• @calvinhobbesliker:

    Does the ally have to be at war with the power you’re attacking with paras?

    No.  We don’t tell the ally where we’re going, just that we are going.  :-)

    Krieg said ally has to be AT WAR.  That’s all.

  • As far as neutral fleets are concerned:

    Let’s say the USA declares war on all Axis.

    Can I deliberately NOT declare war on the USA with Germany so that I am not blocked by USA surface warships, and so that I can attack a zone with combined UK and USA ships without having to fight the USA ships?

    DOW’s are not automatically reciprocal, correct?  Is it within the design of the rules to NOT declare war after war is declared on you so that you can keep ignoring their ships?  Or is the fact that the USA is at war with Germany all that is necessary so that USA surface warships can block German ships and so that USA ships can help the UK defend?

    OK, now I’m pretty sure it’s the latter - that if the USA is at war with Germany (and not vice-versa) that’s all that it takes for the USA ships to stop Germany’s, and to defend its seazone if attacked.  Right?

  • DOWs are automatically reciprocated.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    DOWs are automatically reciprocated.

    Please cite reference.  I don’t know where to look.

  • @gamerman01:


    DOWs are automatically reciprocated.

    Please cite reference.  I don’t know where to look.

    Common sense

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    DOWs are automatically reciprocated.

    Please cite reference.  I don’t know where to look.

    Common sense

    That’s not gonna cut it.  Don’t put answers on the thread that are just your own personal conclusions, please.

  • If India is axis-controlled, the US can take Japanese-held Kwangtung and does it go to the US or back to the UK?

    If India is held by axis and UK forces capture Siam, for example, they can’t collect ipc’s from it?

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    If India is axis-controlled, the US can take Japanese-held Kwangtung and does it go to the US or back to the UK?

    Normal rules - Kwangtung is UK, so if UK East capital is under Axis control, then USA can control Kwangtung, yes.

    If India is held by axis and UK forces capture Siam, for example, they can’t collect ipc’s from it?

    Right.  Same rules as we’ve had since classic.  When you capital is under enemy hands, you get no income.

  • Official Q&A

    Declarations of war are reciprocal.

  • @Krieghund:

    Declarations of war are reciprocal.

    Ah, right on time.  You’re the best, Kevin.  I was just formulating a UK and ANZAC round 3, and really needed to know that.  I check the FAQ, and there’s the answer.  Sweet.

  • @cminke:

    if a true neutrel is invaded do all neutrels become pro-other or will just the invaded neutrel become pro-other  i find that all of them becoming pro-other is un balancing and un hislorical. is ther a way ti fix this?

    It’s unhistorical but not “unbalancing,” because then Germany would just invade Spain to get to Gibraltar and have better access to the Atlantic from paris

  • Yes, unbalancing would be if you could just take over a true neutral with no ramifications.

  • Since Russia and USA are technically neutral to start the game, does declaring war on either one bring the other into the war?  Like if Japan declares war on Russia, does the USA enter the war?  What if Germany and Italy declare war on Russia, does this bring the USA into the war?

  • @Gharen:

    Since Russia and USA are technically neutral to start the game, does declaring war on either one bring the other into the war?  Like if Japan declares war on Russia, does the USA enter the war?  What if Germany and Italy declare war on Russia, does this bring the USA into the war?

    That is dealt with in the political situation section. When we say neutrals, we’re talking about the gray territories who  only have inf

  • but if germany takes spain, russia can walkin and take 6 inf from sweeden,and 8 for turkey,ect.  is this true or am i getting the rules mixed up?   krieg can you explain to me the deal w/ true neutrels

  • I understand you are talking about other neutrals but I am talking about the DoW rules, basically wondering if attacking Russia turn 1 with Germany and Italy would bring the USA into the war?  Also I know that taking a major factory reduces it to a minor, but does taking a minor reduce it to nothing?  Like no factory at all?

  • @Gharen:

    I understand you are talking about other neutrals but I am talking about the DoW rules, basically wondering if attacking Russia turn 1 with Germany and Italy would bring the USA into the war?  Also I know that taking a major factory reduces it to a minor, but does taking a minor reduce it to nothing?  Like no factory at all?

    A DOW on either has no effect on relations with the other. Minors don’t get destroyed

  • Thanks for the clarification, my friend and I finished our game this weekend and we were debating on why Germany and Italy should wait that long to attack Russia.  I also wasn’t sure about the minor factory take over, so thanks a ton.

  • Official Q&A


    but if germany takes spain, russia can walkin and take 6 inf from sweeden,and 8 for turkey,ect.  is this true or am i getting the rules mixed up?

    Yes, it’s true.  If a strict neutral territory (not power) is attacked by one side, all strict neutral territories become pro the other side.

  • Can an Italtian tank in Egypt blitz Jordan and activate Iraq on the same turn?

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