If ANZAC can afford to pull this off, then this shows that Japan is not putting pressure on ANZAC like it should be. The issue with ANZAC is that it is forced to play a defensive role for someone. ANZAC can make some offensive moves in early game if Japan doesn’t J1 on US. It’s navy supports the US fleet, it’s air power is supporting UK or USSR, and it’s land forces are defending the homeland. If ANZAC is able to afford bombers and carriers, either the Allies are in a major win swing or Japan ain’t doing its job.
Anzac tech?
can briton share tech advances with the anzacs???
I doubt it
I actualy wouldnt be suprised if there was a rule that ANZAC, France and China can not research or benifit from Techs
well,no tech for china and maybe france,that makes sence,but why not anzacs,if they can afford it
ANZAC will be in the same boat as Italy in 50th, can research, but will need to either save a bit at a time, and only buy research tokens once in a while, and hope to flesh out to afford more. I figure a turn 1 tech token wouldnt be terrible for the chance it may land you cheaper ships or better units.
except that in this game you dont get to keep rolling your tech dice until you get a win.
except that in this game you dont get to keep rolling your tech dice until you get a win.
Really? They changed it from anniversary?
They changed it
Yet, larry told me in a thread on his site we can still do it the anniversery way if everyone agrees -
how does the tech work in e and p combined,do we get buy tech tokens,and pick our tech list and roll,for a tech,if we get the same one twice,thats it we loose the tech,no re rolls?
All powers may roll for technology. China will only benefit from advanced artillery, if they have it. If China acquires an AA gun then that would be 2 other techs, rockets and radar. It sucks that the research token way is gone. In global we buy research dice, meaning if you lose, your money is gone.
All powers may roll for technology. China will only benefit from advanced artillery, if they have it. If China acquires an AA gun then that would be 2 other techs, rockets and radar. It sucks that the research token way is gone. In global we buy research dice, meaning if you lose, your money is gone.
So it’s back to the Revised edition way?