I was looking at the board and I saw what I think might be an opening to capture Washington or severly maim America as the Axis. I noticed there is a creative way to get most of Japan’s Air Force to Gilbraltar before USA is allowed to enter the war. I am not aware of anyone else posting this elsewhere so if this has been mentioned before please forgive me.
To start Germany would need to build the Baltic Fleet on it’s first turn, 1 carrier and 2 transports. Nothing suspicious about that build that would cause the Allies to expect that America is the first target.
Japan would need to move it’s 3 carriers and all of it’s fleet that start in range to Sea Zone 26 boardering Hawaii on it’s first turn. There would be no declaration of war but the Japan Navy would sit peacefully in Sea Zone 26. Japan would need to position it’s Air Force aside from the 2 Str. Bombers to be at the Carolines on it’s second turn.
Germany then purchases 2 Air Craft Carriers on it’s second turn and uses all the rest of it’s points to fend off Russia. It will be important to make sure Russia does not make it into Germany to peel away any victory cities should Operation Hollywood be a success. Germany will also use the Baltic fleet it built on it’s first turn to capture Gilbraltar if the Italians were not able to do it on their first turn. The German Air Force is also used to paste an UK ships that could threaten the Germans or Italians. Italy builds 1 transport on it’s first turn. If Italy was able to capture Gilbralar on it’s first turn then I would land the German Air Force there.
On Japan’s second turn it will need to move it’s fleet that could make it to Sea Zone 26, especially the 3 carriers to Sea Zone 28 or 11. Japan will also need to purchase an Air Base at Marshall Islands and fly the remainder of it’s Air Force there. Again Japan will remain peaceful with the USA. It will be important to move the rest of Japan’s Navy that could not make it to Sea Zone 26 as close to the American coast as possble, especially any transports.
At this point America is probably pretty suspicous of Japan and in response they may have built their Navy up big time to defend the West Coast and Hawaii. I am not sure how suspecting the American player will be of the 2 German Carriers that were built on G2. They may not realize that they were built to land Japanese fighters and tac bombers on in hope to crush Washington.
Really what happens from here depends on what America has done in response to the opening Axis moves.
If USA built up heavy in the Pacific in response to Japan being off their coast and left a token force in the Alantic due to the Baltic Fleet I believe it opens a huge window.
The Germans on turn 3 would move all 3 of their carriers either to Sea Zone 91 bordering Gilbraltar or even closer to America’s Coast. This would provide a place to land 6 Japanese Fighters on Japan’s third turn in the Alantic. The rest of the Geman Navy would move with the 3 Carriers, including loaded transports. The German Air Force would remain at Gilbraltar.
On Japan’s third it would move it’s entire fleet including transports to Sea Zone 64. The Fighters and Tac Bombers that started on the 3 Carriers would then move their legal 4 spaces of movement onto the 3 German Air Craft Carriers that were built. The Japanese planes that were on Marshall islands where the Air Base was built would move 5 spaces to refill the Japanese Air Craft Carriers with 6 more planes. Japan would then declare War and there is a good chance the USA will have a very large fleet off the West Coast in Sea Zone 10. If that is the case Japan can leave a blocker in Sea Zone 11. This guarentees that the American Fleet will be stuck in the Pacifc where the Axis want it to be.
From here Germany, Japan, and Italy can look for an opening by opening up the Panama canal so that Japan can attack Washington with it’s Starting Navy/Transports in it’s turn, and at least 12 planes between it’s Carriers and the German Carriers. There will surely be some kind of Force in Washington but there is a good chance a large American Navy has been trapped in the Pacific. Between the 3 Axis powers and 2 Major Air Forces they just may be able to pull it off. Italy can also be used to open up spaces for the German Air Force to land should it be needed to assault Washington fleet as well.
The Americans may manage to fend the attack off but it would leave a huge Mulitnational Navy sitting off the Cost of Washington. It would at least be fun.
The downside is if the Axis don’t get Washington that they would lose the game because Japan will be maimed by the other Allies in the Pacific with out it’s starting Navy and Air Force.
Any feedback?