• @LHoffman:

    I guess it could help to have forces in Spain (providing they aren’t wiped out) if you want to conduct a dual assualt on the next turn; an amphibious assault AND an attack from Spain. This being the strategy if you don’t have enough transports, or you don’t want to build more.

    And having a “Washington Express” going on sure would help matters. But, again, if I were Germany, I would take Spain and Portugal right back from you ASAP. I wouldn’t let you hold them. The problem would be the constant threat of re-invasion from the US and Britain. I think it would come to the point where Germany really cannot turn back the combined Allied armada, at which point it will become a land war where it may be anyone’s battle.

    I guess we will have to see how it works out.

    If the US just takes Portugal, Germany can’t retake it immediately as they can’t blitz through Spain

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    If the US just takes Portugal, Germany can’t retake it immediately as they can’t blitz through Spain

    Well, as long as the US can’t put an IC there, it shouldn’t matter. Germany can wait a turn to take it if they have to. Besides, Portugal is less important to German security than Spain. If nothing else, it is because it is one more space removed. All I can see Portugal being used for is a staging, or rally, point. They too will have to deal with Spain if they want to get to German controlled France. So it will also take the Allies another turn, just to be in range of France. By then the Germans will have massed something along the border of Spain to defend/strike. Portugal is just too far and would take too long for an effective route into France. Why not just go direct?

  • Very true. If the UK has units in Gibraltar(or transports in the Med), they could capture Spain by that route, but that will allow Italy to do major damage

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Very true. If the UK has units in Gibraltar(or transports in the Med), they could capture Spain by that route, but that will allow Italy to do major damage

    Good point. I (at least) have sort of ignored Italy’s presence or abilities here, because they could help Germany too. Italy is probably in an even better position to do stuff in Spain or that area of the Med. than anyone else.

  • I think that Turkey has a value of 2 IPCs (from the photo we have), so it’s pretty possible that both Spain and Portugal have a value as well (that is pretty logic BTW). I guess 1 for Portugal and 2 for Spain. I hope at least 3 inf popping from Portugal and 6 from Spain, it’s the minimun needed if we don’t want invasion on Iberia a routine. Switzerland could have a value of 1, but it should pop a obscene amount of inf to represent the futility of attacking it and their special neutral status (maybe 10 infs are enough?) or being a impassable territory. Turkey should pop 6 inf as well, speciall given that seems that it’s only one territory

    Other neutrals? Sweden could work with 4-5, Eire with 2-3, and probably African and American minors could have 1 each. Let’s pray for the neutrals retaliating as one country and no neutral ACME walls (Mongolia was useless anyway in AAP40, but It’s going to be ridiculous if that mechanic passes to Global)

  • There may very well be a rule that states the US (perhaps the UK also) can not attack “true neutrals”

    The USSR, I susspect, will be able to attack anything it wants, besides the other allies of course.

  • Customizer

    After subjecting the map to all sorts of lighting conditions i was able to pull a bit more detail off of my modified forced projection of the map. Thanks to everyone who has helped to point out details i missed.

    Check out the first entry of this thread. I just UPDATED the map to include Sea zones and Convoys. Note that Yellow lines on the map and also yellow convoy boxes are those which i could not clearly deceiver. Enjoy.

    P.S. Uruguay is back on the map, as my light test clearly indicated its borders and also its blurry illegible name printed on the map. That means that all Mainland south american countries are represented on the map besides Chile. Other small details changed.

  • The SZ to the left of France on your map should be split in two. There is a number to the right of the Italian/Soviet sub.

  • Customizer


    The SZ to the left of France on your map should be split in two. There is a number to the right of the Italian/Soviet sub.

    You are correct. The map has been updated on the first page. Thanks.

    Also i just noticed that i forgot to add two other sea zones in between USA and England. It should be four spaces to england from USA. That means that fighters cannot fly directly to england in one turn from USA. I guess that means that fighters will land it Iceland?

    I’ll update the fix this weekend. Let me know of any other mistakes you guys find.

  • Map looks pretty close. Good job.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:


    The SZ to the left of France on your map should be split in two. There is a number to the right of the Italian/Soviet sub.

    You are correct. The map has been updated on the first page. Thanks.

    Also i just noticed that i forgot to add two other sea zones in between USA and England. It should be four spaces to england from USA. That means that fighters cannot fly directly to england in one turn from USA. I guess that means that fighters will land it Iceland?

    I’ll update the fix this weekend. Let me know of any other mistakes you guys find.

    England is 5 spaces from EUS on your map.

  • Customizer

    Updated map to correct sea zones between Canada and England. (See first entry on thread.)


  • Bob, do you think you can make a similar map joining the Pacific and Europe maps?

  • holy crud, Russia is huge  :-o

  • Customizer


    by the way bob r u going to do a nother set of charts for g40

    Thats the plan, though I can’t guarantee ill get it done fast. I will likely take some time. I’m not a computer graphics guy so it takes quite alot of time for me to figure out how to make stuff look good. I did the AAP40 Charts in powerpoint since I didn’t own photoshop. For clarity sake. I’m planning on making both AAE40 and AAG40 charts.


    Bob, do you think you can make a similar map joining the Pacific and Europe maps?

    I’m not planning on doing that at this time. Frankly the Russian territories are quite hard to make out and accurately combining the maps may prove difficult. I have considered putting in some IPC values in territories that can easily be seen. Larry has also announced how many IPCs some of the powers are going to receive. France gets 17 in AAE for example. But I’m dreading looking up all that information on Larry’s site. It will be quite time consuming for just a few more morsels of information. We’ll probably get a high resolution map photo at GenCon anyway. So I’m not convinced that the effort will be worth it.

  • When is GenCon?

  • Since the Gibraltar is now a strait you cant have it that way. Look a closer to my map suggestion under, how the seaborders need to be drawn, man.


  • Customizer

    I hope your right and the Mediterranean is arranged the way you drew it razor. Unfortunately I drew what I could see and frankly I don’t see what you drew when I look at the blurry map. Time will tell how accurate my translation of the blurry map will be. Hopefully I’ll be in the neighborhood of 90% correct. Again I hope that you are correct, as it should make for more interesting game play.

  • The baltic sea is supposed to have 3 sea sonez according to LH

  • A few noteworthy changes that I susspect are true.

    A 2nd egyptian territory, Alexandria/Tobruk
    Reorganiazed sea zones around the UK, Unified English Channel and 2 sea zones accesable from the Denmark sea zone. (It would be unfair to susspect the Allies could shut the germans in at both the Denmark SZ and North Sea SZ)
    Some adjustments in Russia

    And I saved it as Jpg, oops


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