Here’s something I’ve been working on. I apologize if someone has posted this in the past. If so, please link me to it. I don’t purport to be an original thinker. If it hasn’t great. Pick it apart and tell me how to fix it.
Basically the idea is to give preferential combat results to “better than needed rolls” like this:
A unit firing at a 1 has no change in the rules.
A unit firing at a 2 hits a unit firing at a 1 with a 2, or a 2 with a 1.
A unit firing at a 3 hits a unit firing at a 1 with a 3, a 2 with a 2, or a 3 with a 1.
A unit firing at a 4 hits a unit firing at a 1 with a 4, a 2 with a 3, a 3 with a 2, or a 4 with a 1.
If the target that is hit is not available, you simply go upwards on the chart (i.e a 1 hits a 2 if no 1’s are targets).
I hope this makes sense. I’m having a tough time putting it into words…
So far, the only thing I don’t like is attacking fighters have to destroy all "3"s before they can hit defending fighters at a 4. But then again, your opponent would choose casualties this way anyway.
The purpose of this is to avoid all the infantry dying first every time. It’s way too unrealistic for me.