Hmm, I wasn’t expecting that opening. My med bid wasn’t optimal against it. Did you change your planned opening because of my bid?
11L '41 - Sgt. Pavlov (Axis) v. Mojo (Allies+6) AA50-41, with NOs, no tech
ukr taken 0 loss
1 inf kar> bst
1 arm kar> russ
1 inf + 1 arm belo> russ
1 arm e ukr> russ
4 inf arch> russ
3 inf cauc> per
1 arm russ> per
1 inf nin> sui
1 inf china> ninMOBILIZE
4 inf cauc
6 inf russ
1 inf karCOLLECT 49
did ya forget about me?
No! Sorry, I have just been really busy this summer is all. My summer is finally start to unwind, though; So I will be able to post more frequently.
Japan 4
Buys with 50:
1. inf Kwa, tank FIC to Fuk vs inf
2. 3inf Kia, 2tank Man to Hup vs 3infResults:
Attack 1 Fuk inf tank
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (6)1@3: (5)
Defend inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
Attack 2 tank
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)
Defend inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
Fuk twlo inf
Attack 1 Hup 3inf 2tank
Rolls: 3@1 2@3; Total Hits: 13@1: (6, 2, 3)2@3: (1, 5)
Defend 3inf
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (6, 4, 2)
Attack 2 2inf 2tank
Rolls: 2@1 2@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (3, 6)2@3: (3, 4)
Defend 2inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)
Attack 3 inf 2tank
Rolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (4)2@3: (6, 2)
Defend inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
Hup twlo 2inf
1. 2dd cc z62 to z51
2. 2cv bb 2ftr z50 to z51
3. tank FIC to IndPlace buys:
ftr Jpn
ic Ind
2tank FIC
3tank ManCollect income:
50 -
no problem. enjoy your summer.
41 buck, 1 ic, 1 aa, 2 dd, 1 inf save 1COMBAT
1 inf + 1 rtl uk> nwe
2 fig + 2 cr 6>nwe
1 bom uk> nwe1 inf + 1 arm haw> oki MT
1 inf + 1 rtl + 2 fig + 2 cr + 1 bom
Rolls: 2@2 2@3 2@3 1@4 ; Total Hits: 52@2: (3, 3)2@3: (3, 2)2@3: (1, 2)1@4: (4)
1 inf + 1 rtl
Rolls: 2@2 ; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 2)
damn, nwe cleared not taken, 1 inf + 1 rtl lost
1 bom> uk
2 fig> 6
1 aa uk> nor
1 sub 35>36
1 arm alger> egy
2 inf congo> sudanMOBILIZE
1 inf + 1 aa uk
2 dd sz 6
1 ic norCOLLECT 45
Ita 4
Buys with 9:
1. ftr EPl, ftr Ger to Bel vs infAttack 1 Bel 2ftr
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 22@3: (1, 2)
Defend inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
Bel cwlo ftr
1. ftr Bel to GerPlace troops:
3inf ItaCollect income:
9 -
48 buck, 4 inf, 3 dd , 1 crCHINA
1 inf yun> fuk1 inf wake> iwo MT, 1 tran 53>52>59
1 ac+ 2 fig + 3 dd 53>51
1 dd + 1 sub 56>51
1 bom haw> 51sz 51
1 ac + 1 sub + 4 dd + 2 fig + 1 bom
Rolls: 1@1 1@2 4@2 2@3 1@4 ; Total Hits: 71@1: (4)1@2: (4)4@2: (1, 1, 1, 1)2@3: (2, 1)1@4: (1)
holy sheet, ok pick your 7
1 inf
Rolls: 10@1 ; Total Hits: 310@1: (1, 6, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 4, 4, 5)
1 arm
Rolls: 10@3 ; Total Hits: 510@3: (4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5, 3, 4)
fuk taken 0 lossdamn japan has had a tough game
save dmgbb and ftr
wow, son of a beesting that wasn’t supposed to happen. sigh. Now I can only hope for a similar roll -
yea that was crazy.
sz 51 D
2 ac + 2 dd + 1 cr + 2 fig + 1 bb+ 2 tran
Rolls: 2@2 2@2 1@3 2@4 1@4 ; Total Hits: 52@2: (2, 5)2@2: (6, 5)1@3: (2)2@4: (4, 2)1@4: (2)
not bad
i’ll loose 4 dd + 1 acrd 2 if sub hits no BB defense
1 sub + 2 fig + 1 bom
Rolls: 1@2 2@3 1@4 ; Total Hits: 41@2: (2)2@3: (2, 1)1@4: (2)
1 fig + 1 bb (second dice)
Rolls: 1@4 1@4 ; Total Hits: 21@4: (4)1@4: (2)
no freaking way the dice can be that hot
since your fig hit i have to kill fig
sz 51 cleared 1 sub + 1 fig + 1 bom survive
1 fig + 1 bom> oki
3 inf + 1 aa alger> lyb
1 dd + 1 tran 10> 12 (2 inf e usa)> alger
3 inf + 1 arm e can> alger, 2 tran 12>9>12
4 inf e usa> e canCHINA
5 inf sui> ninMOBILIZE
4 inf e usa
3 dd + 1 cr sz 56CHINA
1 inf yun
1 inf sikCOLLECT 48