ow if USA took the place of UK, it would take a few rounds for any American forces to get to Italy, but, if Italy hunker down in Rome, would they last long enough for help to arrive? Also would Russia get such good rolls as last game, to make a difference? Let’s give it a quick try AH Empire versus Russia, Italy, & U.S.A., is this finally a win for AH?
Round One: A.H. builds 4 troopers, sub. & fighter. Two northern provinces will defend against Russia, &, four southern provinces will attack Italy(Vienna will supply both fronts, with cannons going mostly south). The navy will keep the USA from future landings, so for now it is building up its strength. Troopers & guns enter Venice from Tyrolia & Trieste(the latter will send 2 troopers to occupy Albania). Also 2 troopers from Budapest will go to guard Trieste coastline.
Battle 10 troopers & 4 guns versus Italian 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 2 troopers Axis & all Allies(what a blowout!, Venice falls!).
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, BB moves to join Italian fleet. Moves land forces towards AH, from Poland & Uk. invade Galicia. Battle 12 troopers & 4 guns, versus, AH 21 troopers & gun. Losses Infantry Allies 11, &, Axis infantry 9. Galicia is contested.
Italy builds fighter & 2 foot, leaves trooper in Piedmont & retreats rest to Tuscany, while Rome garrison goes to Tuscany, to help cover their retreat. BB shells Albania & transport lands trooper & gun, versus, AH 2 troopers. Italy loses gun & Axis all lost(one lost to BB shelling), Albania retaken.
US builds 3 transports, moves BB & C to join Italian fleet.
Round Two: AH builds sub, fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, moves trooper & gun and flies fighter to Venice. Also 3 troopers from capital to Galicia. Moves from Trieste gun & 2 troopers into Albania, versus, defending Italian trooper(both sides lose a trooper. Albania is retaken again, from Venice a gun & trooper goes to Trieste to defend the coast.
While at sea the fleet breaks out, no mine lost damage, BB & C & sub. & transport versus Italian fleet of BB & C & transport. All that survives is AH transport that lands a trooper in undefended Libya & takes the colony.
In Venice army splits into two armies, one goes into Piedmont of gun & 2 troopers versus defending Italian trooper(no losses, Piedmont is contested). Second army invades Tuscany 16 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Italian 2 guns & 12 troopers. Losses Axis 6 troopers & Allies all but a trooper & gun, Tuscany is contested. Twice the Allies have lost BIG to the Axis in the southern front.
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves into Galaica more forces, fighter flies to Poland. Combat 15 troopers & 7 guns versus AH 12 troopers & gun. Losses in infantry Allies 6 and Axis 8.
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves from Tuscany gun back to Rome, &, trooper from Naples to Rome. From Rome fighter goes to Venice and air duel with AH fighter, both fighters are lost.
USA builds 2 transports & 2 guns, moves 3 transports loaded to Italy. BB & C moves to Italian home waters, &, sink AH transport off Libya.
Round Three: A.H. builds submarine, &, 8 troopers. Moves more forces into Italy(for future assault on Rome), &, sends 3 troopers to reinforce Galacia. Trying to keep all coastal provinces garrison by trooper & gun.
In Piedmont 2 troopers & gun, versus, defending Italian trooper(losses a trooper each side), Piedmont has fallen.
Russia builds fighter, gun, & 5 troopers, BB joins US transports at entrance to Med. Sea. Moves more forces into Galacia of 2 fighter, 17 troopers, &, 8 guns, versus, AH 10 troopers & gun. Losses Allies 8 troopers & all Axis.
Italy builds 2 troopers, will the Americans ever arrive?
USA builds transport, 2 fighters, &, trooper. Moves 3 transports off Rome and lands 4 troopers & 2 guns. Two transports leave East Coast each with trooper & gun. BB & C enters AH home waters, no mine damage, versus, 2 submarines. Losses Allies C & BB damaged, &, Axis lose 2 submarines.
Round Four: A.H. Empire builds sub. & 7 troopers, and, moves into Budapest 7 troopers. All four coastline provinces have a trooper & gun to help protect them, as a static defense, from sea invasion(Albania has been abandon, &, garrison goes to Trieste, while the latter garrison is sent to Italy) . Forces move into Rome 10 troopers & 7 guns versus Italian 9 troopers & 4 USA troopers & Italian 3 guns & USA 2 guns. Losses Axis 9 troopers & 3 guns, &, Italians losses 8 troopers & USA 2 troopers. Rome is contested!
Russia builds fighter, gun, & 5 troopers, moves BB off Italy, to help protect US transports, &, fighter flies to Galacia from Moscow. Need to contest Vienna & ignore Budapest. Combat moves into Vienna 2 fighter, 9 troopers, &, 9 guns, versus, AH 16 troopers & gun. Losses, Allies lose 7 troopers & Axis 14 troopers, Vienna is contested!
Italy cannot build!, combat in Rome, trooper & 3 guns, versus, Axis fighter trooper & 4 guns. Losses two guns each side. Except for a trooper & gun and a trooper in Africa, Italy has no more land forces.
USA builds sub., transport, tank, &, trooper. Moves from East Coast loaded transport with trooper & gun. Two transports leave Italy and another joins damaged BB off Trieste(suffers no mine damage). Meanwhile two transports arrive & land each trooper & gun, one set in Rome, and, another in Albania(latter is undefended). Battle in Rome 3 guns & 3 troopers versus Axis fighter, trooper, &, 2 guns. Losses USA 2 troopers & gun, and, all Axis. AH no longer threatens Rome!
At sea damaged BB & transport off Trieste versus Axis submarine. The Axis sub. is destroyed.
If the AH Empire had the card that allowed you to place all your forces in a designated area(like in the original Fortress America), and, all AH 13 units defeated the 13 units of Russians that were there in Vienna, they still probably lose the war(with the Allies gobbling up undefended AH provinces). A major political victory for the Allies, with Hungary getting its independence.
IPCs lost Allies Land 272 & Axis Land 256, Allies Air 06 & Axis Air 12; Allies Sea 36 & Axis Sea 51.
Last edited by pellulo on Thu May 01, 2014 9:12 pm, edited 14 times in total.