@CWO-Marc Very happy to be called Nelson.
And Adam is my Villeneuve.
Battle of Southeast Texas
We have a live Global40 game scheduled in Houston, TX area (Sugar Land) beginning Friday June 24th at 12pm and finishing probably dinner time Saturday June 25th. I am smoking a brisket and sausage in the back yard for the victory dinner after we conclude Saturday evening. We will be using the revised South Texas house rules. If you would like to attend, please PM me and I will send you the address, rules for review, and my phone number. We currently have 3 players confirmed. Bring your own adult beverages. Sodas and water provided as well as snacks. Game is relaxed atmosphere. Hope to see the Texas players out in force. I will update as we fill the roster.
Pictures to be uploaded this afternoon.
We had 4 players and it was an epic 2 day adventure with Moscow finally being destroyed in round 8 or as we call it November 1943. It took Germany 2 tries to finally destroy the Red Army. Due to our house rules, Japan was not able to attack in China for 2 turns due to partisan activity. They did however completely dominate the Pacific and destroyed any ability for India to do anything. Egypt was traded twice. England was also continually bombed and USA tried to help where they could. The US and Japan did fight the final big naval battle after Moscow went down with Japan having amazing attack rolls. This combined with poor US defense rolls and too many soaker units for Japan resulted in only 6 subs, 6 destroyers, 2 bombers and 2 damaged battleships with all 6 carriers and air divisions surviving for Japan and all US units at the bottom of the Pacific. An epic weekend with much beer drank and some awesome barbecue action on the smoker. We opted for pork shoulder rather than brisket so we could eat on Friday. Hopefully we will see everyone on the next one.
Thanks goes to Andrew, Major, Jeremy, and ESPECIALLY my wife for letting us dork out for a day and a half.
Moscow before the final push.
Pacific before the final naval assault. China finally closed out.
The pork shoulder on the smoker. Braised in apple juice for 3 hours then wrapped and smoked for about 3 more hours. See you all for the next one.
After the fall of Moscow.
The victors. Andrew - Germany (left), Sean - Japan (host)
Super fun weekend all around, and those house rules were cool, man! Sorry it took two tries on Moscow, but hey, end of the day we got to re-write history while eating amazing barbeque, drinking good beers, and yapping with cool people. Loved it.
Looks like it was a great game!