Europe 1940 shows up on Wizards site…with screenshot

  • BTW, the Black Sea has a zone number… I wonder if the invasion of Turkey would allow ships into and out of there.

  • @robbie358:

    BTW, the Black Sea has a zone number… I wonder if the invasion of Turkey would allow ships into and out of there.

    That was the plan with the new strait rules according to Larry.


    2 things I’ve noticed… The Dutch and French markers in South America… and the lack of a German roundel in Finland.

    I’m going to assume then that Finland will have it’s own roundel for the purposes of a Russian attack not violating it’s (Russia’s) neutrality.
    I wonder if France is going to have the same “can walk into Dutch territories” that UK and ANZAC had in PAC40.

    I wish we could see Europe itself a bit more clearly…
    Africa and Russia both look HUGE and the Atlantic looks like a fun place to have naval battles.

    I can’t tell with Finland.  To me it looks like there’s a US roundel on it in the picture, so I can’t tell if it’s covering a German roundel or a black infantry spawn symbol.  I highly doubt it will have its own roundel.

    As for France, with them being autonomous, I would assume they could take control of Dutch territories, though with the assurance from Larry that Paris will fall to the Germans within two turns, that would be pointless for the Allies as they couldn’t gain any IPCs or anything from those territories from then on.

  • @robbie358:

    BTW, the Black Sea has a zone number… I wonder if the invasion of Turkey would allow ships into and out of there.

    The answer is yes, Larry said it

  • @SAS:

    As for France, with them being autonomous, I would assume they could take control of Dutch territories, though with the assurance from Larry that Paris will fall to the Germans within two turns, that would be pointless for the Allies as they couldn’t gain any IPCs or anything from those territories from then on.

    When an allied power’s capital falls, you can take over their territories and gain IPCs from them. So the French can take over the Dutch territories, gaining IPCs from them. Then, if Paris falls, the UK can take these territories over from the French. It’s a rule that some people seem completely unaware of. For clarification, see the bottom of this FAQ page:

  • @Make_It_Round:


    As for France, with them being autonomous, I would assume they could take control of Dutch territories, though with the assurance from Larry that Paris will fall to the Germans within two turns, that would be pointless for the Allies as they couldn’t gain any IPCs or anything from those territories from then on.

    When an allied power’s capital falls, you can take over their territories and gain IPCs from them. So the French can take over the Dutch territories, gaining IPCs from them. Then, if Paris falls, the UK can take these territories over from the French. It’s a rule that some people seem completely unaware of. For clarification, see the bottom of this FAQ page:

    This can only happen if the tt in question are under enemy control

  • Customizer

    I like the French colour.  But I see no French control markers?

    I really wish that the Italians and Russians would be more distinguishable from each other.  I guess I’m buying a light green spray bomb …

    They’ll get their money out of me with this - even without a true start date of 1939.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    As for France, with them being autonomous, I would assume they could take control of Dutch territories, though with the assurance from Larry that Paris will fall to the Germans within two turns, that would be pointless for the Allies as they couldn’t gain any IPCs or anything from those territories from then on.

    When an allied power’s capital falls, you can take over their territories and gain IPCs from them. So the French can take over the Dutch territories, gaining IPCs from them. Then, if Paris falls, the UK can take these territories over from the French. It’s a rule that some people seem completely unaware of. For clarification, see the bottom of this FAQ page:

    This can only happen if the tt in question are under enemy control

    Seriously? Jeez. Krieg, could we get a clarification from you on this? Does this appear in the rules anywhere?

    And will the “only UK and ANZAC troops can take over Dutch territories” rule extend to Europe, as well? Or can the French and Russians pick up Dutch territories too?

    Cheers, MIR

  • I don’t see how French or Russian units can get all the way to the DEI without transports in the area, especially with japan’s super fleet. I don’t see why you’d want France to take them, since they can’t collect ipcs

  • @jim010:

    I like the French colour.  But I see no French control markers?

    Judging from the borrowed sculpts for France, the strange color, and the lack of french control markers (even on income chart, it seems this picture was taken before the E40 pieces had been produced, so they borrowed pieces from previous games to take the picture and photoshopped the color of the french units (not to mention the fact the same could be said for the P40 picture with ANZAC).  At least that leaves hope that the italian pieces may yet be a more distinguishable color.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    I don’t see how French or Russian units can get all the way to the DEI without transports in the area, especially with japan’s super fleet. I don’t see why you’d want France to take them, since they can’t collect ipcs

    I think they were talking about France taking the dutch homeland territories, not the DEI.  However, won’t the european dutch territories already be under German control by the start of the game?

  • Official Q&A





    As for France, with them being autonomous, I would assume they could take control of Dutch territories, though with the assurance from Larry that Paris will fall to the Germans within two turns, that would be pointless for the Allies as they couldn’t gain any IPCs or anything from those territories from then on.

    When an allied power’s capital falls, you can take over their territories and gain IPCs from them. So the French can take over the Dutch territories, gaining IPCs from them. Then, if Paris falls, the UK can take these territories over from the French. It’s a rule that some people seem completely unaware of. For clarification, see the bottom of this FAQ page:

    This can only happen if the tt in question are under enemy control

    Seriously? Jeez. Krieg, could we get a clarification from you on this? Does this appear in the rules anywhere?

    And will the “only UK and ANZAC troops can take over Dutch territories” rule extend to Europe, as well? Or can the French and Russians pick up Dutch territories too?

    Cheers, MIR

    Calvinhobbesliker is correct.  The only way that you can take control of an ally’s territory is to capture it from the enemy while that ally’s capital is held by the enemy.  The only exception to this rule is the UK/ANZAC ability to take control of Dutch territories, and no other power has or will have this ability.

  • It seems you can get from EUS to Algeria, Spain, and Portugal in 1 turn

  • @cminke:

    how can u guys tell?? do u have a diffrent map then what mi looking at?

    Well, each Sea Zone has a white number, and you can see white spots on the ocean. I assume that numbers close together are adjacent.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    dont get smatr a** on me im canadain!

    Try spelling correctly. It will help your Canadian image…

    (FYI… I love Canada. Beautiful place.)

  • @cminke:

    dont get smatr a** on me im canadain!

    All he did was answer your question. :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    All he did was answer your question. :roll:

    Nice end quote SAS. Cool band.

  • @LHoffman:


    All he did was answer your question. :roll:

    Nice end quote SAS. Cool band.

    Thanks.  8-)  I sent you a PM to avoid bogging down this thread.

  • OK, here’s a question.

    If you look at the borderbetween Libya and the Sahara, there appears to be an oddly shaped territory that’s colored more like the beige of a neutral territory (no name or other symbol visible, though) than the blue-gray of the impassable Sahara.  Any theories? Is that a possible path to try to outflank the Brits in Egypt, or do you think it’s some other map or picture artifact?

  • @purplebaron:

    OK, here’s a question.

    If you look at the borderbetween Libya and the Sahara, there appears to be an oddly shaped territory that’s colored more like the beige of a neutral territory (no name or other symbol visible, though) than the blue-gray of the impassable Sahara.  Any theories? Is that a possible path to try to outflank the Brits in Egypt, or do you think it’s some other map or picture artifact?

    That’s just the rest of Libya(look at a modern map), and is probably there to show that part of Libya is in the Sahara.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    OK, here’s a question.

    If you look at the borderbetween Libya and the Sahara, there appears to be an oddly shaped territory that’s colored more like the beige of a neutral territory (no name or other symbol visible, though) than the blue-gray of the impassable Sahara.  Any theories? Is that a possible path to try to outflank the Brits in Egypt, or do you think it’s some other map or picture artifact?

    That’s just the rest of Libya(look at a modern map), and is probably there to show that part of Libya is in the Sahara.

    Perhaps it will be possible to move troops to that libyan part of Sahara as well…… Interesting… I’d love to see Anderb’s opinion on this one.

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