@captainwalker 6bdd34f7-49e9-4b60-82ef-a55ec39d0c49-triplea_41695_4German.tsvg
Botider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm4
The transfers Botider had listed were loaded in non-combat zones.
You may not load transports in a combat zone, so you cannot bring the infantry on the transport in the attack on SZ 20 nor may you take the Philippines.
Otherwise, take casualties in SZ 20 to maximize defender damage against Japan. You may just call it off without Philippines tho, since you’ll never get a fleet in SZ 6 again.
Inf to phi came from guam. Inf for formosa came from asia, not japan. I believe those are legal. I need casualties because I don’t know how you want to assign hits to cv’s…
okay… moving on in this seemingly interminable game…
per your ool instructions (always retaining best defense)… 12 hits assigned thusly:1 - damage dd
2 - damage cv #1
3 - damage cv #2
4 - damage cv #3
5 - sub
6 - sub
7 - sub
8 - sub
9 - sub
10 - cv #1
11 - cv #2
12 - cv #3so… 3 ca, 6 ftr, 1 dbb remain… best defense
round 1 defensive roll…
5 ss @ 1, 3 cv @ 2, 3 ca @ 3, 6 ftr/1 bb @ 4
Rolls: 5@1 3@2 3@3 7@4; Total Hits: 85@1: (3, 2, 2, 3, 4)3@2: (4, 4, 1)3@3: (4, 6, 4)7@4: (1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3)
your 4’s rescued you from complete disaster… but then, so did mine. :-D
jap casualties…
1 damage bb
2 damage bb
3 ss
4 ss
5 dd
6 dd
7 dd
8 ftr2 ss, 3 dd, 4 ftr, 2 tbmb, 2 sbmb, 2 dbb remain…
round 2 - attackers…
3 ss @ 2, 2 dd @ 2, 4 ftr @ 3, 2 tbmb/2sbmb/2dbb @ 4
Rolls: 3@2 2@2 4@3 6@4; Total Hits: 63@2: (3, 3, 3)2@2: (5, 3)4@3: (5, 2, 1, 4)6@4: (5, 6, 4, 4, 2, 1)
japs lose 3 ss, 2 sbmb… retreat to sz19.
i put the 3 surviving ftrs in ksi… you may alter makeup of remaining ftrs (there were 2 british and 4 aussies to begin with - i left 3 aussies) and can move them to another place within one movement point (formosa, kwangtung, etc.) if you want.
2 dd, 2 cv, 2 dbb, 4 ftr, 5 trn (1 inf aboard) sz20 > sz19
2 tbmb sz20 > ksu
2 arm anh > ksu
arm hop > ksudeployment
3 ss > sz19
2 inf, arm > jap
1 ss > reserve (if that’s legal… i can’t remember. if it’s not, put him in sz6)collect
$31 + $2 saved = $33 -
Build: Destroyer, 2 Fighters in Korea
Build: 3 Destroyers in SZ 56
Build: 3 Infantry, ARmor, 2 Transports in E. USACollect: 76 IPC
- 5 Infantry
Combat Moves:
8 Infantry, 4 Artillery, Fighter to Kiwangsu
Rolls: 4@1 8@2 1@3; Total Hits: 54@1: (1, 4, 2, 4)8@2: (5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6)1@3: (1)
Rolls: 4@2 8@3; Total Hits: 64@2: (5, 2, 3, 4)8@3: (3, 4, 1, 1, 6, 3, 2, 6)
Retreat Fighter
Build: Infantry in Kansu
BUild: Infantry in Tsi
Build: Infantry in Skiang
Build: Infantry in SZE
Build: Infantry in YunnanCollect: 17 IPC
Buy(21)- 3 Infantry, Bomber
Buy(28) - 1 Mech, 4 Arm
Combat Moves:
Infantry from Kansu to Suiyuan
Infantnry, Artillery to Anhwe
Infantry to Guam
19 Infantry, 4 Artillery, Mech, 7 Armor, Fighter, Bomber to C. Persia
Armor to Algeria to Morocco
2 Infantry, Armor to Congo
Infantry, Armor to Tang
Inf to FEA
Inf to NIG
Inf, Arm to Gol
Inf to FWA
Destroyer, 4 Fighters to SZ 119Combat:
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (6)1@3: (5)
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (5)
- 3 Infantry, Bomber