Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy nothing; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 20 PUs; end with 20 PUsCombat Hit Differential Summary :
Greece to Wge
1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmb
Wfr to Wge
1 fht, 1 tac
Wfr to sz112
1 fht
sz112 to Wge
1 tac
Hol to Gib
1 fht
Wge to Gib
1 tac
Fin to Nor
5 inf
sz111 to sz110
1 sb
Hol to Wge
1 inf
Paris to Wge
1 art, 5 tanks
Yugo to Wge
3 tanks
Yugo to Hun
4 inf
Ger to Hun
3 art, 14 inf
Wge to Ger
2 inf
9 TT
2 inf
1 change - I’ll put the units that went to Hun into Pol instead.
Buy- 5inf, 1art, 3tnks- no change
18inf, 1AA fm Bury to Yak
all unit fm Bury to NUkr
3tnk fm Rus to Belo
3tnk on Rus
1art, 2inf on Novgo
3inf on Ukr
Collect - $37
I’ll get map later tonight
Stirling, here’s the map based on the typed moves.
confirmed map- looks good :-)
Wakey wakey Stirling… :-D
I sent Stirling a message.
I’ll be gone for the weekend, by the way. And next week will be very busy and I’ll be gone next weekend as well. I’ll try to get a move in when i can.
No problemo
Air SZE - Hun
Ftr man - Hun
dd z36 - z6
tt z36 - z19
2tt 2 art 2 inf z6 Jap - z36 Kwa
1tt z36 z37 2inf - z36 - kwa
ab Hun Ind Man Arm Jap
45 Ipc
Added $12 to Russia’s income for breaching cease-fire.
US 2
Buy- $52- 3inf, 2TT, 1AC, 2SS- save $1
1inf, 1tnk, 1mec fm WUS to Haw via 2TT
z10 navy to z26
z35 navy to z48
1ftr fm Phil to Guam
z101 navy w/ 1inf, 1art fm EUS to z11
1ftr fm EUS to z11
1bmr fm EUS to Haw
Placement- 3inf, 2TT on EUS and z101, 1AC, 2SS on z10
Collect - $53
China 2
Buy- 5inf- $15
Fall back one space to Tsi- place new inf there.
Buy- UK- $10inf, 1tnk- no change
INDIA- $3tnk, 1inf- no change
1inf fm Java to Sum via TT- free
2inf, 1art fm Per and EPer via TT +CZ+ 1ftr, 1tac fm z80 to Iraq
all Sud into Eth
2inf, 1art, 1CZ, 1ftr, 1tac=15/6=2hits r3
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (3)
def 3inf= 6/6= 1hit
Eth twnl
1AC, 2DD fm z80 to z39 with 1ftr, 1tac
1inf to Ind fm Bur
2inf to bur fm Shn
z106 to z109 - 1inf, 1tnk to Eng
2inf fm Rho to Tng
9inf, 1tnk on Eng, 1inf in SAf
3tnk, 1inf on India
Collect- UK- $32
INDIA- $25
Buy- $20- 1AC, 1art
take Cele w/ 1inf fm Dng
Placement- 1AC in z62 and 1art in NSW
2 TT, 2 sb
Alex to Egy
3 inf, 1 art
sz92 to sz98
2 TT (load form Tun 1 inf, 1 art, from Mor 1 inf, 1 tank to Trj)
Shoot, forgot 1 CM. Always miss stuff on the bottom of the board.
Ken to Con
1 inf
That OK?