Kamikaze are a defensive weapon, which are resolved at the beginning of the combat phase, so the attacking air units have already launched from their carriers are not in danger (unless they are “guest” air units). As such, they will participate in combat even if their carrier is hit, and will have the remainder of their movement to land as normal afterwards.
Question for Krieghund?
Before you activate a friendly minor by moving a ground unit into the territory, can you land your aircraft in the territory during the non-combat movement phase? Or, do you have to activate the friendly by moving a ground unit into the territory first?
A follow up question. If you activate the minor w/a ground unit, can you land aircraft in the territory the same turn you activate it or do the same rules apply to aircraft during the non-combat phase that doesn’t allow you to land in a territory the same turn you conquer it? Thanks in advance!
You can’t land air units in territories that were not friendly at the start of your turn. Friendly neutral is not friendly.
Can newly purchased Chinese units be placed by the Chinese on a newly captured territory the same turn in Alpha 2?
Also a single destroyer blocks an amphibious attack?
Thanks for all the help
I have a question for Krieghund as well, and I figured it would be easier to ask it here than to post a new thread. So, I want to know how convoys contribute to Allied income, and what the whole deal with them is. Also, it says in the rulebook that Air Bases and Naval Bases have AA capacity, does that mean if there’s a spot with an Air Base, Naval Base, and AA that all three fire at attacking planes, or just one?
I have a question for Krieghund as well, and I figured it would be easier to ask it here than to post a new thread. So, I want to know how convoys contribute to Allied income, and what the whole deal with them is. Also, it says in the rulebook that Air Bases and Naval Bases have AA capacity, does that mean if there’s a spot with an Air Base, Naval Base, and AA that all three fire at attacking planes, or just one?
Convoys don’t contribute to anyone’s income, only take away income.
And it depends, if it’s a bombing run on one of the bases or complexes, then they have a built in AA gun. The AA gun piece is there only to defend against actual battles with air units.
Alright, I understand now about convoys. Also, one more question concerning the AA, do Major and/or Minor Industrial Complexes have built in AA as well?
Yes, ever facility built has it’s own AA.
The attacker must choose which facility he is bombing FIRST, then the defender rolls.