Seven, you do realize th US is only getting 3 right?
Who are you talking to? The US has 3 what? Territories?
The US has 5 territories with Alaska and Hawaii. And Canada is a bigger country than the US. Unless, you are saying that Hawaii and Alaska weren’t states in 1940, then yes, the US gets 3 territories. But there isn’t any actoin in the US so you don’t need that many territories. Plus, if you conquer the Eastern or WEstern US the game should probably be over, so I don’t think the allies need America to have more spaces.
Canada does not deserve 7 territories though, if that’s what you are saying. The USSR was about twice Canada’s size in 1940, but has 4x the territories. However I don’t expect enough action in Canada to justify 7 territories. Unless they’re expecting an invasion of Canada nad want to make the US struggle to defend all the territories from invasion.