Sorry if I was not clear enough.
In the case you have explained it can. If Germany has taken any UK territory(Canada or Africa), then the US will collect the income if it retakes it.
As soon as London is liberated, the former UK territories the US recaptured from the Germans will return to the UK.
Yet another question
Hey all, quick question. Let’s say Japan attacks the US with a battleship, carrier, and 2 fighters. The US defends with a carrier and two fighters. Turn one the US takes 2 hits and chooses to remove the carrier and a fighter. If Japan calls off the attack at that point to avoid letting the fighter roll another dice, does the remaining US fighter simply die off as it has no carrier to land on? Or does it have the option of re-basing somewhere?
Hey all, quick question. Let’s say Japan attacks the US with a battleship, carrier, and 2 fighters. The US defends with a carrier and two fighters. Turn one the US takes 2 hits and chooses to remove the carrier and a fighter. If Japan calls off the attack at that point to avoid letting the fighter roll another dice, does the remaining US fighter simply die off as it has no carrier to land on? Or does it have the option of re-basing somewhere?
The remaining US fighter can move 1 space to land at a friendly territory/island/carrier. It it can’t land then it is destroyed.