• @Clyde85:

    Forgive me for interupting, but that dosnt have much to do with the map…

    Good point. We should return to topic (which is entirely unrelated to how a computer game portrays a SMG).


    …or why allboxcars wants to give spanish morroco to France

    Sadly, not a good point.
    I didn’t create the map with the blue territory which is what is generating the question re straits of GIB.
    Please try to follow the thread.


  • allboxcars - from your last post I just realized why you were mistaken.

    ignore any of the “maps” that are drawn in paint - those are just people trying to extrapolate territories from the grainy picture of the back of the box map we have.

  • @reloader-1:

    allboxcars - from your last post I just realized why you were mistaken.

    ignore any of the “maps” that are drawn in paint - those are just people trying to extrapolate territories from the grainy picture of the back of the box map we have.

    Umm actually I’m not “mistaken”.
    The question was why are people thinking the straits will be closed if France is captured.

    As the question is posed in this thread which discusses the maps, I believe I am still correct in saying that it is indeed the way the map is coloured that is creating these questions.

    If you have an alternative cause of these questions I’d be glad to read it.

    However, at no time did I say that Morocco was French or that it would be in the actual game.


  • No, thats is correct boxcars, you didnt say morroco was French, you did say it looked blue though, and unless another powers tt is blue besides the French one would have to conclude……

    Anyway the question is why people are concerned the fall of mainland France would cause a clouser of the straits of Gibraltar. Larry has stated several times that there will be no Vichy rules, so blue Morroco, will still be considered Allied tt unless the Germans of Italians march troops in there and take it, which then, might, cause the straits to be closed.

    Historically, even with Vichy France, the straits were never closed or were never even in that much danger of being closed. I suspect that in order for the axis to close the strait they will have to invade and capture Gibraltar itself. Not being able to discern to much specific detail from the pictures provided, I believe this to be the case because it makes the most sense, logicaly, from what we’ve been told so far about how these new rules will work

  • Actually I cannot recall reading anywhere that these straits can be closed like the Dardenelles no matter who gets Morocco.


  • @Axisgirl:

    France Controls Morroco. Or is that Syria?

    France controls both.

    I believe I read a post from Larry who said that in Order to get in and out of the Med, you would need to control the Suez canal and the straits of Gibraltar. Now I will need to go look for the post, unless someone else can back me up on this. I believe it is part of the new “straits rule” that includes the Dardanells in Turkey and access to the Black sea, and also the Straits into the Baltic, which I believe require you to control Denmark. If anyone know where the post is please let me know

  • yeah IL and others have done a champion job of trying to maintain the stickied thread of official news collected here and there… but the task is so freakin’ herculean that even that is too cumbersome to skim thru.

    Anyway, if you find anything about the straits it would be interesting to know.


  • I’m hoping that is the case for the Med. It will make it that much more imperative to conquer Africa and possibly invade Spain with Germany or Italy in order to get at Gibraltar. With these rules in place it makes out of the way places very significant in order to open strategic landings into Europe.

  • '10

    I played with the image in Photoshop for awhile.  Hoping I could get more detail…  not much but here is what I came up with.

    MAP - Copy.jpg

  • @Axisgirl:

    It looks like you still can fly planes from America to the UK.

    honestly, I’m not seeing that. Looks like one sea zone too many for fighters, at least.


  • '10

    The Battle of the Atlantic will be much bigger and longer!  There are Convoy zones in the South that will tempt a few German/Italian Subs.  A troop convoy coming from North America will have to sit at sea for one round going either to Britain or Africa…  interesting.

  • '19



    It looks like you still can fly planes from America to the UK.

    honestly, I’m not seeing that. Looks like one sea zone too many for fighters, at least.


    Dont forget about airbases.  Certainly looks like 4 sz’s on the way from EUS to North UK which would be short enough for ftrs.

  • @ksmckay:



    It looks like you still can fly planes from America to the UK.

    honestly, I’m not seeing that. Looks like one sea zone too many for fighters, at least.


    Dont forget about airbases.  Certainly looks like 4 sz’s on the way from EUS to North UK which would be short enough for ftrs.

    OK I forgot the airbases.
    But I’m counting 5 unless you’re landing on that neutral-coloured blob I presume is Ireland.


  • Trying to update sea zones, and incorporating other info, I have two suggestions for updates to the 7/3/10 Mickelson map.

    1. We’ve been told that there are three sea zones in the Baltic, so I would suggest that you add a sea zone boundary from Denmark to Sweden (this would be the point at which the strait rule is applied up here, and will be what allows Germany to build naval units out of range of UK based fighters)

    2. I believe that there are at least three, and possibly four sea zones around Great Britain.  We see one definite SZ number east of Edinburgh, and one south of Ireland.  Additionally, I see one possible one behind the Scotland Infantry (NW of Scotland) and another possible one underneath the ship between UK and Denmark.  Since AA50 has 5 SZs around the UK, it seems more likely that this game will have a similar number (like four) than only 2.  The higher number simultaneously gives the UK navy more elbow room to dodge German air strikes and gives the German Navy more opportunities to sneak out into the Atlantic.

  • '19


    OK I forgot the airbases.
    But I’m counting 5 unless you’re landing on that neutral-coloured blob I presume is Ireland.


    Yep, I was and now agree that it is prolly Ireland and neutral.  All of which makes sense as LH said that US planes would have to stop in Iceland in order to make it to UK.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    I played with the image in Photoshop for awhile.  Hoping I could get more detail…  not much but here is what I came up with.

    It helps if it’s your desktop, Wild Bill did it, so I tried it, it really helps you might want to try it to.

    I also got a different view also on Photoshop, I’ll post it when I get home.

  • Italy Controls 8
    North Italy, South Italy, Albania, Sicily, Libya, Tripolitania, Italian Somaliland, Italian East Africa

    France Controls 12
    Normandy/Brittany, Central France, Sur De Franc, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Madagascar, French West Africa, French Central Africa, French Equatorial Africa, Corsica.

  • The french tank is a T-34 like I said it would be.


  • Customizer


    I played with the image in Photoshop for awhile.  Hoping I could get more detail…  not much but here is what I came up with.

    This map is much clearer than mine. Thanks.


    The french tank is a T-34 like I said it would be.

    I think that all this talk about which sculps the french units will use is a bit hasty. The promo images for both AA50 and AAP40 clearly showed Italian and ANZAC infantry using the Russian infantry sculpts. Neither of which were used in the final product. Therefore it should not be suprising if the french displayed in AAP40’s promo shot are actually not the correct ones and WOTC simply used recycled (& painted) sculps from other countries because the game was likely still in pre production. It wouldn’t suprise me if the color of the units turns out to be a different shade that the french in the photo since this has also been the case with other countries in the past.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    I think that all this talk about which sculps the french units will use is a bit hasty. The promo images for both AA50 and AAP40 clearly showed Italian and ANZAC infantry using the Russian infantry sculpts. Neither of which were used in the final product. Therefore it should not be suprising if the french displayed in AAP40’s promo shot are actually not the correct ones and WOTC simply used recycled (& painted) sculps from other countries because the game was likely still in pre production. It wouldn’t suprise me if the color of the units turns out to be a different shade that the french in the photo since this has also been the case with other countries in the past.

    good point :-(
    forget what i said

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