• Came up with an interesting scenario happened in a game last night.

    G1 I killed UK battleship. I placed my destroyer and a sub in sea zone 3. Because I wasn’t sure on the semantics of the rules I warned the UK player- “if you try to transport into Norway your transport will auto-die”.

    My reasoning being,

    If I had just brought the destroyer, the UK player would have a chance to kill it with his planes and amphibious assault. If I had only brought the sub, he could ignore it and land. Since I brought both, he engages battles with the destroyer, bringing the sub into the battle. Since the planes can’t hit the subs, the subs get to shoot all day until the transport dies or retreats.

    Was I right in this rule interpretation? Or does the battle end when the destroyer dies? Seems like an odd situation that may not have captured the intent of the rules.

  • Official Q&A

    Your interpretation is correct.

  • Customizer

    still waiting for that online rulebook……
    someone has a pdf somewhere in hasbro… can you tell the lazy guy to upload it please?

  • @Veqryn:

    still waiting for that online rulebook……
    someone has a pdf somewhere in hasbro… can you tell the lazy guy to upload it please?

    Check page one, this thread

  • I’m flooding this thing with questions it seems

    If an ally (say US), builds an IC in a axis country (say Norway), then the axis retake it, then another ally retakes it (such as UK). Does the IC belong then to US or UK?

    Thanks again.

  • Official Q&A


    If an ally (say US), builds an IC in a axis country (say Norway), then the axis retake it, then another ally retakes it (such as UK). Does the IC belong then to US or UK?


  • @Mr.Biggg:

    Came up with an interesting scenario happened in a game last night.

    G1 I killed UK battleship. I placed my destroyer and a sub in sea zone 3. Because I wasn’t sure on the semantics of the rules I warned the UK player- “if you try to transport into Norway your transport will auto-die”.

    My reasoning being,

    If I had just brought the destroyer, the UK player would have a chance to kill it with his planes and amphibious assault. If I had only brought the sub, he could ignore it and land. Since I brought both, he engages battles with the destroyer, bringing the sub into the battle. Since the planes can’t hit the subs, the subs get to shoot all day until the transport dies or retreats.

    Was I right in this rule interpretation? Or does the battle end when the destroyer dies? Seems like an odd situation that may not have captured the intent of the rules.

    This interpretation doesn’t seem correct.  As soon as the UK planes take out the German destroyer, the sz is no longer hostile (despite the presence of the sub), thereby clearing the way for the UK amphibious assault … correct?

  • @LMD:

    This interpretation doesn’t seem correct.  As soon as the UK planes take out the German destroyer, the sz is no longer hostile (despite the presence of the sub), thereby clearing the way for the UK amphibious assault … correct?

    When you make a combat move into a SZ you’re engaging all the enemy units present on the area, thus bringing the subs into the battle. As long as the subs don’t submerge (or the attacker retreats) they will still be on the battle, since their shots can hit the transport.

    1. USSR fighter lands on UK carrier on R1.  UK wants to move the carrier to Borneo on UK1. Is the carrier “stranded”, does the fighter remain in the carrier’s original SZ, is the fighter lost, or can the fighter be carried along.  :?
    2. US fighter lands on UK carrier on US1. The carrier moves on UK2.  Can the fighter fly off on US2 with its full range, is the carrier’s move deducted from it’s range, is it left in the carrier’s original SZ, is it lost, or is it stranded in the carriers new SZ? :?

  • @Nomarclegs:

    1. USSR fighter lands on UK carrier on R1.  UK wants to move the carrier to Borneo on UK1. Is the carrier “stranded”, does the fighter remain in the carrier’s original SZ, is the fighter lost, or can the fighter be carried along.  :?

    The fighter can be carried along. Fighters may land on any eligible spaces, including territories, islands or friendly carriers.

    1. US fighter lands on UK carrier on US1. The carrier moves on UK2.  Can the fighter fly off on US2 with its full range, is the carrier’s move deducted from it’s range, is it left in the carrier’s original SZ, is it lost, or is it stranded in the carriers new SZ? :?

    Fighter can fly off on US2 with its full range.

  • If I’m Germany and attack a Russian held East Russia with just inf and art, would it be legal to move tanks through this newly conquered territory to attack Moscow?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Sweet Daddy!

    Not in the same turn.  All combat movement must be completed before any combat occurs.  The only exception to this rule is land units performing an amphibious assault that is preceded by a sea battle.

  • No.  I think you mean West Russia.  All combat moves happen simultaneously, and you cannot go back to the “Combat Movement” phase after the “Conduct Combat” phase.  In other words, since you cannot attack Russia at the beginning of the Combat Movement phase (at least from WR), then you cannot attack Russia in that round at all. Thus, after Germany’s Combat Movement/Conduct Combat moves in WR, Germany could reinforce WR, and then be at Russia’s doorstep at the beginning of the next round, but could not start a new Combat movement into Russia on the same turn.

  • @LMD:

    No.  I think you mean West Russia.  All combat moves happen simultaneously, and you cannot go back to the “Combat Movement” phase after the “Conduct Combat” phase.  In other words, since you cannot attack Russia at the beginning of the Combat Movement phase (at least from WR), then you cannot attack Russia in that round at all. Thus, after Germany’s Combat Movement/Conduct Combat moves in WR, Germany could reinforce WR, and then be at Russia’s doorstep at the beginning of the next round, but could not start a new Combat movement into Russia on the same turn.

    I did mean West Russia, my bad.

    Thx for clearing that up.

    So to clarify, all combat movement must be done before any combat is carried out?

    If so then the rule makes sense, because the way my group was incorrectly playing was that you moved, conducted that combat, then moved, conducted that combat and so on.

    Thanks in advance for helping me out, as I was the only one in my group who had the attention span to actually read the rules. :)

  • I’ve searched high and low for this clarification so I apologize if it’s basic but I don’t understand this aspect of combat movement: If Germany attacks Russia, can Great Britain use their combat move to move units into the attacked area to be used as defense?

    i.e. Eastern Europe move in to attack Karelia. When it’s the GB’s combat move, can they move fighters from UK to Karelia and use them defensively against the attack from Eastern Europe?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Yooper!

    No, it doesn’t work that way.  Germany completes its attack on Karelia (and all of its other attacks) on Germany’s turn.  The battle will be over before UK can move its units on its turn.  UK would’ve had to have moved its units into Karelia on a prior turn in order for them to help defend.

  • Thanks Krieghund! That makes a lot more sense…my son will not be happy tho! Thanks again!

  • Hi everyone!  I just started playing Axis & Allies (AA42) and had a great time completing my first full game.  There were several rule and map questions that came up during our game (who is surprised?) that I am hoping the community can help with.  I noticed others were asking their questions here and I did not find answers to mine.  So here we go.  Thanks in advance!  :-)

    Map Questions:
    A) Does Eastern U.S border SZ 9?
    B) Does Karelia border SZ 5?

    Rule Questions:
    C) Can a UK battleship assist in a US amphibious assault from the same SZ?
    D) Can I build an Industrial Complex in a territory I captured on the same turn?
    E) Can you confirm that AA guns only fire on the first round of combat, and not every round?
    F) Can you confirm that submarines may not hit fighters and bombers?
    G) Can you confirm that fighters and bombers may not hit submarines?
    H) In a sea battle involving an aircraft carrier with fighters (landed on the carrier but now involved in combat, either attacking or defending), may a player choose the aircraft carrier as a casualty before choosing the fighters?
    I) If the answer to H) is “Yes,” then what happens to the surviving fighters with no aircraft carrier to land on?

    “Flavor” Questions:
    J) One player was increasingly annoyed when defending infantry would shoot down planes and bombers.  Am I missing a rule here, or are there any practical or historical explanations of infantry shooting down planes?

    Thanks again  :-)

  • Customizer

    I think the super hero called the war hound is best for these - though as far as “j” is concerned…

    A unit is an ambiguous representation of a military force in WWII.  An infantry unit is mainly comprised of infantry, though not only infantry.  In regard to your friend’s annoyance at infantry shooting down his aircraft… the belligerent infantry may have a couple squads of planes mixed in there, or AA guns.  When they shoot down a plane - we kinda assume that that particular unit also had a strong air support or anti-aircraft element.

  • @Beloved:

    Hi everyone!  I just started playing Axis & Allies (AA42) and had a great time completing my first full game.  There were several rule and map questions that came up during our game (who is surprised?) that I am hoping the community can help with.  I noticed others were asking their questions here and I did not find answers to mine.  So here we go.  Thanks in advance!  :-)

    Map Questions:
    A) Does Eastern U.S border SZ 9?
    B) Does Karelia border SZ 5?

    Rule Questions:
    C) Can a UK battleship assist in a US amphibious assault from the same SZ?
    D) Can I build an Industrial Complex in a territory I captured on the same turn?
    E) Can you confirm that AA guns only fire on the first round of combat, and not every round?
    F) Can you confirm that submarines may not hit fighters and bombers?
    G) Can you confirm that fighters and bombers may not hit submarines?
    H) In a sea battle involving an aircraft carrier with fighters (landed on the carrier but now involved in combat, either attacking or defending), may a player choose the aircraft carrier as a casualty before choosing the fighters?
    I) If the answer to H) is “Yes,” then what happens to the surviving fighters with no aircraft carrier to land on?

    “Flavor” Questions:
    J) One player was increasingly annoyed when defending infantry would shoot down planes and bombers.  Am I missing a rule here, or are there any practical or historical explanations of infantry shooting down planes?

    Thanks again  :-)

    Hey there

    A) No
    B) Yes
    C) No
    D) No
    E) AAs only fire 1 time, before any combat
    F) Subs can’t hit planes
    G) Planes can hit subs, if there’s also a friendly destroyer present in that round of combat (if the destroyer is hit and removed, then they can’t hit subs anymore for the remaining rounds of combat).
    H) Yes, you can always choose the carrier first. However, if the carrier is defending then the planes will always participate on the combat. Only if the carrier is attacking and carrying allied fighters, then they will be considered ‘cargo’ and not participate on combat (but if the carrier is sunk, the planes go to the bottom of the ocean as well).
    I) If the carrier is attacking and they are cargo, then they are lost. If the carrier and the fighters are attacking, the planes have their remaining movement to land on a valid spot. If there isn’t one, they are lost. If the carrier was defending, then the planes have a movement of 1 to a valid landing spot. If there isn’t one, they are lost.
    J) Great philosophical discussion there but basically that’s how the game works. Infantry can destroy planes on the ground and they carry weapons that can shoot at planes.

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