Thank you Krieghund…
Operation Hollywood : Flying the Japanese Air Force off the coast of Gilbraltar
I was looking at the board and I saw what I think might be an opening to capture Washington or severly maim America as the Axis. I noticed there is a creative way to get most of Japan’s Air Force to Gilbraltar before USA is allowed to enter the war. I am not aware of anyone else posting this elsewhere so if this has been mentioned before please forgive me.
To start Germany would need to build the Baltic Fleet on it’s first turn, 1 carrier and 2 transports. Nothing suspicious about that build that would cause the Allies to expect that America is the first target.
Japan would need to move it’s 3 carriers and all of it’s fleet that start in range to Sea Zone 26 boardering Hawaii on it’s first turn. There would be no declaration of war but the Japan Navy would sit peacefully in Sea Zone 26. Japan would need to position it’s Air Force aside from the 2 Str. Bombers to be at the Carolines on it’s second turn.
Germany then purchases 2 Air Craft Carriers on it’s second turn and uses all the rest of it’s points to fend off Russia. It will be important to make sure Russia does not make it into Germany to peel away any victory cities should Operation Hollywood be a success. Germany will also use the Baltic fleet it built on it’s first turn to capture Gilbraltar if the Italians were not able to do it on their first turn. The German Air Force is also used to paste an UK ships that could threaten the Germans or Italians. Italy builds 1 transport on it’s first turn. If Italy was able to capture Gilbralar on it’s first turn then I would land the German Air Force there.
On Japan’s second turn it will need to move it’s fleet that could make it to Sea Zone 26, especially the 3 carriers to Sea Zone 28 or 11. Japan will also need to purchase an Air Base at Marshall Islands and fly the remainder of it’s Air Force there. Again Japan will remain peaceful with the USA. It will be important to move the rest of Japan’s Navy that could not make it to Sea Zone 26 as close to the American coast as possble, especially any transports.
At this point America is probably pretty suspicous of Japan and in response they may have built their Navy up big time to defend the West Coast and Hawaii. I am not sure how suspecting the American player will be of the 2 German Carriers that were built on G2. They may not realize that they were built to land Japanese fighters and tac bombers on in hope to crush Washington.
Really what happens from here depends on what America has done in response to the opening Axis moves.
If USA built up heavy in the Pacific in response to Japan being off their coast and left a token force in the Alantic due to the Baltic Fleet I believe it opens a huge window.The Germans on turn 3 would move all 3 of their carriers either to Sea Zone 91 bordering Gilbraltar or even closer to America’s Coast. This would provide a place to land 6 Japanese Fighters on Japan’s third turn in the Alantic. The rest of the Geman Navy would move with the 3 Carriers, including loaded transports. The German Air Force would remain at Gilbraltar.
On Japan’s third it would move it’s entire fleet including transports to Sea Zone 64. The Fighters and Tac Bombers that started on the 3 Carriers would then move their legal 4 spaces of movement onto the 3 German Air Craft Carriers that were built. The Japanese planes that were on Marshall islands where the Air Base was built would move 5 spaces to refill the Japanese Air Craft Carriers with 6 more planes. Japan would then declare War and there is a good chance the USA will have a very large fleet off the West Coast in Sea Zone 10. If that is the case Japan can leave a blocker in Sea Zone 11. This guarentees that the American Fleet will be stuck in the Pacifc where the Axis want it to be.
From here Germany, Japan, and Italy can look for an opening by opening up the Panama canal so that Japan can attack Washington with it’s Starting Navy/Transports in it’s turn, and at least 12 planes between it’s Carriers and the German Carriers. There will surely be some kind of Force in Washington but there is a good chance a large American Navy has been trapped in the Pacific. Between the 3 Axis powers and 2 Major Air Forces they just may be able to pull it off. Italy can also be used to open up spaces for the German Air Force to land should it be needed to assault Washington fleet as well.
The Americans may manage to fend the attack off but it would leave a huge Mulitnational Navy sitting off the Cost of Washington. It would at least be fun.The downside is if the Axis don’t get Washington that they would lose the game because Japan will be maimed by the other Allies in the Pacific with out it’s starting Navy and Air Force.
Any feedback?
Me like.
Two things :
#1). Never post your strategy until you’ve tried it out first. :-D Now everyone will know what’s coming. And foil your plans…
#2). I think most competent US players will see what’s coming and build ground units the first 2 or 3 turns and foil this plan.
Two things :
#1). Never post your strategy until you’ve tried it out first. :-D Now everyone will know what’s coming. And foil your plans…
#2). I think most competent US players will see what’s coming and build ground units the first 2 or 3 turns and foil this plan.
I probably should have tried it first to see if it has any merit but I thought I would post it on here to see just how bad people rip me up :-D Either that or I thought somebody might see something to add that I missed :)
That could happen…
Interesting idea. Sort of an “all or nothing” move for the Axis. If they manage to take Washington, basically taking USA out of the game, then they will all probably have enough money and strength to go back to Europe and the Pacific to mop up the other Allies. Once Japan deals with the large US Navy, it could more or less have a field day throughout the rest of the Pacific and on Asia. If Germany had enough troops to hold off Russia, they could probably do Sealion now and get ready for Barbarossa. If the Brits didn’t do too much damage to the Med and/or Italy’s home territories, they ought to have not much trouble going back and cleaning out the Med and Africa, espeically if Germany does do Sealion successfully.
However, if they lose in Washington, I think all three Axis will have left themselves too weak after commiting so much resources to this plan. Like you said, Japan will start getting pummelled by ANZAC, India and China. Plus, they will still have that large US fleet to deal with which can now still grow and replace losses. Britian will be giving the Italians fits in Africa and probably trying hard to get Gibraltar back. Not sure how strong Russia will be or how much they will be able to bother the Germans offensively. I guess that depends on how much Germany was able to put up along the border in addition to all the hardware sent to America.
I think this plan could work for you one time. The next game you played, if you started moving your ships in the same manner, the US player would be like “Not Again!” and buy much differently, thus foiling your plans. I guess they couldn’t attack any Axis navy until after round 3, so I would bet they would simply stock up on ground units. Even so, with the US only haveing Minor ICs until at war, they wouldn’t be able to build too much there. If Italy or Germany could take the Panama Canal first, allowing Japanese Transports to go through and attack Eastern US along with a bunch of planes from both sets of carriers, this might still be possible even if the US player figures out what you are up to. You know, with the US being neutral for 3 rounds and Axis ships being able to float peacefully through their waters during that time, it can really be a detriment to the US survival in this game. Plus since Russia is neutral until round 4, the only other Ally you have to worry about is Britain, who is fairly weak early in the game once the Luftwaffe trashes the Royal Navy G1. You might have found a gaping flaw here. -
Hmm, I think Russia might ruin your plans, I dunno though.
I just thought of another possibility. Suppose the Axis do this and attack Washington. Then, say the US has just enough defense to hold out, or the Japs get bad dice, whatever but the result is the invasion fails, the US keep Washington and stay in the game. What if some US troops, or even possibly ANZAC troops, managed to re-take the Panama Canal? Then, here is Japan with all of their navy trapped in the Atlantic with no land troops or air force left. What a DISASTER!
Assuming neither Germany or Italy was in the position to reopen the Panama Canal, by the time Japan got it’s fleet all the way around South America and back into the Pacific, I bet most of their possessions in the Pacific and Asia would be gone. Plus if they built any more navy, it would be small because they wouldn’t be making that much money yet and that large US Navy could float around and smash anything that Japan managed to build. If I were the US in that situation, once I knew my capital and homeland territories were secure, I would rush over some bombers to someplace close enough to Japan – perhaps Iwo Jima if the US could take that or even Korea if the US or USSR could take that – then SBR Japan to keep them from building too many defense units. Meanwhile, US builds some transports, men and tanks, floats them over a couple of rounds and WHAM! Japan is in the bag. By the time the Jap fleet gets around South America, their capital is gone and US can dust off the remains of the Jap fleet at it’s leisure. Or not, since that fleet doesn’t include any transports it’s not really a threat anymore, more of a nuisance. -
I prefer to move up the field gathering many first downs over the course of the entire game, rather than throwing such a hail mary in the first quarter. Interesting plan, but too much relies on what your opponent will do, if he builds up in Eastern US, your plan is dead and you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. I believe there is a less vulnerable kill USA first strategy to be had, I just don’t know what it is.
I just thought of another possibility. Suppose the Axis do this and attack Washington. Then, say the US has just enough defense to hold out, or the Japs get bad dice, whatever but the result is the invasion fails, the US keep Washington and stay in the game. What if some US troops, or even possibly ANZAC troops, managed to re-take the Panama Canal? Then, here is Japan with all of their navy trapped in the Atlantic with no land troops or air force left. What a DISASTER!
Assuming neither Germany or Italy was in the position to reopen the Panama Canal, by the time Japan got it’s fleet all the way around South America and back into the Pacific, I bet most of their possessions in the Pacific and Asia would be gone. Plus if they built any more navy, it would be small because they wouldn’t be making that much money yet and that large US Navy could float around and smash anything that Japan managed to build. If I were the US in that situation, once I knew my capital and homeland territories were secure, I would rush over some bombers to someplace close enough to Japan – perhaps Iwo Jima if the US could take that or even Korea if the US or USSR could take that – then SBR Japan to keep them from building too many defense units. Meanwhile, US builds some transports, men and tanks, floats them over a couple of rounds and WHAM! Japan is in the bag. By the time the Jap fleet gets around South America, their capital is gone and US can dust off the remains of the Jap fleet at it’s leisure. Or not, since that fleet doesn’t include any transports it’s not really a threat anymore, more of a nuisance.What happens after the invasion fails is a moot point as the game is lost with 99% certainty. I think the Axis’ only chance is to aim a European victory with the aid of the Japanese navy. Heavy IJN presence in the Atlantic would make it difficult for the Allies to threaten landings in western Europe, and the Germans would thus have their back free for Barbarossa.
Framk T- Wow, sweet plan!! It reads like a political thriller or the end of the world… Japan and Germany teaming up to attack the East Coast?!?! Unheard of!
Overall, I agree with everyone else in that it would be very risky, but A&A is about having fun, so I would say go for it!! Have some fun, it’s just a game. Great idea… don’t know if it will succeed, but it’s worth a shot. :-D
Seems interesting.
IF Japan can get to Gibraltor and land there, doesn’t that AUTOMATICALLY bring US into the War? If I remember correctly, Japan cannot attack (or land) on any UK territory without bringing the US into the war. If Japan does land on Gibraltor and bring the US into the War, the US factories AUTOMATICALLY AND IMMEDIATELY get made into Major Factories. Even if they only have 52 IPC, That is plenty to hold off any invasion on Japan Turn 4.
Also, on a side note, if I saw this as the UK player, I would put at least one ship in the way somehow. Even if it’s to make you not be able to reach Washington.
I like the idea, but the Allies would have to be idiots to let this happen.
I think it states that the JPN planes are landed on the German carriers not Gibraltar
Nice plan by the way, and as a side note, if the US proves too strong you can sail on to the UK and do a a sea lion with the JPNese…
Landing on Gibraltar does not automatically bring the US into the war. It only allows the US to declare war.
One of the most interesting plans of war I have heard in a long time… I will give you that!
Landing on Gibraltar does not automatically bring the US into the war. It only allows the US to declare war.
Close enough
Landing on Gibraltar does not automatically bring the US into the war. It only allows the US to declare war.
What if Germany took Gibraltar first and then Japan landed there? Would that allow the US to declare war? My friend has done an Italian can opener on me where he takes Eastern Poland with Italy. Then on Germany’s turn he moves into it but does not declare war on Russia and still collects his five point bonus. This would seem like the same principal to me.
Germany is already at war w/the UK, so this doesn’t allow the US to declare war on Germany, Italy or Japan. If Germany takes Gib, Japan can feel free to land there if it wants w/out fear of a US DOW on the Axis. If Italy declares war on Russia, then that allows Russia to declare war on the Axis. Germany does not need a DOW on Russia if Italy took Epl, as this is a non-combat move.
I should clarify, the DOW by Russia is meant against Germany/Italy(Axis). A DOW on Japan, still requires a separate DOW by Russia on Japan.
I think it states that the JPN planes are landed on the German carriers not Gibraltar
Nice plan by the way, and as a side note, if the US proves too strong you can sail on to the UK and do a a sea lion with the JPNese…
I like this idea. Japan holding London with a LARGE navy should give Germany lots of time to finish off Russia for the European win.
I tried a similar move to this before, but i was just thinking… What if Japan comes around south america and takes brazil and builds an IC there?!? Could be crazy…