Me thinks that building ger subs is sheer lunacy. Just buy inf, hunker down and wait on the onslaught, and hope that japan has there act together! 8-)
Is it possible for Russia to build a navy and still win?
Good point Grigoriy.
But still if the Japanese player wont quit when his partner in crime goes down what else can a Russian player do??
Some Japanese players just wont quit!!! Japan won’t win the game but some players like to fight it out.
Thus the need for a Russian naval fleet. But if you don’t like naval power them go ahead and build bombers!
And I’ll admit it IF i’m Japan and you guys left me alone and I built a huge Asian empire then yes you will need to build that Russian fleet.
But if I some how I played a poor game and lost half during the game then yes I would give up after Germany fell.
true. i have played against fatalist types who will never surrender, and i would also rather build a fleet-besides, you’ll still need TRNs for the ride over, because anyone who fights that far won’t give up till there’s an occupation force.
true. i have played against fatalist types who will never surrender, and i would also rather build a fleet-besides, you’ll still need TRNs for the ride over, because anyone who fights that far won’t give up till there’s an occupation force.
fortunately never played this type.
I guess UK and US acquires all tech’s while Russia build’s ic’s and an invasion force.
That way UK/US bombs the crap out of Japan, etc.
Russia invades invades invades. -
I believe the one time this happened I was playing against someone who had wasted time on a navy while I concentrated the U.S against Germany, so he was just trying to pretend his lack of tactical skills wasn’t why he lost. :D
Defending a huge empire in a no win scenario in a wargame can be fun, if the defending power gives it his or her all!!!
You guys can’t tell you never built a huge Japanese empire but had Germany fall in a game then decided to give up with out a fight??
Like I said in a earlier post: If I do well as Japan BUT Germany still falls then I will play out the game.
BUT on the other hand IF I play a poor game that time then when Germany goes down then I quit.
Defending a huge empire in a no win scenario in a wargame can be fun, if the defending power gives it his or her all!!!
You guys can’t tell you never built a huge Japanese empire but had Germany fall in a game then decided to give up with out a fight??Well, obviously if I thought I had a chance, then I would fight. But what I was saying was if Russia has conquered most of Asia, and all I had was Japan, I would give up unless I saw it coming and built massive hordes of inf. to protect me.
Japan can win alone against all 3 Allies providing she has the triple threat of LR, IT & HBs. The best bet in this case is the hail mary direct assault on the US first. You will need to own Hawaii, have at least 8 trannies and at least 4 LR HBs. If you can amass that before your front crumbles you have a decent chance.
Japan can win alone against all 3 Allies providing she has the triple threat of LR, IT & HBs. The best bet in this case is the hail mary direct assault on the US first. You will need to own Hawaii, have at least 8 trannies and at least 4 LR HBs. If you can amass that before your front crumbles you have a decent chance.
Those are pretty long odds, wouldn’t you say?
Not nearly as bad as you might think…
It is mostly a matter of seeing far enough ahead to know that Germany is going to fall before Russia and that you can do nothing about it…
Then, there are are only 4 elements necessary, 3 of which you can virtually guarantee if you incorporate into your basic play…
1. you need an income of $45 plus as Japan, for at least 4 turns. Not hard to do and likely happens in most games already
2. you need at least 8 trannies to move at least 16 Inf on the key turn. If you play without ICs, or at least without early ICs, you should be able to amass these easily and you probably already have them and the infantry already built.
3. You need to have at least 4 bombers already built…good incentive to buy a second and even third bomber when you can. As long as you have 2, then you can always buy 2 more a round in-advance.
4. You need to have Hawaii, which you can guarantee if you just always plan for this possibility
Consider that a likely Inf push by Japan is at least 3 turns away from the front, armour 2 turns, meaning:
that for 2-3 turns the exact same number of ground troops will reach the front, regardless of what you buy in those turns
that you are the aggressor now, but that you can simply turn to defence once your follow-on forces run dry…this will lead to another 2-3 turns before the Allies can actually expect to launch attacks against Japan
therefore, you have 4-6 rounds as Japan before the Allies become a serious threat to them in the core Asian empire
thus, @ 45$ round, you should have a minimum $180 to play with
thus, you have 36 tech rolls…which you can see is not too bad odds to acquire the 3 desired techs
then, you simply forget Russia, stall the Allies in Asia as long as possible and build a bomber or two and the rest on tech.
If you acquire the 3 tech within the alloted time frame, you can continue to stall in Asia, eventually retreating to the coast, or even just to Manchuria.
As Japan, you need hold only the Pacific and conquer the US to win…you will then have a minimum $44 income regardless of what you hold in Asia, plus the triple threat
it is irrelevant what Russia builds for ground forces as your LR bombers stationed in N America can hit any new builds anywhere with no problems…Russia will never have a navy
worse, the UK/Allied navy will eventually fall as Japan shifts every boat she has to the Atlantic and uses them and her HBs to pound both the economy and the navy of the UK
it is inevitable that the UK will fall once you start a dedicated campaign against her…everything in Europe/Asia becomes meaningless if it cannot hit Japan or N America. Airpower alone guarantees this and with the Japan fleet with 8 trannies :) well…it’s not nice to see if your in London.
and then there’s just Russia…
Anyway…is this so unbelievable? 8 trannies, Hawaii, $45 income, 4+ bombers, 4-6 turns, $180, 36 rolls and 3 techs?
It’s not that bad odds actually…if you think about it and plan for this possibility it is quite easy to do. The harder part is actually taking out the USA which requires some intricacies…and seeing this all far enough in-advance that you free the money.
…Wow… :o
Double – W :o W!!
I believe there is a thread around here somewhere that explains the benefit of teching as Japan.
Infact, I think SUD (Soon U Die) makes a very similar post to Guest’s.Speaking from experience, it is very hard to counter Japan with HB and IT when they have 4+ boms.
Kobu has used this strat well against me and with 4 HB you’re able to wipe out 2 Allied banks, and with 6 HB you can hit all three allies. No matter how far the Allies have spread or how much damage they have done, if you have NO CASH you can’t win. Eventually the world will turn yellow. -
I guess I could see RUS having a navy in certain RARE instances.
Like the following:
US is taken out by JAP and GER is taken out by RUS … thus, leaving UK & RUS vs. JAP. This would be an interesting situation … especially if the JAPs had sufficient control of some or most of Asia and/or perhaps a little bit of Africa.
IPC Chart something like the following:
JAP - 70
UK - 32
RUS - 45Could happen … I guess – anything’s possible.
Could be that we’re the same person Darth :)
I thought you were Mr. Brink. My apologies. Aren’t you registered here?
The thought did cross my mind, but I wasn’t prepared to make that claim, however, I thought a simple reference would do.
Yes I am registered…but about 5-6 months ago I left on extended business and was unable to post/keep up. I was home very briefly, and now I am away again for 3 months…only I have some time to check in.
In between, I have forgotten my password/left it at home.
Being stubborn & lazy :) I refuse to create a new account or seek help.
So, I have just been hanging out the past week or so as Guest.
ahhhhh SUD . . . always a pleasure :D
Russia could (heavy emphasis on could) build a Navy… but what would it do with it? Become a greedy bastard and take France without letting the Anglos have it? :roll:
Red Europe :o
No the idea was building a Russian Navy after Germany had fallen but the Japanese player wouldn’t give up with out a fight.