Young Grasshopper's G40 House Rules

  • '15

    These only kick in after round 5 or so, right?  Otherwise, things like taking back the Burma road are pretty trivial for the Allies to do in the beginning.

  • Sponsor


    These only kick in after round 5 or so, right? Otherwise, things like taking back the Burma road are pretty trivial for the Allies to do in the beginning.

    Actually, There are no restrictions as to when a token can be achieved. For example: Germany takes control of London turn 3, they would get a victory token and a free development roll right away.

    As for the Asia token for the Allies, The US from Caroline Islands could easily land on both Shanghai and Hong Kong because Japan is protecting the Philippines. So we added control of the Burma road to validate the Asia token as a true accomplishment and not just a sneaky double landing from the Americans.

  • Sponsor

    PDF Files for accessory card deck for these house rules are now available in the first post.

  • '18 '17 '16

    YG, can you add them to Artscow for printing like the G40 Objectives deck?

    Thanks again! I look forward to playing them.

  • Sponsor


    YG, can you add them to Artscow for printing like the G40 Objectives deck?

    Thanks again! I look forward to playing them.

    Sorry, artscow only allows me to design decks limited to 54 cards, but I’m looking into another site that lets me have as many as I like in one deck… I’m just learning their design features as they’re much different than artscow. Cheers.

  • YG,

    Thanks for the download.  I have really enjoyed your extra work in helping our community.


  • Sponsor



    Thanks for the download.  I have really enjoyed your extra work in helping our community.


    Thanks Rodcina, I really appreciate that… and welcome to the forums.

  • Watched your video and really liked the cards. Bought a deck and can’t wait for them to arrive. Thanks for sharing your work. After having watched most of your videos I know that you are very passionate about axis and allies. Freely sharing your game mods shows that it’s all about the game. Thanks again for being you and doing what you do.  -  Robert

  • '20 '16

    I’m getting “invalid format” when I click on both 90 card links. I ordered the awesome set from artscow last night, so I think I just “need” the 16 victory objective cards, right?

  • Sponsor


    I’m getting “invalid format” when I click on both 90 card links. I ordered the awesome set from artscow last night, so I think I just “need” the 16 victory objective cards, right?

    I just downloaded them both, no issues… maybe try again on a different computer. I’m considering a new artscow deck but it won’t be done for a while.

  • Sponsor


    Watched your video and really liked the cards. Bought a deck and can’t wait for them to arrive. Thanks for sharing your work. After having watched most of your videos I know that you are very passionate about axis and allies. Freely sharing your game mods shows that it’s all about the game. Thanks again for being you and doing what you do.  -  Robert

    Thanks Robert, I really appreciate it.

  • '18 '17 '16

    I really like this set of cards and I’ve watched your videos on the rules and now I’m ready to print them off and give it a try. I’m wondering what function the last 2 cards are for though. Combat Movement, Combat Declaration, Collect income and Bonuses. I can see what you would use the Mobilization Zones for but I’m not sure about these other 3. Please enlighten me Young Grasshopper and thank you very much for your work in creating this set and all the other work you have done.

  • Sponsor


    I really like this set of cards and I’ve watched your videos on the rules and now I’m ready to print them off and give it a try. I’m wondering what function the last 2 cards are for though. Combat Movement, Combat Declaration, Collect income and Bonuses. I can see what you would use the Mobilization Zones for but I’m not sure about these other 3. Please enlighten me Young Grasshopper and thank you very much for your work in creating this set and all the other work you have done.

    Hey GHG… I’ve uploaded a new video that will better answer your question (It’s at the 11:20 mark)…

  • I like this idea. Gonna play with them next time with my group.

  • '20 '16

    Good stuff, YGH! I was wondering what inspired the change to the production facilities? What territories, or areas on the map did you feel were getting too much or too little production that first planted the idea in your mind?

    And, as a fly on the wall, I’m curious if/where you see these facilties coming into play in your games in the Cliffside Bunker?

    The Depot in the Philippines is what stands out the most to me at first glance. I see that making a J1 DOW almost a must!  :-o

  • Sponsor


    Good stuff, YGH! I was wondering what inspired the change to the production facilities? What territories, or areas on the map did you feel were getting too much or too little production that first planted the idea in your mind?

    And, as a fly on the wall, I’m curious if/where you see these facilties coming into play in your games in the Cliffside Bunker?

    The Depot in the Philippines is what stands out the most to me at first glance. I see that making a J1 DOW almost a must! :-o

    Hey Mill Creek, Thanks for your questions and comments.

    Over the past 3-4 years there have been many forum discussions about adding production facilities to the already existing ones. Many people have offered ideas of facilities slightly greater than a Minor IC, and others suggest a facility smaller than a Minor IC… The member with the most inspiration for my work on this was KNP, and from his suggestions I decided to work on a system that had both a greater and a lesser than Minor facility bringing it to a total of 4 production units available.

    I have introduced tons of house rules to my core gaming group over several years, the ones that have become unanimously accepted for all our current games at the Bunker are the victory tokens we use to determine a winner, and the new or modified national objectives to create some balance. Some of my own personal favorites like a combined UK Pacific/ANZAC nation, and AAA capabilities for cruisers and battleships have been rejected among our group… as well as the 4 production facility system. Out of all the house rules we don’t play at the Bunker, the new production facilities are my favorite, and therefore… I included them on my house rule document.

    The 4 production facility system favors the Allies the most, so it can be used as a tremendous balance mechanic instead of the bid system. If you read the capabilities and restrictions of each facility, as well as the new starting setup for initial placement (like you noticed about the Philippines)… you will see some interesting possibilities for a game.

    • The United States may build more units in Western USA when not at war, they may build up to 10 IPCs worth of units on the Philippines and Hawaii, and they may place up to 5 units in Norway if they build a Major factory there.

    • The Russians can build more units on the front in Leningrad, more on Stalingrad after a strong German advance, and they can build a depot if they want more units in the far east.

    • ANZAC can now build 5 units in Sydney instead of just 3, Calcutta can now get have 2 major factories in and around India, and the UK can build slightly cheaper facilities in and around Egypt.

    • How does these facilities effect the Axis?.. not by much, the facilities they capture will be downgraded or destroyed forcing them to buy their own. Any 5 unit producing major factory in Romania and/or the Asian coast are possible threats, but they are expensive and although military depots only cost 10 IPCs to build… their production output for Axis needs are weak at best.

    Please let me know what you think…


  • '20 '16

    My thoughts will probably stay at opinions and theories, unfortunately. I don’t play “Deluxe” face to face. I play online, and usually the Balanced Mod. For face to face games, we usually stick to Anniversary Edition as it is a great game, and more manageable in one sitting.

    Staying on the production facilities subject, I agree with you that they sound fun and interesting, but I agree with your group that it might be too much to implement on a regular basis. They would change the game in a huge way! Might be better, true, but a huge change is hard to get universally accepted.

    The shared, and noble, ideas behind Balanced Mod and your house rules, are: minimize the need for a bid due to imbalance, and expand quality strategic options in different theatres of the war. Sealion, Africa, Mediterranean, Pacific Islands, etc.

    It seems to me, putting a major factory in Novgorod, and a Military Depot in the Philippines, both strike me as limiting the variety of choices the Axis have. Germany is punished for not going Barbarossa, and Japan is punished for no J1 DOW. Neat ideas, but the resulting effects on game play may take away from your larger intended goals.

    Just looking at the prices, they seem expensive. The minor has no increased value from OOB, is now more expensive, able to be hit by tac bombers, and is limited in production unit type. What are your thoughts about 8, 12, and 16(or 18) pricing?

    Japan purchases more factories than any other nation, and I would love to see how far they could extend their power into Asia with some military depots in Chinese and Russian territories!  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16

    Question regarding the victory objectives. For the Economy objective that the Axis can achieve, does that total include national objectives as well or just income from territories? I have to ask because I never use an income tracker and I don’t know if you include N.O.'s in them.

  • Sponsor


    Question regarding the victory objectives. For the Economy objective that the Axis can achieve, does that total include national objectives as well or just income from territories? I have to ask because I never use an income tracker and I don’t know if you include N.O.'s in them.

    Hey GHG,

    It’s the total amount of income from the income tracker of all 3 Axis nations for this token… so national objectives not included.

  • '20 '16

    YGH, any thoughts on my post above?

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