To whoever it may concern( I’m refering to the “Guest”)
The idea that super rich familes getting more and more money will help the common family how?? Cause a billionare gets a paycheck doesn’t mean he earned it. Tell me someone how the CEO of Ford earns his fat paycheck when he hasn’t built one car?? All that guy ever does is sit on his @$$ behind his desk that his line workers would have a hard time affording wearing his suit that would take a line worker 6 months to buy, thinking of ways to screw his workers OOPS sorry cutting costs.
I have no problem for small time millionares families keeping their money, I have nothing against small business owners!
But for those FAT CATS who got their money through the stock market, like when guy or girl gets a big boost of money cause some company sent jobs to another country and their stock goes up. Not caring what happened to the small town those jobs were in. :evil: :evil: It really gets me mad when the company does it when they were already making huge profits :evil: :evil:
Those decisions are made by the rich and the super rich.
Maybe if the rich wouldn’t be so greedy and think of other people, then maybe I wouldn’t be upset with them. How much does the rich need??
By the way “Guest” you earn money by doing a job not by sitting behind a desk wearing stuff your workers can’t get.
None of those 3 are good for the common man or woman!!!
Xi the postal service was a monoply in the begining,but now All they have going for them are letters, but with E-Mail that could be in danger. You are right about the company passing its costs to the customer but then again if you think about it the cost of taxes and profits are relative along with everything else in the bussiness