I don’t think you completely understand the concept. It’s a fact that the college disproportionally favors smaller states. because of the rules for how the electorates are assigned. The President isn’t elected by the “people” he is elected by the States to represent the states. This is another example of how the states were designed to have more power than the federal government. The people in Alabama don’t want the same government as the people in Connecticut.
Actually, it doesn’t. It favors larger states. All of them get 2 votes for their senators. With that being equal, the rest of the votes equate to population. That’s why candidates shoot for the big states - California, New York, Texas, etc. - and hope to sweep up some of the smaller states. If it mattered to a single vote, then it would be MORE representative of the population. And you last point is moot, no matter the way the presidential election is held.
And, your vote does count. Did your candidate your state? If not, you are in the minority the Minority never get thier way in a democracy, thats kind of the point. If your state did chose your candidate and he still lost, then your state is in the minority of states, again democracy.
A wise man said to me recently paraphrased: other than possibly of Switzerland The US is the most Democratic nation in the world.
I disagree here as well. In a presidential election, your vote doesn’t count. That’s why the popular vote recipient can lose, and has. In my eyes, the presidential election is more for show than actual result. You have no impact whatsoever.
And your note about minorities is completely off. It’s not the point of democracy. A true democracy would say the minority base needs just as much representation as the majority. There has to be some protection - otherwise, it’s not a democracy but mob rule. Furthermore, depending on what you look at, the minority and majority could be comprised of anyone. Is it by gender? Age? Race? Hardly a way to go. Other things to consider - why should men decide what happens with women, a la abortion? Or the heterosexuals on gay issues? Etc, etc.
By the way the house of representatives favors the smallest states in the same way the college does.
No, like CC said, it’s the Senate. The House is based on population. Remember the Connecticut Compromise…