@gen-manstein very Awesome!!
Global Gaming Table
early on
to show the depth
Wisconsin, USA
No secret, I’ll see what I can come up with
Epic awesomeness, It has been a long time since me and my dad used to make forts for G.I. Joes when I was younger; this reminds me because one of the forts had a similar recessed design with towers at the four corners. Again dude, that is amazing.
I thought somebody asked, but are you going to be providing the dimensions that you used to build the board?
are you going to be providing the dimensions that you used to build the board?
yes, when i get a chance, i’ll post
I live in the Twin Cities! You gotta let me game on this…
Insert Quote
I live in the Twin Cities! You gotta let me game on this…got to finish it first :)
What’s next?
sanding, staining, just a few things
Very nice. I’ve been working on one for AA50 myself (with a fancy new gameboard to go with it … I’ll reveal that when I’m done ;)), but this gives me a few ideas to modify mine with. lol.
Stay on topic…
I want one but I can barley afford games in general.
OK please stay on topic.
I want one but I can barley afford games in general.
Building one would be cheaper than buying one, but this table looks like it could get costly if you really wanted to go deluxe.
so far, only $90 in wood and fabric. another $30 on plexiglass. not too bad
my friend, who i’m building it with, had a baby 3 days ago, so nothing more has been completed recently. soon, we’ll back to work
WOW! Thats a really nice table dude, cant wait to see the completed product!
Thoes426 :evil: -
WOW! Thats a really nice table dude, cant wait to see the completed product!
thanks, not a whole lot of work done in the last couple weeks
This looks absolutely amazing