Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • i bet hes going to release it at the same time as the itailns

  • '10

    I can’t tell you everything we are working on unfortunately…  Or I would get e-mails EVERY DAY asking me when the released dates are.

    Sometimes surprises are better  :wink:

  • tis true. like you did with the italins first, but then…. mestakes we made, but now we know, if something can go wrong PLAN ON IT cuz its going to.

  • Sorry I didn’t read 184 pages, but are all the nations being released at once?

  • @Zallomallo:

    Sorry I didn’t read 184 pages, but are all the nations being released at once?

    No, one at a time.  And probably well over a period of a year after release of the Italian set - molds take time, let alone production snafus.

  • @Zallomallo:

    Sorry I didn’t read 184 pages, but are all the nations being released at once?

    better start!

  • @kcdzim:


    Sorry I didn’t read 184 pages, but are all the nations being released at once?

    No, one at a time.  And probably well over a period of a year after release of the Italian set - molds take time, let alone production snafus.

    Considering the German molds are either in production/completed, and the US sculpts are half (or more) done, I don’t think we’re looking at a period of a year myself.  But it may be, because as we all know, delays are inevitable (sadly).

  • an you know what?  delays are fine as long as you plan on them happening.

  • @gamegeek:

    Considering the German molds are either in production/completed, and the US sculpts are half (or more) done, I don’t think we’re looking at a period of a year myself.  But it may be, because as we all know, delays are inevitable (sadly).

    So then there are still British, USSR, Japan, molds which we have no reason to suspect are at any significant milestone, then the special set with aa guns, bases, etc.  Plus there’s China & France (and anzac, if it has any unique pieces).  Everytime a sculpt needs to be revised, it seems to me that that’s at least a month to sort any changes, then the molds need to be made (and hopefully not remade as in Italy’s case) and then trial pieces for approval….  and THEN production of the units.

    Yeah, I’m all for this project, but I think it’s naive to think it will be done in a year from now (or even a year from Italy release) and I would rather be conservative and continue to guess “well over a year” than suggest “soon soon, hardly any time at all”, and see people take that as gospel and get frustrated with the timetable.

  • So then there are still British, USSR, Japan, molds…

    -1 bomer for japan

  • @cminke:

    So then there are still British, USSR, Japan, molds…

    -1 bomer for japan

    didn’t bother to mention it because really it’s a drop in the bucket, dude.

  • @kcdzim:


    Considering the German molds are either in production/completed, and the US sculpts are half (or more) done, I don’t think we’re looking at a period of a year myself.  But it may be, because as we all know, delays are inevitable (sadly).

    So then there are still British, USSR, Japan, molds which we have no reason to suspect are at any significant milestone, then the special set with aa guns, bases, etc.  Plus there’s China & France (and anzac, if it has any unique pieces).  Everytime a sculpt needs to be revised, it seems to me that that’s at least a month to sort any changes, then the molds need to be made (and hopefully not remade as in Italy’s case) and then trial pieces for approval….  and THEN production of the units.

    Yeah, I’m all for this project, but I think it’s naive to think it will be done in a year from now (or even a year from Italy release) and I would rather be conservative and continue to guess “well over a year” than suggest “soon soon, hardly any time at all”, and see people take that as gospel and get frustrated with the timetable.

    Excellent points.  I did not think about the sheer number of sets to go still (I’m still stuck on AA50 with just 6 sets, so 1/2 way there!).

    And, as FMG is saying, no more dates.  They come when the come.  Too many people get upset and on the warpath if you give them a possible timeline.

  • Customizer

    At least future sets will come A LOT faster than Italy.  Look at the sculpts;  with Italy, we got a new sculpt every 1 or 2 months.  All of the German sculpts were completed in about a month (except perhaps the Stuka which needed landing gear).  Plus, since Jeremy has selected the proper type of plastic for the Italian pieces, that selection process has been eliminated because they will use the same stuff for all the other countries.  They just have to work on coloring.  I think the longest part of each set will be getting the mould forged at the foundry.  Actual production should go quickly.

  • Once Italy is done and FMG’s producer knows what to expect I think they wil come faster. I think within 2 years we will have them all. It sounds like a long time but if we get one every couple of months it will go fast.

  • No postings for 7 days. What is status of our mercandise we have invested in. Would like a update.

  • NO!  surprise us with the product not useless info please!

  • Customizer


    No postings for 7 days. What is status of our mercandise we have invested in. Would like a update.

    The mould has been finished, proper plastic material and color have been selected and they are in final production right now.  Each set of 150 pieces will require 6 stampings of the mould.  They have to close the mould, inject the plastic, wait for the plastic to cool and set, then open the mould to retrieve the new pieces and repeat this process 5 more times to get a full 150 piece set.
    I would assume FMG has placed a MINIMUM order of 100 sets just to fill all the pre-orders and have some left over for in-house inventory stock.  While I don’t know the exact time for each stamping of the mould or what kind of hours the Chinese factory works, you’ve got to figure this will take some time to produce that many sets.  Plus, to control shipping costs, they HAVE to wait until all those sets are complete before shipping them across the ocean – they can’t afford to ship one or two sets at a time.  Shipping costs would be ridiculous.
    We are in the HOME STRETCH now.  Final production started on or about June 10 so it will only take a few weeks more.  Everyone just be patient.  We will all be very happy very soon.

  • TripleA '12

    That works for me mate, thanks.

  • @knp7765:


    No postings for 7 days. What is status of our mercandise we have invested in. Would like a update.

    The mould has been finished, proper plastic material and color have been selected and they are in final production right now.  Each set of 150 pieces will require 6 stampings of the mould.  They have to close the mould, inject the plastic, wait for the plastic to cool and set, then open the mould to retrieve the new pieces and repeat this process 5 more times to get a full 150 piece set.
    I would assume FMG has placed a MINIMUM order of 100 sets just to fill all the pre-orders and have some left over for in-house inventory stock.  While I don’t know the exact time for each stamping of the mould or what kind of hours the Chinese factory works, you’ve got to figure this will take some time to produce that many sets.  Plus, to control shipping costs, they HAVE to wait until all those sets are complete before shipping them across the ocean – they can’t afford to ship one or two sets at a time.  Shipping costs would be ridiculous.
    We are in the HOME STRETCH now.  Final production started on or about June 10 so it will only take a few weeks more.  Everyone just be patient.  We will all be very happy very soon.

    and dont forget germany is right arround the corner

  • Customizer

    Is the mould for Germany finished yet?  Or are they still working on it at the forge?  Well, hopefully it won’t have the defect discovered in the Italian mould and as soon as the factory gets it, they can get into production.

    Sure would like to see some more US sculpts if they are available yet.

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