im turning my basement in to an axis and allies bunker.
it’s going to be painted to look like concret, have ammo boxes, 2 tables 1 for the axis and allies board and one for the minis board. its goning to have pics of all the major leaders on the walls, allong with a washed out ncm. and not to mention the in wall beer bar, pop bar, and 11.2 sourond sound system (yess i ment 11.2)
if you want dedacation listen to this… my cousins and me drees up useing the real unaforms and assories, and play 1 game in 4-5 days. we pay normaly untill the combat phase where we use minis, and some times alot of them at once, to decied a battle. we even made a spical unit for each country Ie.the german “ratte” japaniese “yamato class” BB, ECT… wich we also have coustom minis for and yes they are the same scale as tanks… any thing i should add?
post pics I want to see your custom units