Every country should have paratroopers except China.
And Canada. But Canada is not in the game so … :-D
Bah, when China receive a starting land army two times greater than japanese one and tanks cannot blitz for China, I’ll agree with you. Until that, I disagree, China should be able of do the same as any other country :wink:
Heck, just make China’s starting land army equal to the number of Japan’s starting land troops and call it even “because of the civil war”. And yeah, if we’re going to have an “ACME wall” keeping Chinese units in “Chinese territory”, at least make it so that tanks can’t blitz through those same territories or something. Or just make a line of “no blitz” territories down the middle of China for the mountain range.
Let China just have infantry and the occassional artillery, that’s fine, but let the starting number be equal to Japan’s number of land units at the very least, if not more. Spread them out across the Chinese territories so that Japan can make some advances early and China can counter.
Paratroopers I can’t really see China having though, especially as they needed US volunteers to even have an air force worth speaking of.