram the Yamato)- Which Anzac liberated with inf-Que and ftr-based on UKcv-z56. This left the Japanese fleet with no naval base at z62 turn 4 minus 2tac’s and a ftr…turn 6 it linked with the new cv’s at 30(wake island) after they first went to 50 Fiji. USA had landed 8 land units, UK 4 in Que (via z54 USA fleet/UK/Anzac) turn 4 after Japan took…if Anzac did not liberate on turn 4, Japan would have had one production, 2bmbr from Car and 3 air units to land on NSW vs 8 US land and 4ftr,2tac…but it did not come to that.

    On turn 6 I did a neutral crush with UK seizing Spain and Turkey. Turkey took with 5 inf, 5 artillery, then noncombated 5 arm,5mech from Iraq to Greece activating it for 4 free Inf(I expect to get 5 men in Yugo next turn-I have 6 ftr,2tac in Syr, with cv,dd,ca,7trn in z81(Egy). I took Gibraltar from Italy, leaving their fllet 2 turns from Egy. It has 4 trn, 5dd, 3 ca, bb, cv, 1sub. with a CV and sub at port in Rome(west side). I did the neutral crush so my 3mech and 3 arm per turn from India did not take away USSR’s z125 NO by permitting them to get to Europe through Turkey instead of USSR.

    Here is a map posted from Memory…German forces are fuzzy in USSR and Europe. (will post it later)

    Turn 3: USSR sub sank Germany damaged battleship in the battle for z114.
    Turn 6: Free French Forces liberated Sfr.

  • Alsch,

    JJ and I will be afk with the families this weekend, we are meeting down at his house.  Anyway, turns will be slow and probably need another day with Russia as JJ and I are installing stuff in his house - but we will probably spend half the night talking about what to do with the allies after Japan’s move.

    Thank you for your time and patience!

  • No worries at all.
    Do whatever you guys’ve got to.  Nice to see people who have better things to do.  :lol:
    Take your time.

  • One French adjustment/move if you don’t mind.

    First turn I moved to Fca from Fwa. This turn my map shows it in Nig. Not sure whats up, but for turn 2, we want to be in Fea to keep Italy from blitzing and gaining 2 IPCs. I’ve post all other French moves as well for clarity.

    France turn 2:
    France DOW on Japan

    To Fea: inf-Fca/Nig?
    To z37: dd-z58

    Map includes German moves from turn 3, to avoid my ally using the wrong map.

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 02iF.AAM

  • **USSR turn 3:

    Production: 37**
    4 artillery=16
    7 infantry=21

    Noncombat Moves:
    To Nukr: art,9inf-Bry; 3 art-Sukr
    To Bry: 2art, 6inf,aagun; art, 7inf
    To Bury: 2mech, 2arm-Yen
    To Amu: ftr,tac-Yak
    To z113: bb-z114

    Sukr: 3 art
    Rus: 1 art,7inf

    Collection: 37

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 03bR.AAM

  • J3

    46 IPCs

    3 Inf (9)
    1 Tac (11)
    3 SS (18)
    1 DD (8)

    save 5

    save 0

  • Combat

    2 Inf Hop to Sui
    1 Fig, 1 Tac Anh to Sui

    1 Mech Hop to Sze (mt)

  • Sze twol


    Attack (2 Inf, 1 Fig, 1 Tac)
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 42@1: (1, 1)1@3: (3)1@4: (4)

    Defense (2 Inf)
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 2)

  • Sui twlo 1 Inf


    1 Fig, 1 Tac Sui to Anh
    Fleet SZ 36 to SZ 33, take
    4 Inf, 3 Art, 1 Arm Kwa; 1 Inf Pau to Car
    2 SS, 1 DD, 1 TT SZ 6 to SZ 33, take
    1 Inf Jap; 1 Inf Iwo to Car
    2 Strat Kwa to Car
    3 Fig, 3 Tac Kwa to SZ 33
    2 Tac Kwa to Jap
    1 Inf Ksi to Kwa
    4 Inf, 3 Art Hop to Kwe


    3 Inf Sha
    1 Tac Jap
    3 SS, 1 DD SZ 6


    34 + 10 NO - 1 = 43 IPCs

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 03cJ.AAM

  • I wrote that I saved 5, but I spent all 46.  The income is still correct.

  • Small edit to non-coms -

    Only 1 Tac Kwa to Jap, and
    1 Fig Jap to Kwa

    Auswander&James vs Alsch 03cJ.AAM

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