• @majikforce:

    Thanks Calvin that’s how we played it.  For future reference can the transport unload after it retreats from an attempted amphibious assault?

    No, it cannot

  • Official Q&A


    First, a repost since I got a couple differet answers.  Can Japan build an IC on mainland China, on Kiansu for example, and if so minor or major.  Same basic question for other countries, can other build IC’s on land that is not theirs?  USA on Russia for example.  The rules seem to read no.

    You may have gotten different answers because the answer is different depending on which rules you’re playing by.  In the Alpha+.1 rules, Calvin’s answer above is correct.  In the box rules, any power may build a minor IC on any territory worth 2 IPCs or more and a major IC on any territory worth 3 IPCs or more.  So in your particular example, Japan can build either a minor or a major IC in Kiangsu under the box rules, but only a minor one under Alpha+.1 rules.

  • can i build an airbase and place 3 units in a territory with a minor ic?

  • @keplar:

    can i build an airbase and place 3 units in a territory with a minor ic?

    Yes. Airbases can be build without ICs, so they don’t count against production cap.

  • that’s what i figured, that will help me when we continue our current game!!

  • I have one doubt about the carrier:

    a german submarine  attack a carrier (UK) loaded with a fighter (UK).

    the sub scores @2 with an “open fire” and the carrier scores @2, the carrier is crippled and enemy sub sunk.

    The UK fighter is trapped on board and is like a cargo? If yes, when attacked by a surface ship (an italian cruiser for example), the fighter on the carrier can’t take off from it and the only the carrier can fire on Italian cruiser. Correct?

  • Official Q&A

    The fighter is defending in the air, so it will not be trapped.  In fact, it will not be able to land and must find another landing spot within one space or be lost.

    The only way that a plane can be trapped on a carrier is if the carrier is attacking and the plane belongs to an ally.  Since it is not the ally’s turn, the plane remains on the carrier as cargo during the attack, and will be trapped if the carrier is damaged.  In such a case, if the carrier is attacked while still damaged, the trapped plane will be unable to leave the ship, and thus unable to participate in the battle.  It will be lost if the carrier is sunk.

  • Does Japan loose its national objective for collecting 10 IPC if it declares war on Russia?  This is an Alpha+.1 question.  Thanks for your help and merry xmas.

  • I don’t think so; there is a separate NO for that(+12 ipcs to Ruussia)

  • Official Q&A

    No, it doesn’t.

  • When Japan is not at War
    1.Collect 10 IPCs each turn that Japan is not at war with the United States and has not invaded French Indo-China or made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.

    “When Japan is not at war”… declaring war on anyone eliminates ‘being not at war’.

  • @Krieghund:

    The fighter is defending in the air, so it will not be trapped.  In fact, it will not be able to land and must find another landing spot within one space or be lost.

    The only way that a plane can be trapped on a carrier is if the carrier is attacking and the plane belongs to an ally.  Since it is not the ally’s turn, the plane remains on the carrier as cargo during the attack, and will be trapped if the carrier is damaged.  In such a case, if the carrier is attacked while still damaged, the trapped plane will be unable to leave the ship, and thus unable to participate in the battle.  It will be lost if the carrier is sunk.

    So the fighter must land somewhere or it will be lost?

  • Official Q&A


    When Japan is not at War
    1.Collect 10 IPCs each turn that Japan is not at war with the United States and has not invaded French Indo-China or made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.

    “When Japan is not at war”… declaring war on anyone eliminates ‘being not at war’.

    Obviously the title here is in error.  It should say “When Japan is not at War with the Western Allies”, as is indicated in the text.  Otherwise, Japan would never collect this NO, as it begins the game at war with China, and so is never “not at war”.


    So the fighter must land somewhere or it will be lost?


  • Sponsor

    A few questions since I just got both games and started playing global:
    1. Does France continue to draw IPCs after Paris falls? I know they give up their funds from the fall of Paris, but I thought I read that they continue to draw for territory still under French control.
    2. Before Paris is recaptured, does liberated French territory IPC go to the liberator or France?
    3. Since AB give one extra movement to planes: on an Italian turn attacking a British CV, can a fighter or tac bomber in SZ 95 retreat and land in Malta w/ AB (SZ96)?
    4. I assume AB and NB give one extra movement to air/naval unit regardless of which end of the movement it exists. For example, moving from open water to the NB at Hawaii, can ships move 3 spaces?

    Thanks. Merry Christmas! God bless the Soldiers who are away from home this season.

  • 1. No, if your capital has been captured, you skip the collect income phase
    2. The territory goes to the liberator, who will collect its ipcs if the liberator’s capital is still held
    3. No; you have to START at an airbase, not end at one, to get the +1 movement
    4. No; you must BEGIN at the base to get the movement bonus

  • Me and my dad got the global games for X-mas and he is pissed about something, can the us and russia build and collect ipc’s while not at war?!

  • @Aldo:

    Me and my dad got the global games for X-mas and he is pissed about something, can the us and russia build and collect ipc’s while not at war?!


  • In global alpha+.1…
    Can US move into British Malaya?  I want to move two inf from Philippines and destroyer, transport.  Japan is at war with Russia and China.

    Thanks for all your help, merry christmas

  • @loki17:

    In global alpha+.1…
    Can US move into British Malaya?  I want to move two inf from Philippines and destroyer, transport.  Japan is at war with Russia and China.

    Thanks for all your help, merry christmas

    Not unless the US is at war

  • Another question.  German sub is off of the coast of Canada, I understand that this sea one is fair game.  Please verify, thanks.  US not at war, this is its first turn, thanks.

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