Regarding SZ 110, I got hosed one time on a UK scramble. Usually as Germany, I send 3 fighters, 3 Stukas, 1 bombers and sometimes 1 sub to SZ 110. Our UK player had gotten in the habit of not scrambling in order to save the RAF for future action.
Well, this one game I made the mistake of just assuming UK would not scramble. I sent 2 fighters, 2 Stukas and 1 bomber to SZ 110. The other fighter and Stuka I sent to kill the French fleet in SZ 93. Well, UK taught me a lesson. They scrambled and wiped out my planes. I didn’t even kill all the ships in the channel.
Never made that mistake again.
In regards to the latest Russian NO where they receive $3 per axis or neutral territory they control in Europe, I am assuming the Mongolian rule and Japan are unaffected because it is on the Pacific side. Is that correct?
Correct. The rule effects Scandinavia, Europe (including England and Ireland), the Med Sea and Turkey. It does NOT include Africa or S. America.
Also, If 10 infantry attack an enemy controlled territory with just 5 AA Guns defending it, are the guns immediately taken off the board without a fight?
Correct. Just like in Alpha 2 etc, if all a territory has are defending AA Guns then after they have fired at attacking planes, they are automatically removed. (Theoretically you could attack a stack of AA Guns with a fighter, if the guns miss, then they are all destroyed!)
So the Russian NO which says “in Europe” actually means the Europe continent and not the Europe board. is that what you are saying? Does the continent of Europe include Persia and Iraq?
If this explanation is true than it is very confusing and difficult to teach new players if “in Europe” has 2 different meanings.
Correct, it means Europe the continent:
Norway, Sweeden, Finland, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, S. Germany, Denmark, W. Germany, N. Italy, S. Italy, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Crete, Sicily, Sardinia and Ireland.
Also, If 10 infantry attack an enemy controlled territory with just 5 AA Guns defending it, are the guns immediately taken off the board without a fight?
Correct. Just like in Alpha 2 etc, if all a territory has are defending AA Guns then after they have fired at attacking planes, they are automatically removed. (Theoretically you could attack a stack of AA Guns with a fighter, if the guns miss, then they are all destroyed!)
Attention, the
(Theoretically you could attack a stack of AA Guns with a fighter, if the guns miss, then they are all destroyed!)
is not like Alpha2. In Alpha 2 AA guns can’t be destroyed by planes alone.
I don’t understand why we need to differentiate between Alpha+2 and Alpha+3 questions and answers, players who are willing to respect the creators rule changes by playing +2, shouldn’t have anything against playing +3. Besides, it’s much easier to move on to +3 because the latest rule post has absorbed the previous +1 and +2, within +3 and the recent +3.5, making it very difficult to play just up to +2. Also, I suggest renaming some of the FAQ threads to specify if your question is regarding +2 or +3 rather than having every post specify the game version you are inquiring about. Or, Larry could finalize the latest changes killing OOB and all the Alphas once and for all.
Correct, it means Europe the continent:
Norway, Sweeden, Finland, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, S. Germany, Denmark, W. Germany, N. Italy, S. Italy, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Crete, Sicily, Sardinia and Ireland.
I didn’t see Persia or Iraq, do these territories count in regards to the Russian NO in question?
I don’t understand why we need to differentiate between Alpha+2 and Alpha+3 questions and answers, players who are willing to respect the creators rule changes by playing +2, shouldn’t have anything against playing +3. Besides, it’s much easier to move on to +3 because the latest rule post has absorbed the previous +1 and +2, within +3 and the recent +3.5, making it very difficult to play just up to +2. Also, I suggest renaming some of the FAQ threads to specify if your question is regarding +2 or +3 rather than having every post specify the game version you are inquiring about. Or, Larry could finalize the latest changes killing OOB and all the Alphas once and for all.
Good points - totally agree
I don’t understand why we need to differentiate between Alpha+2 and Alpha+3 questions and answers, players who are willing to respect the creators rule changes by playing +2, shouldn’t have anything against playing +3. Besides, it’s much easier to move on to +3 because the latest rule post has absorbed the previous +1 and +2, within +3 and the recent +3.5, making it very difficult to play just up to +2. Also, I suggest renaming some of the FAQ threads to specify if your question is regarding +2 or +3 rather than having every post specify the game version you are inquiring about. Or, Larry could finalize the latest changes killing OOB and all the Alphas once and for all.
If you post this to answer me, than :
1. I post to adjust an uncorrect statement.
2. I don’t mind specific thread for Alpha2 and Alpha3. It’s a very good idea, but this thread is not a specific one.
3. I don’t find disrespectful to keep playing Alpha2, I don’t see how it could be.
4. OOB rules was a total screw up. There’s no way Axis can win, no way at all. Alpha2 is an excellent and the best set of rules of AAG40, nobody could prove it otherwise yet. -
I believe that Alpha+3 is better than Alpha+2. It’s a matter of opinion rather than a fact that needs to be proven. Its fine to play past versions or house rules, but I think that questions without a declaration of the specific version the question regards, should assume them to be regarding the latest release which in this case, is Alpha +3.
I think that questions without a declaration of the specific version the question regards, should assume them to be regarding the latest release which in this case, is Alpha +3.
For the rule that Japanese units can’t be 2 sea zones away from WUS/Alaska, does that mean 2 sea zones away from SZs 1, 2, 10 or 1 SZ away? I’m assuming the former since that prevents the Japanese from invading WUS/Alaska when they declare war(except if they use SZ 6, of course)
Correct, it means Europe the continent:
Norway, Sweeden, Finland, Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, S. Germany, Denmark, W. Germany, N. Italy, S. Italy, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Crete, Sicily, Sardinia and Ireland.
I didn’t see Persia or Iraq, do these territories count in regards to the Russian NO in question?
For the rule that Japanese units can’t be 2 sea zones away from WUS/Alaska, does that mean 2 sea zones away from SZs 1, 2, 10 or 1 SZ away? I’m assuming the former since that prevents the Japanese from invading WUS/Alaska when they declare war(except if they use SZ 6, of course)
Think of it this way, you cannot be within transport range of W. USA, Mexico or Central America and you should not end up violating the rule.
A question on sea battles-If I have a fleet of mixed warships can I move them(not including a destroyer) through a sz containing an enemy sub to attack a sz and at the same time attack the sub with a destroyer from another sz,or do they all have to stop and do battle in the sz containing the enemy sub?
A question on sea battles-If I have a fleet of mixed warships can I move them(not including a destroyer) through a sz containing an enemy sub to attack a sz and at the same time attack the sub with a destroyer from another sz,or do they all have to stop and do battle in the sz containing the enemy sub?
Enemy subs and transports do not block naval movement. They may or may not be attacked at the moving players discretion. Attacking subs and transports in a sea zone prevents naval bombardment in that sea zone.
In your example, one fleet may move through the sub sea zone, and a destroyer from another sea zone may enter and attack the sub. You may be thinking of subs having to stop when entering a sea zone containing an enemy destroyer.
Thanks for the answer
According the A3 rules:
“When not yet at war with the United States, in addition to the normal restrictions (see Powers Not at War with One Another above), Japan may not end the movement of its sea units within two sea zones of the Western United States or Alaska territories.”
Does this mean SZ 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are off limits to Japan?
Or does it mean all those SZs plus SZ 4, 7, 14, 15, 13, 26, 27, 28, and 64
Also, does the term “Alaska territories” include the Aleutian Islands or does it just mean Alaska?
The Aleutian Islands are part of Alaska, they are included in the restriction.
So the full off limits list while neutral would be SZs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, 14, 15.
While SZs 13, 26, 27, 28, and 64 (among others) are legal.
The Aleutian Islands are part of Alaska, they are included in the restriction.
No, they are not. The restriction includes the two named territories: Western United States and Alaska. The restricted sea zones are 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.