• @M36:

    I suppose Roman religion would simply be called polytheism.

    Roman religion is to Polytheism as Baptist is to Monotheism.

  • what are the summerlands like switch?

  • I’ll have to tell you after my next trip there.  Right now, I cannot recall in my conscoius memory.

  • is there anything you CAN tell me about the summerlands? did you used to know, but have forgotten because youve been in this world too long?

  • @Janus1:

    is there anything you CAN tell me about the summerlands? did you used to know, but have forgotten because youve been in this world too long?

    It is what is between my lives.  A very pleasant place whe I can review what Ighave done, and what lies ahead.  Those souls that are between lives would be present while I was there, but of course returned souls would be absent.

    No fire, no brimstone.  but no golden roads and cheubim either.

  • are the summerlands subjective to each soul? are there inhabitants of the summerlands that cant or dont or wont come into this world? do you interact with other souls while in the summerlands? is it on the same timeline as earth, or its own? or removed from time altogether? how much time passes on earth generally before you return from the summerlands? how much time is spent in the summerlands? can you choose not to go to earth? is it an endless cycle of death and rebirth? is there any escape from it?

  • @Janus1:

    are the summerlands subjective to each soul? are there inhabitants of the summerlands that cant or dont or wont come into this world? do you interact with other souls while in the summerlands? is it on the same timeline as earth, or its own? or removed from time altogether? how much time passes on earth generally before you return from the summerlands? how much time is spent in the summerlands? can you choose not to go to earth? is it an endless cycle of death and rebirth? is there any escape from it?

    The short answer is….

    Highly variable, and highly individual.

  • Hey Ncscswitch,

    You said earlier that there is a “force.” You also said that when you pray its parallel to Catholicism in the way you channel to a specific source or location or maybe a destination.

    (bare with me wile I set the back ground of my understanding so we can meet on middle ground)

    My religious background (Mormon) learned that there is a force and it can be channeled to perform tasks if you will. There are powers out in the cosmos that are better at it then we are (God & Satan) but all living things can contribute to this force.

    I guess what I’m saying is as a mortal human we can’t make things happen like poof but if we receive the endorsement of a higher power (for Mormons God) we can direct this force. For example I as a mortal can’t flood a valley if I wanted to but God could. I would have do go about it by lets say rerouting a river to fill the valley, and dam the exits.

    In the end I accomplished the same task but on my lower plane I needed to go about it diffrent. Is this how you view the world?

  • @losttribe04:

    Hey Ncscswitch,

    You said earlier that there is a “force.” You also said that when you pray its parallel to Catholicism in the way you channel to a specific source or location or maybe a destination.

    (bare with me wile I set the back ground of my understanding so we can meet on middle ground)

    My religious background (Mormon) learned that there is a force and it can be channeled to perform tasks if you will. There are powers out in the cosmos that are better at it then we are (God & Satan) but all living things can contribute to this force.

    Some in eastern religions/cultures might call this “Qi.”

  • Hey Jermofoot,

    Is that how its spelled or is that how its pronounced?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Pronounced “chi”  i belive.

  • I thought that was how you said it is “Qi” how you spell it?

  • It is Chi that you refer to, though that is a PERSONAL focus of power for the most part, at least in the martial arts.

    As for focusing divine energies…
    Only in such manners as to not upset the balance of the cosmos.  And among most Pagans, such things require personal action “in accord”

    In other words, if you ask for divine assistance with somethign, you have to actively act and work with your own abilities in order to make it happen, and the divine energies will augment your personal actions.  But without “acting in accord”, nothing happens.

    For example…
    You can pray for a better job all you want, but without polishing your resume, sending it out, improving your job skills, etc. prayer will NOT work.
    The Gods help those who help themselves.

  • Agree 100% My church leaders tell my: pray as if everthing depends on it, work as if everthing depends on you.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Agree 100% My church leaders tell my: pray as if everthing depends on it, work as if everthing depends on you.

    Which speaks volumes about the power of prayer…  :-P

  • @losttribe04:

    I thought that was how you said it is “Qi” how you spell it?

    Yeah, you say “Qi” like chi in English, which is sometimes spelled that way.  It’s weird nuances in romanizing Chinese to English - there are actually different systems for translating.

    It’s why you might see Beijing spelled in a variety of ways: Peking, Pei-ching, etc.

    One of my favorite stories is Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, and the three oath brother heroes in the book are listed as Zhang Fei (pronounced zjang fay), Liu Bei (lee-ew bay), and Guan Yu (gwahn you) in a newer book, and Chang Fei, Liu Pei, Kuan Yu in an older one.

    Enough about that though…

    I will say that Guan Yu eventually ascended as the God of War in Chinese, Taoist, and Buddhist mythologies (varying purposes though), to tie all that into the thread.

  • Actually, Beijing is not the same as Peking, it was renamed Beijing from Peking.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I say potato, you say potatoe…

  • @Janus1:

    Actually, Beijing is not the same as Peking, it was renamed Beijing from Peking.

    It’s based on different romanization (Peking) that is much older than the current Beijing.  It’s not so much that it was renamed, but Mandarin went through some slight sound changes and therefore it’s representation in English changed as well.

    I wasn’t trying to confuse anyone (but I see how it might), but I said Beijing first since that is the current use, but I know first hand seeing it printed in the old manner the two ways I listed (and probably more).

  • I knew there were different systems for translating Chinese to English, I didn’t know that Beijing was the result in a Mandarin shift, I thought it was a renaming (as in new city name, not shift in the phonetics of the language) from Peking. Thanks for the lesson jermo!  :mrgreen:

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