• I wanted to open up this thread for people to ask questions about the two new units introduced in this game, the Mechanized Infantry and the Strategic Bomber.

    Here’s my questions:

    1. Will mechanized infantry be supported by artillery just like regular infantry?

    2. Will these units be incorporated into future A&A games and will they make molds for the Anniversary Edition so I can incorporate them into it?

  • 1. Mech infantry are not supported by artillery (this would be very strong, and mech infantry are indirectly supported by tanks through the blitz feature)

    2. Anniversary edition was a one shot deal, I doubt it will be reprinted as “Anniversary Editon”, more likely perhaps is it being reprinted as Axis and Allies Deluxe, the big brother to 1942….new units may or may not be present, if the scope of the game shrinks, the need for new units decreases, Mech infantry in 50th might throw the game out of whack, considering its a short sprint from Berlin to moscow in that game for armor (2 turns)

  • Mech Infantry with 5 IPC tanks could throw the game out of whack. Mech Infantry with 6 IPC tanks… probably not. It would probably just give a slight bonus to the defense.
    10 IPCs in AA50 now gets you two units with 3 attack and 2 movement
    10 IPCs in AA40 gets you two units, one with 3 attack the other with 1 attack, and both with 2 movement.
    AA40s stats are strictly worse. Restating tanks and adding in mech infantry would probably give Russia an advantage.
    The 6 IPC tank would matter more than adding in the mech infantry, which would have comparatively less effect.

  • Tanks are now overpriced junk if you ask me.  2 tanks, or 3 mech inf, i’ll take the mech inf each and every time.

  • I agree 6 IPCs is a bit much for a tank, but I don’t think every time is quite accurate. Remember that they attack on a 1. That’s 1/3 as much as a tank. If you don’t have any air support to provide some real attack power, 3 mech infantry are going to be rather lacking in offensive punch. On the defense, though, mech infantry are much better than tanks. But they are also a hell of a lot worse than infantry on the defense.

  • @Tralis:

    But they are also a hell of a lot worse than infantry on the defense.

    While the added 1 IPC cost may not seem worth it for the increased movement I would think that due to the vast size of China on this map they will prove useful for Japan later in the game.

  • @Vareel:

    Tanks are now overpriced junk if you ask me.  2 tanks, or 3 mech inf, i’ll take the mech inf each and every time.

    mech infantry without tanks are worse than infantry.

  • There are two reasons in older AAs to buy tanks.  1) the 2 space movement, this makes them get to the front faster and the can opener threat, 2) you got extra money but no extra build slots.  With pacific, I can buy the mech inf for 4, or armor for 6, the mech inf still has the 2 space move, and are 2/3rds the price.  Why on earth would I buy the armor?  Esp when I start with around 25 planes for punch.

  • Because mech infantry can only move 2 space if couple with a tank(I think).

  • I think for Pacific that yes, armor will not be used as much. But in the European side, armor will be a big thing. Pacific theater will be more about island hopping still, so infantry, ships and planes are still where it’s at. But don’t kid yourself, tanks own on land, and they will in Europe.

  • not paired up with a tank like inf/art, just has to be 1 tank around to ‘blitz’, they can still move 2 in NCM or to attack from a territory behind if you already hold the territory infront, at least from my understanding.  Honesty can you think of 1 instance other than say in africa where the ‘no blitz’ would be a true limiting factor, because I cannot.  And even then I can just keep 1 of my starting armors around to allow my mech inf stack to do this.  I’m sorry I love the concept of mech inf, tac figs, cruisers, and to an extent subs, but will be house ruling them without a doubt.

  • Official Q&A


    not paired up with a tank like inf/art, just has to be 1 tank around to ‘blitz’

    Not true.  One tank allows one mechanized infantry to blitz.

  • Ah ok, thanks.  Now by blitz do you mean move 2 spaces or the action of blitzing threw an enemy held territory with no units in it and attack a 2nd territory, i’m assuming the second.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, the second.  Mechanized infantry can move through friendly territories all on their own.

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