From my previosu thread:
Start date May 1917
The first Russian Revolution has occurred, but really makes little difference to the military situation. So continue using RR rules as normal.
America is at war, so we’ll assume that Germany has already declared USW.
Territorial changes are surprisingly few; I’d say they were:
Assume all aligned neutrals have been activated.
The only non-aligned neutrals violated are:
Persia: contested Turkey & Russia/Britain
Greece: contested Britain/France & Germany(Greeks)
Other tts not under original control:
Picardy & Lorraine: contested France & Germany (BEF in Picardy)
Belgium: German occupied
Poland: German occupied
Livonia & Belarus: contested Russia & Germany
Romania: contested Russia & Austria
Serbia: Austrian occupied
Albania: contested Italy & Austria
Togoland & Kamerun: French occupied
SW Africa: British occupied
Galicia: contested Austria & Russia
Mesopotamia & Trans-Jordan: contested Turkey & Britain (poss Russians in Armenia?)
America gets its draft of X infantry, but only the regular 20 IPCs to spend.
Tanks are available, probably only B & F have any just yet.
Fighters should be up to 3-3 by this stage.
Bombers should just be coming on line for both sides.
Edit: Or possibly consider July 1st 1917 as the start date: in something of an A&A tradition the game begins with a Russian great summer offensive: