What to do with those Russian fighters? How about this??

  • The thought just occured to me -

    If Russia and England started flying all their planes east towards the Japanese fleet, I think most people would not do Pearl - a lot of people don’t do it anyway - so the plan basically fails at the get go. If the person is silly enough to do it, then you don’t really need a plan to beat him anyway…… =p

  • The only men i moved were those already east of moscow……And that one tank is already out there on the eastern edge to start with…

    Really, the only thing that weren’t in karelia that would normally be on R2, are the fighters.

    Oh, i know the one fighter v 3 transport was a huge gamble. But the way i had been playing the last few days (getting shellacked by the axis at every turn) i figured, I’m going to lose anyway, so wtf. That’s why with 2, it is a bit better odds.

  • I’ve been playing alot lately (last couple of weeks - maybe a game a day or so online), all but one game as the allies.

    And i haven’t encountered ANYONE who didn’t pearl harbor me… And usually, the pearl harbor completely decimates the uspacfleet, with seemingly little in the way of casualties on the jap side…

  • If they don’t do pearl, GREAT. Another carrier, bs, transport, plane and sub to go over and protect the shuck.

  • cute idea, but i agree that it makes taking Fin more difficult. Also if you are trading dead zones, then it gets much trickier to take Fin AND trade Ukr/Cau.

  • Interesting idea, worth trying at least. You probably want to buy 3 Tanks 3 Inf on Russian T1 if you do this though. Going to need the offense.

  • If you take a shot at it let us know the results…
    though one game might not give us a good taste…
    that’s what logistics are for :wink: .

  • I have also used the two figthers in Russia to destroy the German transport near Egypt. Doing this causes Germany to forfeit transporting any new units into Africa. This gives the UK a great jump start and allows the US to get into the action (Operation Torch for you history buffs). I hope this helps.

  • Possible in some cases, but not if Germany takes both AES and Sy/Ir.

    Germany might enjoy chewing off 2 ftrs in Sy/Ir, even if 2 inf & 1 ftr attach from Ind with the UK bmr(from UK.)

    Anybody seen this? I haven’t, but then I haven’t played hundreds of games or for many years as some others here.

  • I still believe that using Russia’s fighters to destroy the German Battleship and transport in Southern Italy is the best start in keepin Germany off of the water. It is difficult enough for the UK to deal with the German Air Force when trying to build up sea units, however if Germany is completely off of the water then the UK can use the tatic of buying a carrier and one transport for their sea space. This of course must be followed by the USA complimenting the carrier with two fighters. Afterwards not even four fighters and a bomber from Germany will attempt to keep the UK off of the water. The risk of losing four fighters for Germany is too great.

    Therefore, it seems natural, to me, to use the fighters to start the movement to keep Germany off of the water and out of Africa. Let me know what you think.


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