I just got finished watching P1 of your 1940 strategy videos, and about the only thing you did that I agree with, is your purchase of an aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine and your attack on Yugoslavia (please refer to my G1 blue print for a detailed explanation of what I would have done G1), as for the rest of what I saw……
1. Why do you need 2 air units to go into Normandy and take out a french infantry and artillery?, maybe because your ground units only attack @1. Try bringing in 1 artillery from holland, put the mech from w. Germany and 1 infantry from holland into France and fly the holland fighter out to sea. bring 1 tank from holland and that will give you…
2@2, 1@3, 1@4 instead of 3@1, 1@3, 1@4. I know its not much of a difference but this way you free up an air unit to hit ships in the Atlantic.
2. Why are you sending a plane into France? You are giving France of all nations, a glorious opportunity to shot down a plane, and even though you don’t feel as though he will hit it, I bet you will still make that “gulp” sound while he’s rolling for that AA gun. To me, air units are the most valuable pieces in the game, and I would never chance them if I don’t need to. If you’re not attacking Southern Italy with your 3 tanks from Southern Germany (which I see you’re not) than you have more than enough land units to take France without risking an air unit.
3. Besides, it looks like you need those planes in the Atlantic, because I see you’re letting a lot of British ships get away. An arguable conversation would consist of not attacking 1 of the big 3 sea zones (#109, #110 and #111), but you’re letting 2 of them get away. IMO, #111 and #112 are a must hit, and it comes down to a choice between #110 or #109. As for #109, how well do you think your surviving subs in #106 will fair with a destroyer and 5 air units coming down on them, and with defense rolls @1 for subs, that destroyer will likely survive long enough to hunt down the sub you just purchased when it tries to disrupt convoys later. All I’m saying is, if I were your UK opponent, I could do a lot of creative stuff with what your leaving me.
Going to watch your next video now.