ok, thanx again
Just more questions.
So I capture Paris on G1, this gives me a one time boost of 17 IPCs, as well as raising me 4IPCs. France can no longer build new units. Is this the correct reading of the rules?
sounds correct.
How about SZ 99. Can the allies inflict convoy damage to Greece and the Axis would inflict convoy damage to Syria?
Yes, as long as the Axis controls Greece and the Allies control Syria.
So Italy takes Southern France on their first turn, they subtract 2 IPCs because of the French Fleet sitting off the coast?
Yes, if it’s still there when Italy collects income.
It is the start of US turn 3. Do they collect the bonus 30 IPCs right now, or will that come into effect next turn? They have 35 on hand, but does the bonus take effect immediately or do they have to wait until the next collect income phase?
They collect the 30 at the end of their turn in the collect income phase
National Objective IPCs are always collected along with income. As an aside, some people seem to believe that the US gets an extra 30 IPCs beyond its NO IPCs on the first turn that it’s at war (in other words, 60 IPCs on the first turn and then 30 IPCs on the remaining turns). This is not true. The 30 IPCs referred to in the political rules is the NO, not an extra bonus.
If I capture a territory (say Slovakia-Hungary) can I move tanks through that space to Romania during the non-combat phase?
okay so I know this will almost never come up but lets say UK has a fighter in Eastern Persia and they want to go through the Caucuses the shortest possible route. Can they fly over the caspian sea even though it isn’t labeled or must they fly around it?
It is a sea zone, so it may be flown over.