@dawgoneit do you really want to lose the tac in 114?
'12L souL (Axis) v. LuckyLindy (Allies +9)
6 damage to Japan
Noncombat Moves
bomber from Japan to OKI
You can move German and Japan.
The Mobilization was wrong. Should be 12 infantry in EUS and 7 infantry in WUS.
4 dmg@kar, 6 sub 6 inf 2 armcombat:
3 inf 3 art 9 arm egy -> lib
inf art sud -> feq
arm egy -> cng
arm yun -> kwalib
aRolls: 6@2 9@3; Total Hits: 96@2: (1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6)9@3: (1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 3, 2, 1, 6)
dRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 5)
I can do Britain just after you do Japan.
lib twlo inf
aa egy -> lib
aa 8 inf 3 art trj, 26 arm per -> egy
22 inf 2 arm yun, 7 arm sik -> fuk
18 inf art per -> trj
4 inf per -> ind
7 arm per, inf ind -> bur
4 inf bur -> fic
bmb ind -> fra
4 inf fin -> kar
arm ger -> bst
3 inf art ger -> pol
3 inf art ger -> fra
aa euk -> rus
2 aa nov -> chimobilize:
6 sub 13, 2 inf kar, 4 inf 2 arm gercollect:
56+15=71, has 71Jpn30:
1dmg@jpn, 2 inf ftr save 1combat:
4 ftr 4 bmb ind, 14 ftr bmb bur -> fukmobilize:
2 inf ftr jpncollect:
13+10=23, has 24 -
Britain now
Britain turn 30
44 IPC
8 infantry
save 20 IPC
Noncombat Moves
fighter from Z2 to GBR
2 ac, 4 transports, 3 battleships from Z2 to Z12
7 infantry, tank from ALG to Z12
destroyer, cruiser, ac from Z10 to Z12
5 transports, cruiser, ac from Z60 to Z53
6 fighters from ALG to GBR
transport from Z60 to Z46Mobilize
8 infantry in GBR
30 + 5 NO + 20 saved = 55
With the Mobilize in GBR.
Revised Britain turn 30
44 IPC
11 infantry
fightersave 1 IPC
Noncombat Moves
fighter from Z2 to GBR
2 ac, 4 transports, 3 battleships from Z2 to Z12
7 infantry, tank from ALG to Z12
destroyer, cruiser, ac from Z10 to Z12
5 transports, cruiser, ac from Z60 to Z53
6 fighters from ALG to GBR
transport from Z60 to Z46Mobilize
8 infantry in GBR
3 infantry, fighter in SUMIncome
30 + 5 NO + 1 saved = 36
I can also do America and the Soviets just after you do Italy.
dd cv trn 3 inf artcombat:
arm eaf -> rho -> safncm:
9 inf 2 art fic, 4 inf hup, 5 arm sui, 2 arm yun -> fuk
inf 2 art bur, arm ind -> fic
5 inf art arm kar, 2 arm bel -> fic
ftr ita -> 35
2 inf rus -> bel
2 inf cau -> per
2 arm cau -> ind
arm pol -> kar
inf ita, bmb kar -> fra
2 inf art ger -> polmobilize:
2 inf art cau, inf ita, cv dd trn 35collect:
40+5=45, has 45 -
America coming
America turn 30
58 IPC
6 infantry
4 fightersNoncombat Moves
12 infantry from EUS to ECA
5 infantry, 2 tanks, AA gun from ALG to Z12
6 fighters from ALG to Z12
8 fighters from ALG to WCA
4 ac from Z56 to Z20
destroyer, 2 battleships from Z51 to Z39
2 ac from Z51 to Z56
2 infantry from WAK to Z51
2 battleships from Z60 to Z51
transport, 4 battleships from Z52 to Z51
2 transports from Z52 to Z56
ac from Z53 to Z56
7 infantry from WUS to WCAMobilize
6 infantry in EUS
4 fighters in Z56 on 2 acIncome
42 + 15 NO = 57
quick revision coming then Soviets!
America turn 30
58 IPC
2 infantry
2 submarines
4 fightersNoncombat Moves
12 infantry from EUS to ECA
5 infantry, 2 tanks, AA gun from ALG to Z12
6 fighters from ALG to Z12
8 fighters from ALG to WCA
4 ac from Z56 to Z20
destroyer, 2 battleships from Z51 to Z39
2 ac from Z51 to Z56
2 infantry from WAK to Z51
2 battleships from Z60 to Z51
transport, 4 battleships from Z52 to Z51
2 transports from Z52 to Z56
ac from Z53 to Z56
7 infantry from WUS to WCAMobilize
2 infantry in EUS
2 submarines in Z50
4 fighters in Z56 on 2 acIncome
42 + 15 NO = 57
Soviet turn 31
sbr Japan
Japan AA gun
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (2)
Japan bombing damage
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (2)
6 sub 2 ftr 5 infcombat:
2 trn 13 load 4 inf fra unload alg *support 3 bb ca
20 ftr 13, 9 ftr 5 bmb fra -> algalg
aRolls: 4@1 30@3 8@4; Total Hits: 204@1: (5, 6, 5, 6)30@3: (1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 5, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3)8@4: (5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4)
dRolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 03@2: (3, 6, 6)
I am sure glad to get all my troops off of ALG before that carpet bombing!
alg twol
8 inf 3 art 5 arm egy -> lib
10 inf trj -> egy
8 inf art trj, 21 arm egy -> per
arm cng -> feq
6 inf kar, arm bst -> fin
3 inf art pol, 2 arm ger -> bst
4 inf ger -> fra
arm kwa, 4 inf fic, 7 arm bur -> fuk
22 inf fuk -> kia
inf bur -> fic
4 inf ind -> bur
20 ftr alg -> 13
9 ftr 5 bmb alg -> fra
2 aa chi -> nin
aa yak -> stcmobilize: inf kar, inf rus, 3 inf 2 ftr ger, 6 sub 13
57+15=72, has 72Jpn31:
dmg jpn, 2 ftr save 3
18 inf 5 ftr fuk -> jpnmobilize:
2 ftr jpncollect:
13+10=23, has 26