3. Divident tax. The money has already been taxed.
I don’T know how it works in the US, but dividends should be taxed like any other income as well, as it is nothing more than an additional income. @waraxis:
I don’t mind rich people but SUPER RICH I have a problem with!! You don’t need a billion dollars to live on.
agrees wholeheartedly
Why do you have to resort to the scare-tactic with people? How 'bout we eliminate it because it’s UNFAIR! Ever thought of letting people keep the money they earn? How about letting some grandparents pass some college money on to their grandchildren? Wow, what a novel idea…
I mean, millions of dollars on a missile might seem like a lot, but I have no problem because those missiles are saving my life.
Hey, if any student needs 50 millions as “some college money”, then he should not be allowed to study economics at least.
D:S, you consequently ignore the fact that we are talking about the amount, and you are onyl talking about “yes or no”. THere is more in the world than black and white: it is called gray, and there are lots of differents grays.
And millions of dollars could better be used to educate and help those people which you supposedly call enemies of the US, then you get friends and peace for the same price that you would get enemies, fear and truce.
Whether he deserves 50 million or 100 million is not up to you to decide. It’s his money, he earned it. Somehow you’re turning taxes into a way to “punish” people for getting “too” rich. That’s rediculous and nobody should put up with that. Is anybody at all surprised why rich people find tax-free ways to invest their income?
He earned it. How can a single person do work that is worth say 100 millions? Ok, a few can probably, but there are more earning that amount that don’t work for it, but let others work for them. Seeing rich people look for loopholes is seeing that they try to exploit the society even more, that they do not take up the responsibilities that come with their wealth. You say the “lazy unemployed” is the one who rips off the community?? You must be kidding, but i fear you are not.