??????????? (Axis) vs EM (Allies)- G40- Alpha+2- No Tech

  • Oh no the game is lost- you can’t recover from burning that much cash as Axis.  There’s little grace for Axis mistakes in this game.  Yeah, this game is trash.  Start over…I’ll have to mind my Ps and Qs with movement and such.

    Any other sucker punch tactics I should be aware of???  Ones that are not too directly stated in the rules???

    Giving up England in G2 like you did is recoverable for Allies but burning $56 in TTs is not, simply because Axis has little room for error like that.  My strong opinion anyway.

    Wouldn’t be easier to just restart at G2???  Then again, I guess you would like a mulligan yourself for giving up England…

    Start over or Turn 2 restart???

  • @questioneer:

    Oh no the game is lost- you can’t recover from burning that much cash as Axis.  There’s little grace for Axis mistakes in this game.  Yeah, this game is trash.  Start over…I’ll have to mind my Ps and Qs with movement and such.

    Any other sucker punch tactics I should be aware of???  Ones that are not too directly stated in the rules???

    Giving up England in G2 like you did is recoverable for Allies but burning $56 in TTs is not, simply because Axis has little room for error like that.  My strong opinion anyway.

    Wouldn’t be easier to just restart at G2???  Then again, I guess you would like a mulligan yourself for giving up England…

    Start over or Turn 2 restart???

    There are no “Start Over, restart, or mulligans” if you want to conceed we can start a new game.

    As far as “brilliant strategic manuevers” not listed or clear, none really come to mind.  My advice…if you think your safe, you better double check.

  • LOL- you humor me.

    Alright EM- I concede- but that is a very cheap win to me.  I know what your thinking- “a win is a win…blah blah”…

    G1 moves will be the same, I’ll make the thread later.  Geez…I’d gotta watch my P’s and Q’s playing you…you make me work harder EM- that’s good- that’s why I like playing you. :lol:  You got me fired up now… :-D

  • thread is up

  • @questioneer:

    thread is up

    I was kinda of thinking we would switch sides.

  • Next time

  • @questioneer:

    Next time

    Post the link to the new game.

  • Since Alpha+3 is coming out- let’s play that instead.  Might as well wait and see the changes.  Now that Alpha+3 will be here I have a very deflated interest in playing this Alpha+2 game.  I forfeit this game in favor of wanting to play Alpha +3- so its an easy win for you- though it may not have any meaning being an “old” version now… :wink:


    _**"Krieghund has reminded me that the “100% Pacific” issue has not been fully resolved yet.  To post Alpha +3 before it is would be a waste of time.  I know good advice when I hear it and you can either thank Krieghund or throw cabbage at him.  I think in the long run you’ll do better to thank him.

    More work is still needed and the Alpha +3 is officially postponed till further notice.

    Your continued feed back on this matter and other issues is, as always, greatly appreciated.

    The problem is that this effort can’t go on forever.  A request of those of you who are gracious enough to contribute your ideas and share your game experiences here.  When I tell you that I can’t use or don’t agree with you on a given proposal or idea… let it go.  Move on.  If I say “No thanks” there’s usually a good reason for it.  To keep repeating the same thing(s) only jams up and slows down this effort.  I hope you understand. Thanks


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