Thank you Panther
Industrial complexes, scrambling, islands
I thought that Australia and Britain are not islands, but Japan is and that is why you cannot scramble from an airbase in Australia or Britain but you can from Japan? And I thought islands could not have industrial complexes?
Which are islands and which are not? Are there any exceptions from where you can or cannot buy industrial complexes? And scrambling, is Japan the exception?
Well, as far as I understand it, islands like Japan, Australia, and UK are the only exceptions to the IC on islands rule, as they are countries with actual industry existing before the war, whereas Borneo may have industry, but not to the extent needed and so cant support the complex and no one will be shipping factories to it.
As for scrambling I have no idea what your talking about as I thought scrambling was a rule that went with all airbases, but my pac book is upstairs so I wont be checking either.
An island is a single territory surrounded by a single sea zone. Britain is 2 territories surrounded by 4 sea zones. Australia is 6 territories surrounded by 5. Japan is 1 territory surrounded by 1 sea zone.
I thought that Australia and Britain are not islands, but Japan is and that is why you cannot scramble from an airbase in Australia or Britain but you can from Japan?
And I thought islands could not have industrial complexes?
They can’t, but Japan is the exception.
And I thought islands could not have industrial complexes?
They can’t, but Japan is the exception.
What about New Zealand?
What about New Zealand?
They removed the IC in the errata.
I thought that Australia and Britain are not islands, but Japan is and that is why you cannot scramble from an airbase in Australia or Britain but you can from Japan?
And I thought islands could not have industrial complexes?
They can’t, but Japan is the exception.
Technically, it says you can’t BUILD IC’s on islands. The one in japan was not BUILT, it was there in the begining
An island is a single territory surrounded by a single sea zone. Britain is 2 territories surrounded by 4 sea zones. Australia is 6 territories surrounded by 5. Japan is 1 territory surrounded by 1 sea zone.
It has also been determined that two separate named islands in the same sz have scrambling abilities also (if you build an AB). Like Sardinia/Sicily & Cyprus/Crete.
What about New Zealand?
They removed the IC in the errata.
Still the setup says that.
Still the setup says that.
The setup also says to put “artilley” in Western US and Japan… so what have you been doing about that? :-D
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