• This is a strategy i came up with to use in combination with a Romanian factory and Black Sea transports for Germany.  It assumes that Germany takes Greece and builds a 2nd air base (along with the Romania one) to protect its Black Sea transports.  This will help cover your Italian fleet, which will be in SZ 99 almost every turn.  It also assumes that all three Italian transports survive until Italy’s first turn, which mine almost always do as i kill the UK cruiser in 91 and fly 2 fighters to S-Italy with Germany.

    I1: Buy 2 INF, 1 ART
    Attack S-France, Tunisia and land 4 INF and 2 Tanks in Syria.
    I2: Buy 4 INF, 1 tank
    Take Iraq, attack Trans-Jordan (lightly, just enough to cut the Suez)  and Algeria.  Land 5 INF, 1 ART in Syria
    I3: Buy as many INF/Tanks as money allows
    Take Persia, NW Persia, Morocco, and recapture Trans-Jordan if it was retaken.  Land 5 INF, 1 Tank in Syria.  Get get all forces in the Middle East ready to push into Trans-Jordan in force on I4.
    I4: Buy Inf/tanks
    Take Eastern Persia and Attack Trans-Jordan with your stack in Syria/Iraq, which should be numbering 20+ at this point.  Move fleet into SZ 97 so it can land 6 additional troops in Egypt on I5.
    I5: Buy depends on level of threat USA is putting into med.
    Attack Egypt with the 20 units in Trans-Jordan and 6 additional troops landing from Italy.  With the Persian oil money and the Egypt national objective, you should be making roughly 33 IPC a turn at this point.

    Strengths: 1. Early access to Pro-Axis Iraq/Persian Oil money 2. Italians build up a large army that is protected from destruction by the Allies.  3. Italian Navy remains protected in SZ 99 by German fighters, which are also covering German transports in SZ 100. 4.  UK should be unable to stop a 26 unit push into Egypt on turn 5.

    Weaknesses: 1. Naval domination of Med will be extremely difficult. 2. Turn 5 is a little slow to be getting into Egypt. 3. If UK brings additional fleet to the Med from India and Atlantic, this could threaten your transport stream into Syria.

    It certainly isn’t a perfect strategy, but i think it has some potential.  Your thoughts?

  • Does your UK opponent NOT take out the DD and Trn in SZ96 on UK1?

    What exactly is that fleet up to?

    What about the Ftr from Gibraltar, the one on Malta and the TacB on the carrier that starts in SZ98?

  • Hello Spendo02, 2 FTR, 1 Tac bomber, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer have only a 13% chance of victory against the 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser, 1 sub and 3 fighters (scrambled) in SZ 95.  My set up charts are for Alpha 2, so i am unaware of a Italian fleet in SZ 96.  That must be in Alpha 3.

  • I just looked at the Alpha 3 set up charts.  That makes my whole strategy irrelevant.

  • Ya, I guess we both should have specified the spectrum we were looking at things from!

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