Just a thought…but how many of you play by the rule of IPC victory?
Just a thought…but how many of you play by the rule of IPC victory?
I could not agree more, I think it is vital and I mean vital for the UK to sit the first round out when it comes to unit purchase. Good Call!!
I was wondering how everybody feels about the Industrial complex in India. I happen to think that it is a complete waste. It really takes away too many IPCs from the UK and what they should be concentrating on is owning the high seas!
What do yall think?
I for one, strongly believe in crushing the US Navy in the Pacific! Of course America has the money to rebuild but it is nice to have that one turn jump on America, especially since Japan does not start with too many IPCs
The idea of shock and awe in the game of Axis and Allies, it exactly that, an idea. It is more of a poker game face than it is a real set of movements.
To start Germany should purchase two fighters, and the rest infantry. Using her existing air power to wipe out the entire UK navy. As well as sweeping through Africa ( as everyone I am sure knows how). Finally, Germany needs take some USSR territory (does not matter which). At the end of the turn Germany should be collecting near 40!!! IPCs. This comes as a serious blow to any Allied commander. Think about it, the UK is waterless, the USSR is staring down at, at least 4 to 5 fighters, numerous tanks and tons of infantry. Africa is in the bag until the Allied powers can decide how to pump enough resources into her. Therefore, it seems that Germany is truly on her game.
Japan, should immediatly buy an Industrial complex for Manchuria, and one transport. Her combat, of course should include the Pearl Harbor attack, and China, as well as India ( I will not go into the specific movements) After the turn Japan should be collecting near 34 IPCs and knocking on Russia’s back door.
As you know the Allies are somewhat limited the first round, and this advantage of owning the seas and closing in one the IPC victory will put any moderate opponent on his/her knees with a somewhat shocked look on their faces.
I have considered what you have said and thoguht it to be interesting. However, part of my initial posting may be due to playing the same opponent over and over again. However, I have never experienced the Allies winning 90% of the time. There are some extremely clever tricks the Axis can pull out of the hat. I hate to bring recent commentary but if the Axis takes on the strategy of SHOCK AND AWE the Allies can be devasted mentally.
I have also used the two figthers in Russia to destroy the German transport near Egypt. Doing this causes Germany to forfeit transporting any new units into Africa. This gives the UK a great jump start and allows the US to get into the action (Operation Torch for you history buffs). I hope this helps.
Let me start by saying HI. I am new to this board but not new to the game. I have been playing since I was nine years old and loving the game ever since. My best friend growing up and I would play every weekend ( I know like we didn’t have anything else to do). However, ater about five years of intense playing, we learned that the entire game seems to be dependent on the first round. If the first round goes towards the Axis then, the Axis usually win and vice a versa for the Allies. Has anyone else noticed this? And if so what are you comments?