Yes, ignore that, as this is related to the forum software change that occurred in 2018. Some characters haven’t been converted correctly.
BadSpeller is correct.
<whew!>OK, just read through all 35 pages in anticipation of my first game tomorrow and have a couple questions. Hopefully, I didn’t miss answers to them in my scan.
Other than an oblique reference by gamerman01, I can’t find anything that explicitly states whether air units find ‘impassable’ terrain (eg Sahara, Pripet marshes) impassable. It seems to me they should be able to ignore the impassibility, but gamerman’s post indicates otherwise.
Is there a gameplay reason for splitting the UK in half? There is obviously no historical reason…otherwise, why did Axis try to close the Suez? (to stop UK from building up the Indian Army?!?) I’m just curious about this as it seems to add unnecessary complication to the game and, as one of you aptly put it a few pages ago, A&A usually errs on the side of simplicity over historical accuracy. Here we could be more historically accurate AND simpler.</whew!>
Time for Kreighund to make the 2-3pg doc were waiting for… :roll:…where’s johnnymarr when you need him?? :wink:
When i load a transport, can i move one mech with one art\armor?
No, you may not!
AAE40 rulebook>page 30>Transports>Carry land Units>“Its capacity is and one land unit, plus one additional infantry. Thus a full transport may carry either a tank, mechanized infantry, or artillery plus an infantry, an antiaircraft gun and an infantry, or two infantry.”
-1inf,1AA (must be loaded in noncombat, see Antiaircraft Guns section in rulebook)Thank you guys! :-)
Do either Calcutta or Sydney count as an allied capital in the Global Allied victory conditions? Why or why not?
No, they don’t, as they do not appear in the list on page 31. Only “major” Allied capitals count.
No, they don’t, as they do not appear in the list on page 31. Only “major” Allied capitals count.
Paris is a “major” allied capital?
If i land troops in Tripoli, and the British has 1 AB in Malta and one fighter ( he hasn’t any warship, no transport, no sub), the fighter, can it scramble? I think yes.
If i land troops in Tripoli, and the British has 1 AB in Malta and one fighter ( he hasn’t any warship, no transport, no sub), the fighter, can it scramble? I think yes.
Yes, aircraft can be scrambled from an airbase on an island to defend ANY combat moves in that sea zone.
If i land troops in Tripoli, and the British has 1 AB in Malta and one fighter ( he hasn’t any warship, no transport, no sub), the fighter, can it scramble? I think yes.
Yes, aircraft can be scrambled from an airbase on an island to defend ANY combat moves in that sea zone.
Combat move? So if the transport lands in Alexandria from SZ 94 -> SZ 96 (Malta with AB) -> to SZ 98, the fighter can be scrambled? mmm…
Air units may only be scrambled if the combat move ends in the sea zone containing their island air base.
Air units may only be scrambled if the combat move ends in the sea zone containing their island air base.
Right, right, that’s what I meant but not what I wrote…
Couple questions.
Neutral territories: If it is Pro-Axis and Germany moves in they get the number of Infantry listed correct? If it is Pro-Axis, and Allies attack can you choose any Infantry to put in there? If Axis is successful, and say Germany Infantry are used, should Germany get there and claim the territory do they get the remaining Infantry? Or do the Infantry get removed post combat, and new ones placed if Allies attack again?
I/C’s: If there is a Minor I/C on a territory with a 2, can it be upgraded for 20 IPCs, or only if the territory has a 3?
That’s all for now I think.
Couple questions.
Neutral territories: If it is Pro-Axis and Germany moves in they get the number of Infantry listed correct? If it is Pro-Axis, and Allies attack can you choose any Infantry to put in there? If Axis is successful, and say Germany Infantry are used, should Germany get there and claim the territory do they get the remaining Infantry? Or do the Infantry get removed post combat, and new ones placed if Allies attack again?
I/C’s: If there is a Minor I/C on a territory with a 2, can it be upgraded for 20 IPCs, or only if the territory has a 3?
That’s all for now I think.
Yes, they get those inf. It doesn’t really matter which inf you pick since they’re still neutral. Thus, even if you place German inf, Italy can move in and spawn Italian inf
No upgrade since Majors can’t be built on 2 ipc territory
To elaborate on Calvin’s response, the infantry are placed in an attacked neutral territory only once per game. If they are not completely eliminated by the attack, the survivors remain in the territory and cannot move unless the territory is claimed by a power on that side. If it is claimed, the infantry are converted to the claiming power’s units, if they aren’t already.
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
An upside down control marker works just fine.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
Yes, as it’s unoccupied.
Can, a german tank, move of two through Iraq (pro-axis neutral and activate it) and go in North o eastern Persia (Axis controlled)?
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
An upside down control marker works just fine.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
Yes, as it’s unoccupied.
Can, a german tank, move of two through Iraq (pro-axis neutral and activate it) and go in North o eastern Persia (Axis controlled)?
I do not believe so. You move into Iraq as a non combat move, taking a pro ally is a combat move. Also I believe moving into a neutral and “activating” it requires the unit “activating” to stop there for the turn.
See page 10, right column, second sentence of second paragraph under the section: “Friendly Neutrals” in the AAEurope1940 rulebook. “They can be moved into (but not through) as a noncombat move by land units of a power that is at war (see Noncombat Move, pg. 21).”
I agree with James. Stefano, I had the same question for awhile. I now think of it this way:
(As James said) you take a friendly neutral during your noncom. You have been able to move through a territory that doesn’t belong to you with a tank (aka blitz) during noncom, and you still can’t. You can blitz unfriendly neutrals because it’s done during the combat move phase.
Also, as James said, the tank has to “take control”, so you can think of it as similar to the reason you can’t blitz through a territory with facilities or an AA gun in it.
Amphip. Assault scenario.
Fleet 1: Destroyer, Cruiser, Transport w/ Inf, Air Carrier w/ 2 planes.
Fleet 2: Air Carrier x2 w/ 2 planes on each.Fleet 1 enters into sea zone w/ enemy ships and conducts sea combat, wins, unloads transports and planes from Air Carrier to land zone.
Fleet 2 moves so that the planes can get to the zone in 4 moves, with one move left to get to the Air Carrier of Fleet 1.
Can the planes from Fleet 2 do this as there is a possibility of them landing on the Air Carrier, or no because there are potentially 6 planes needing to land where there are only 2 known spots? Or yes they can, but any remaining planes over 2 are removed from the board?