• Official Q&A


  • @Krieghund:


    Jet fighters - What about Tacs?  Do they get to attack at 4 with the jet fighters technology?


    Tech purchases - are there researcher tokens like AA50, or is it back to “no sixes, money flushed down the toilet”?

    No research tokens this time.  Feel free to use them as a house rule, though.

    Kevin, thank you thank you thank you.  I appreciate your fast, accurate, in-the-know answers to all of our questions so much.  It’s awesome that you provide these services to us.

  • Is the island of Newfoundland considered a part of Newfoundland and Labrador despite being in a different sea zone than the one adjacent to Labrador, or is it considered a part of of New Brunswick Nova Scotia, which it shares a sea zone with? If Newfoundland is indeed part of Newfoundland and Labrador, would a naval base on Labrador work for both z106 and 116? Finally, is Newfoundland considered an island for the purposes of scrambling? i.e. Should a airbase be placed on it or its shared mainland territory, can planes on it scramble?

  • Official Q&A


    Is the island of Newfoundland considered a part of Newfoundland and Labrador despite being in a different sea zone than the one adjacent to Labrador, or is it considered a part of of New Brunswick Nova Scotia, which it shares a sea zone with?

    It’s part of New Brunswick/Nova Scotia.  This is one of those instances when accurate geography takes a back seat to game play.


    Finally, is Newfoundland considered an island for the purposes of scrambling? i.e. Should a airbase be placed on it or its shared mainland territory, can planes on it scramble?

    No, it’s not an island, as it’s only a part of a territory.

  • Here is another Question:

    If England is captured by Germany, can the UK Pacific player (AKA India) collect the IPCs for the other UK territories on the Europe map(meaning Canada, Africa, etc.)?

  • I don’t believe so.  UK India only collects income from the Pacific board.

  • @shohoku201:

    I don’t believe so.  UK India only collects income from the Pacific board.

    Yes, I’m sure of this.  If London is in Axis hands, no income to the UK from the two European boards (and UK territories on those two boards could be captured by other Allies if taken away from the Axis, I presume).

  • Official Q&A

    That’s right.

  • That is what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure with this new split economy for the UK.  I suppose it would be true the other way around as well.  Meaning Japan controls the Indian Complex.  The UK Europe power could not get the IPCs from the Pacific Map UK territories.  It would have to go there and actually take the territories.

  • Hey Krieghund; was there ever an answer to my question weeks ago about the appearance of having to go through Eastern US to go form Nova Scotia, Canada to Quebec, Canada by land, due to the St. Laurence touching a very pointy Maine?

  • @johnnyseinfeld:

    That is what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure with this new split economy for the UK.  I suppose it would be true the other way around as well.  Meaning Japan controls the Indian Complex.  The UK Europe power could not get the IPCs from the Pacific Map UK territories.  It would have to go there and actually take the territories.

    Interesting concept there, johnny.  Yes, it would be entirely possible for London to collect income from the DEI, for example, if the British empire takes them when India is under Axis control.

    Which brings up an interesting question.  Since UK units all move together, I would think that when India is under Axis control, and the UK takes over a territory on the Pacific side of the board, the income would go to London, even if it was infantry that was produced originally out of India.  I assume no differentiation is needed.  So in other words, it’s not possible for the UK (with either capital still controlled by UK) to take back UK territory from the Axis and fail to get the income from it, just because it’s on the wrong side of the board.

    In other words, whenever the UK takes Borneo, London will get the 4 IPC’s when India is under Axis control, no matter which UK units took Borneo (UK units from Europe may have never even entered the Pacific theater).

    Would this be correct, Krieg?  Or is the liberating of Borneo worth no IPC’s to London because it’s on the wrong side of the board (world)?  Interesting stuff……

    I apologize if this is already clear in the rulebook that I don’t have yet.

  • Official Q&A


    That is what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure with this new split economy for the UK.  I suppose it would be true the other way around as well.  Meaning Japan controls the Indian Complex.  The UK Europe power could not get the IPCs from the Pacific Map UK territories.  It would have to go there and actually take the territories.

    The UK economies will never benefit from each others’ original territories.  If India is Axis-controlled and one of its territories is recaptured from the Axis, the IPCs will be in limbo, just as with any power whose capital is in enemy hands.


    Hey Krieghund; was there ever an answer to my question weeks ago about the appearance of having to go through Eastern US to go form Nova Scotia, Canada to Quebec, Canada by land, due to the St. Laurence touching a very pointy Maine?

    I don’t have an official answer yet.

  • @Krieghund:

    The UK economies will never benefit from each others’ original territories.  If India is Axis-controlled and one of its territories is recaptured from the Axis, the IPCs will be in limbo, just as with any power whose capital is in enemy hands.

    Ahhhhh, so in limbo as far as London is concerned.  But the USA or ANZAC could collect income from Borneo (or Burma, Malaya, Kwangtung, etc) if they take it from the Axis after India falls, correct?  But if the UK takes Borneo and India is under Axis control, then no money to London.  Weird.

  • @gamerman01:

    Which brings up an interesting question.  Since UK units all move together, I would think that when India is under Axis control, and the UK [Europe] takes over a territory on the Pacific side of the board, the income would go to London, even if it was infantry that was produced originally out of India.

    interesting concept, could UK Europe take over the DEI or French Indochina? Or Japanese territories? Or even ANZAC territories if ANZAC capital was Japan controlled?

  • Official Q&A

    UK Europe can never control territories on the Pacific board, and UK Pacific can never control territories on the Europe board.  Think of it as an administrative issue.  The territories are too far away from the opposite regional capitals to be managed and controlled properly.

  • Krieghund, can subs pass through the Bosporus Straight while Turkey is a strict neutral?

  • Official Q&A


  • In Global, does the 5 ipc’s Russia gets for being at war, controlling Archangel, Z125(is it actually 127?) being friendly, and no allies in Russia apply when Russia is just at war with japan?

  • Kreighund, some questions and suggestions

    1. Is New Brunswick/Nova Scotia adjacent to Quebec??

    2. For territories like Egypt and Novgorod that have a Naval Base- that naval base can be used for in either sea zone they touch right???  They each touch two different sea zones.

    3. Suggestion- a Larry Endorsed House Rule hopefully- Bring back the “tech token” rules from AA50 to be used in Global Game for tech.

    4. Why do you only need to control only Gibraltar for passage into Gibraltar Strait- why not control Both Gibraltar and Morrocco??  Same with Denmark- why not Denmark AND Norway controlled territories to pass through.

    Thanks in advance :-)

  • I may be reading the rules incorrectly, but I don’t see any means for The Soviet Union to declare war on Japan.

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