Shortest Game I read about on the net.
In a online community playing with bidding rules where you bid actual pieces, germany where offered 2 transports in the baltic. Game over in germanys turn, with england invaded and allies resigning.
Many, many years ago I performed this same feat without additional transports. I don’t think it was even a rule back then.
It was a tournament game with double elimination, where you had to play once as Axis and once as Allies. I’d already lost my Allied game, so knowing the Axis are less likely to win, I took a chance on a very unorthodox move. I had another game (Warhammer 40K) scheduled for later that day, so I was going to either win fast of lose fast.
So here is what I did…
I took 1 chance at technology, got Heavy Bombers, and sent everything afloat, and that could reach England by air into the attack. My rolls continued to be stunningly good, and my opponent’s were horrid. I took England with a single infantry, but I owned the sea zone, so no reinforcements were possible. He resigned before the 2nd turn was over, and was not too happy about it.
I later figured out the odds of success in this attack at around 2%, with anything but complete success pretty much ensuring a very quick Axis defeat. In our local gaming club it’s a near-legendary accomplishment.