Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy nothing; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 20 PUs; end with 20 PUsCombat Hit Differential Summary :
IND : Inf, 2Art, Arm
Map is correct. I just forgot to change my orders (typed in notepad) for place new unit section.
cool i see the map is correct
1 fht
Tob to Alex
3 inf, 1 art, 1 mec, 1 tank
sz97 to sz98
1 TT (load from Sit 2 inf to Trans)
Som to Ken
1 inf
Nit to Sfr
2 inf, 2 art, 1 tank
Nit to sz95
1 fht, 1 tac
Sit to sz95
1 fht
sz97 to sz95
1 BB, 1 CA
Battle of Sfr
2 inf, 2 art, 1 tank vs 2 inf, 1 art
Rolls: 4@2 1@3; Total Hits: 34@2: (1, 2, 2, 5)1@3: (6)
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (2, 4, 5)
Battle of Alex
3 inf, 1 mec, 1 art, 1 tank vs 1 inf
Rolls: 3@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 43@1: (1, 3, 1)2@2: (1, 4)1@3: (2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Battle of sz95
1 sb, 1 CA, 1 BB, 2 fht, 1 tac
sub sneak
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
You need to assign this hit. I would assume the carrier, but just in case, I’ll wait for you to tell me.
You need to assign this hit. I would assume the carrier, but just in case, I’ll wait for you to tell me.
Yes the Carrier takes the hit.
Reading your orders, not sure what this means :
sz97 to sz98
1 TT (load from Sit 2 inf to Trans)
Either you forgot to declare a battle (Trans Jordan or Egypt or Syria… not Alex since you didn’t roll dice for 2 more Inf), either this is a none combat move. Please could you clarify before rolling any more dices. Thank you :)
Ok, to Trans as Trans Jordan… sorry, I was reading Transport.
Trans is meant to be Trans Jordan. I used the old abbreviation. It is Tri on the map.
Rolls: 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 23@3: (6, 5, 3)2@4: (1, 5)
You need to choose the casualties before I roll the defender.
Ftr and Carrier
Rolls: 1@2 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 41@2: (2)2@3: (4, 3)2@4: (1, 3)
dmg BB, lose 1 CA, 1 sb, 1 fht
sz95 2
Rolls: 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (3)2@4: (6, 1)
what do you lose?
Ftr, Cruiser… leaving a Cruiser if there’s a round 3
Rolls: 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@3: (4, 6)1@4: (2)
lose tac
sz95 3
Rolls: 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 11@3: (2)1@4: (5)
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
sz97 to sz98
1 TT (load from Sit 1 inf, from Alb 1 tank to Alex)
Lib to Tob
1 art
Sit to Nit
3 inf, 1 AA
Nit to Yugo
1 AA
Alb to Yugo
2 inf
1 fht