So I’ve started the massive task of painting my Pacific 1940 set. Because a) I love WWII and A&A, b) I have to make everything I do as authentic as possible, and c) I love self-torture; I’ve been researching what the closest equivalent piece of equipment for each faction would be. I thought this would be a good forum to post the list, as there’s some speculations as to what the Europe 1940 unit-makes will be.
A bit of the info I got from some the older A&A rulebooks (listed under unit descriptions), but too many of those were vague or inaccurate. So using the intraweb, books, and a lot of coffee, I’ve composed this list… Note that some of the items are repeats as nations would have borrowed technology from each other. Also I haven’t started on France - feel free to post your own ideas for their units.
I’d love to get everyone’s reactions, input, links, pics of their own painted sets, and in-general comments.
-Artillery - M1938 122 mm Howitzer

Katyushkas :-D
-Mech Infantry - M3-A1?
no HT. Trucks. Red Army lacked of HT, didn’t have many mech infantry, had Motor Infantry Instead. “Mech Infatry” were ‘tank riders’ (literaly infantry riding on top of tanks, they used to do that a lot)
-Tactical Bomber - Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik OR Petlyakov Pe-2 Peshka
-Tank - PzKpfw V Panther
PzKpfw IV was the most common armor unit used as MBT by the Werchmatch though the war.
-Aircraft Carrier - Shinano class
only one built of this ‘class’
-Fighter - Lockheed P-38 Lightning
P-51 Mustang for Europe
F6F Hellcat for the Pacific
-Fighter - Curtiss P-40 “Flying Tigers”
abso-fucking-lutelly! :-D
-Fighter - Aeronautica Macchi C.202 Folgore
-Tactical Bomber - Savoia-Marchetti SM.84
-Strategic Bomber - Piaggio P.108
where are you planning to get those ones? (I would love having some SP84 Spaviero. (note: I don’t think the Spavieros could land on a AC)