I just want to share this.
I made a terrible blunder…and then I made a worse one.
Launched a Sea Lion assault on G3 with five transports (all armor/infantry) and my entire luftwaffe, plus a cruiser for bombardment and a pair of ACs in case he scrambled his four fighters. Stupidly, I assigned no fighter support to the sea zone…and his scramble sunk my entire fleet.
The worse blunder, however, was thinking that I had to continue the attack; I was misremembering the amphib assault rules, which only prevents seaborne land units from retreating, and thought that I was forced to continue fighting a hopeless cause (my opponent assumed the same, BTW…he was not trying to mislead me). Without the 10 land units I had anticipated bringing to the battle, I lost the entire German air force in a single battle.
The debacle cost me more than 200 IPCs worth of units.
Despite this “setback,” we continued the game. And I still managed to win, taking both India and Hawaii on J5 for my 5th and 6th (Pacific) victory cities, and no way for the Allies to retake before Japan’s next turn.
I am rather amazed. My opponent focused all his (American) attention in the European theater, deciding to pounce on Germany’s weakened state after J2 DOW…perhaps thinking Japan wasn’t much of a threat as I had moved all my navy to the south Pacific (FIC, Philippines, etc.). But I goaded him into attacking Japan and then destroyed his fleet with my battleships, and still he didn’t bother rebuilding his Navy on the west coast.
I took Hawaii with two transports and four infantry (the island’s only defender: a lone mechanized infantry unit). Incredible.
As I said, I just wanted to share this with other A&A Global players. I can’t believe how stupid I was, losing the luftwaffe that way. And yet, I learned from that mistake (when I took India, it was with plenty of fighter support for the potential sea battle). And, now, having snatched victory from the jaws of my own idiocy (and having read up on the amphibious assault rules and seen just how truly dumb my Sea Lion disaster was), I am breathing a sigh of relief and tilting a glass of Ouzo.
[my opponent was very gracious in defeat]