Yes, it’s in the FAQ.
Just curious, what exactly is being done about these issues?
Replacement battle strips are being made available through Wizards Customer Service, and the FAQ and errata is being prepared for publication on AH’s website. Further remedies are also being considered, but I can’t discuss them at this point.
OK Krieghund, but if you are in contact with WOTC…you could ask them to put somekind of information on their website about fixes and corrections. That’s just the minimal service for customers, not a crazy amount of work I think.
This will be done as soon as it is finalized.
That seems fair. I’m thinking of all the people that don’t know to look on here for info. If there is something on the WOTC home site for A&A, it would help the casual owner find the right answers. And a lot of people may be looking at the WOTC site for info since they are likely interested in E40.
Poor people?
This game is just playable without this ERRATA! …like we played our first few games. 1 Jap victory and 2 Allied victories.
The one thing that really hurts, is the setup mistake! :-P
That’s a premiere, or not.
That seems fair. I’m thinking of all the people that don’t know to look on here for info. If there is something on the WOTC home site for A&A, it would help the casual owner find the right answers. And a lot of people may be looking at the WOTC site for info since they are likely interested in E40.
Poor people?
This game is just playable without this ERRATA! …like we played our first few games. 1 Jap victory and 2 Allied victories.
The one thing that really hurts, is the setup mistake! :-P
That’s a premiere, or not.
It may be playable but its not what Larry intended.
I’m starting to notice a trend that every thread in the P40 forum ends in this discussion.
So the real question is:
Otherwise, we will continue to just slam WOTC and complain about spending $90.
Thoughts anyone?
I’m all for the continued attacks on WOTC. They claim they read these forums and are “in touch” with what the people who buy their products are concerned about. Really? Well then how about they step up and do the right thing? They have NO PLANS to send us a chart for IPCs that goes into the 50s/60s/70s, but they’ll be happy to send us a battleboard 3 months after we bought the game…does anyone actually USE a battleboard? They have changed the starting setup of the game, but our lids are now wrong. Stickers? New lids? Pipe dreams. Especially when you look at their site, the FAQ for this game? Non-existent! PDF of the rules? NOPE. Not that they would be accurate, there is no errata for the game on their site.
$90 is not a drop in the bucket for some people. If you think it is, i’ll send you my paypal info and you can drop it in my bucket and I will shut up and stop complaining about this game.
Playtesters never test the final product. Once it’s final, it’s a little too late for testing. Once the game design is finalized, it’s up to the editors to make sure that nothing changes during the translation from prototype to final product. There are many steps in which mistakes can be made.
Kreig you seem to be a decent guy, but I declare shenanigans on what you say here regarding the map itself. Are you saying the map you played on had the lines for the sea zones correct? That the names on the board were spelled correctly? That the setup didn’t have misspellings? How about the rule regarding IPC values for Maj ICs? No one caught the issue in Australia? Or the rule about IC’s on an island? No one caught NZ?
Again, not attacking you, I have no idea what you contributed to the final game, I can only assume based on your tireless efforts on this site that if not for you the game we would have all purchased in December would have had 5 random magic the gathering cards, risk pieces and a rulebook for D&D and the board from D-Day.
I think there needed to be more eyes on the beta product, and WOTC needs to olive branch it with the community here. Want me to buy AAE40? I’m thinking MIR would be a good idea. Or hell, include these to hold all the boards together. I bought 6 for $2.34 at office depot, I’m sure they could buy them in bulk and even put logos on them.
$90 is not a drop in the bucket for some people. If you think it is, i’ll send you my paypal info and you can drop it in my bucket and I will shut up and stop complaining about this game.
Then I’ll be glad to give you my paypal as well. Lol here here.
Playtesters never test the final product. Once it’s final, it’s a little too late for testing. Once the game design is finalized, it’s up to the editors to make sure that nothing changes during the translation from prototype to final product. There are many steps in which mistakes can be made.
Kreig you seem to be a decent guy, but I declare shenanigans on what you say here regarding the map itself. Are you saying the map you played on had the lines for the sea zones correct? That the names on the board were spelled correctly? That the setup didn’t have misspellings? How about the rule regarding IPC values for Maj ICs? No one caught the issue in Australia? Or the rule about IC’s on an island? No one caught NZ?
I will let Krieghund answer these specific questions himself, but I will say that in working on AA50 and then AAE 40/AA40 Global, he is right in saying these issues (or the vast majority) are coming from the WotC side of the equation.
I am not saying that at all. I cannot and will not comment on where in the process any particular error occurred. My point was simply that there are many points in the process in which they may occur, and certain parts of the process may be beyond the control of any specific individual. That being said, game design and production is a team effort, and we are all collectively responsible for the final product. Anyone outside the process cannot possibly know which individual or individuals are to blame for any given error, and I’m not about to point fingers.
While we try our hardest to make sure things are prefect from our end…
Trying so hard to resist the irony… ;)
since apparently my post was copied to another thread, I’ll reply in both…
Again, to clarify. Not attacking anyone, except WOTC. Someone had said all the threads eventually reach the point where we bash WOTC.
I said that more eyes were needed on the game before it was released. I asked if the map was “correct” in regards to sea zones before it went gold, because if you guys saw the same typos and map lines on your beta copies, then…you missed errors.
If you didn’t have these issues, If Palau was spelled correctly etc, and Sea Zone 5/6 touched the proper land borders and WOTC changed lines on the map for some reason, then they are deserving of our contempt.
I don’t want to drop another $90 on Europe without trying at the least to get WOTC to take a look at the way they do things.
Look at the forum thread on getting extra pieces. How many people have posted that they are getting cut and paste replies with no sign of people actually reading their email? I had this, I called them (literally) on it, and boom. I’m supposedly getting more Tac Bombers. We’ll see.
Calling them chimps on the forum does nothing, actually take the 6 minutes and CALL THEM. Even if you think you aren’t getting anything across, I’m sure they have to log calls, and when they see the complaints about insufficient pieces they might do the math and see that including more plastic is more cost efficient than paying 10 people $10.60 and hour to answer complaint calls. Ever have a problem with a cell phone company? Keep calling in. They think like this. I get a new phone from Verizon YEARLY because I call and complain when mine breaks 3 weeks after the warranty runs out. Keep calling. They see you are tying up a Rep. multiple times a week, they write off a new phone for you. Just to make you go away.
I will do the same:
Since I’m the one that pointed out a lot of threads were ending in WOTC bashing with no real plan of action, I feel I should comment.
I support what MaherC is saying here. I didn’t have to resort to calling to get my tacs, but apparently the rest of us do. I’ve had multiple cases of having to ask for defective or missing pieces to be replaced by WOTC so maybe that’s why I was treated differently, I don’t know. I’m glad to see we are starting to take a united stand on what we believe in:
1. The game did not live up to previous PRODUCTION standards.
2. We don’t blame Krieg or Larry for PRODUCTION problems.
3. We need to continue to support each other to help maintain the standard we expect from WOTC in the games we buy and play.
Kreig, Larry, and the others are hard at work sorting this out. We must have faith in them that we will get the game back to what Larry wanted it to be. Remember, this isn’t some video game you’ll be bored with next week. We all bought this as an intellectual investment to enjoy for years. And we will if we just give them the time to work out the details of the new problems that have come up. In the meantime, I too believe the focus should be on the tangible quality problems that WOTC has caused in production and leave the rules stuff to sorted out correctly, not quickly.